##Open vSwitch installation
$wget http://openvswitch.org/releases/openvswitch-2.4.0.tar.gz
Follow the instructions included in the archive.
NLAN requires "dkms", "common" and "switch" only. Use dpkg command (dpkg -i) to install the deb packages.
##Working with Docker
[Step1] Create an image of Debian/Ubuntu with Open vSwitch installed
You need to copy the following deb packages to the Docker containers:
- openvswitch-switch_*.deb
- openvswitch-common_*.deb
Then "dpkg -i" to install them.
[Step2] Allow ssh root login to the Docker container
#PermitRootLogin wihtout-password
PermitRootLogin yes
[Step3] Allow containers to run tcpdump
$ mv /usr/sbin/tcpdump /usr/bin/tcpdump
(to avoid Permission Denied error)
[Step4] Install Quagga
Install Quagga and enable zebra, ospfd and bgpd.
Dont't forget to append the following to ~/.bashrc:
export VTYSH_PAGER=more
Also, change owner.group of /etc/quagga/*.conf
$ chown quagga.quagga /etc/quagga/*.conf
[Step5] Commit the image
$ docker commit <image name> image