Binary Code | Description | Abbreviation |
0000000000000000b |
ASCII Null | NUL |
0000000000000001b |
ASCII Start of Header | SOH |
0000000000000010b |
ASCII Start of Text | STX |
0000000000000011b |
ASCII End of Text | ETX |
0000000000000100b |
ASCII End of Transmission | EOT |
0000000000000101b |
ASCII Enquiry | ENQ |
0000000000000110b |
ASCII Acknowledge | ACK |
0000000000000111b |
ASCII Bell/Alert | BEL |
0000000000001000b |
ASCII Backspace | BS |
0000000000001001b |
ASCII Horizontal Tab | HT |
0000000000001010b |
ASCII Line Feed/New Line | LF |
0000000000001011b |
ASCII Vertical Tab | VT |
0000000000001100b |
ASCII Form Feed | FF |
0000000000001101b |
ASCII Carriage Return | CR |
0000000000001110b |
ASCII Shift Out | SO |
0000000000001111b |
ASCII Shift In | SI |
0000000000010000b |
ASCII Data Link Escape | DLE |
0000000000010001b |
ASCII Device Control 1 (XON) | DC1 |
0000000000010010b |
ASCII Device Control 2 | DC2 |
0000000000010011b |
ASCII Device Control 3 (XOFF) | DC3 |
0000000000010100b |
ASCII Device Control 4 | DC4 |
0000000000010101b |
ASCII Negative Acknowledge | NAK |
0000000000010110b |
ASCII Synchronous Idle | SYN |
0000000000010111b |
ASCII End of Transmission Block | ETB |
0000000000011000b |
ASCII Cancel | CAN |
0000000000011001b |
ASCII End of Medium | EM |
0000000000011010b |
ASCII Substitute | SUB |
0000000000011011b |
ASCII Escape | ESC |
0000000000011100b |
ASCII File Separator | FS |
0000000000011101b |
ASCII Group Separator | GS |
0000000000011110b |
ASCII Record Separator | RS |
0000000000011111b |
ASCII Unit Separator | US |
0000000001111111b |
ASCII Delete | DEL |
0000000010000000b |
ASCII Padding Character | PAD |
0000000010000001b |
ASCII High Octet Preset | HOP |
0000000010000010b |
ASCII Break Permitted Here | BPH |
0000000010000011b |
ASCII No Break Here | NBH |
0000000010000100b |
ASCII Index | IND |
0000000010000101b |
ASCII Next Line | NEL |
0000000010000110b |
ASCII Start of Selected Area | SSA |
0000000010000111b |
ASCII End of Selected Area | ESA |
0000000010001000b |
ASCII Horizontal Tabulation Set | HTS |
0000000010001001b |
ASCII Horizontal Tab With Justification | HTJ |
0000000010001010b |
ASCII Vertical Tabulation Set | VTS |
0000000010001011b |
ASCII Partial Line Down | PLD |
0000000010001100b |
ASCII Partial Line Up | PLU |
0000000010001101b |
ASCII Reverse Line Feed | RI |
0000000010001110b |
ASCII Single-Shift 2 | SS2 |
0000000010001111b |
ASCII Single-Shift 3 | SS3 |
0000000010010000b |
ASCII Device Control String | DCS |
0000000010010001b |
ASCII Private Use 1 | PU1 |
0000000010010010b |
ASCII Private Use 2 | PU2 |
0000000010010011b |
ASCII Set Transmit State | STS |
0000000010010100b |
ASCII Cancel character | CCH |
0000000010010101b |
ASCII Message Waiting | MW |
0000000010010110b |
ASCII Start of Protected Area | SPA |
0000000010010111b |
ASCII End of Protected Area | EPA |
0000000010011000b |
ASCII Start of String | SOS |
0000000010011001b |
ASCII Single Graphic Character Introducer | SGC |
0000000010011010b |
ASCII Single Character Introducer | SCI |
0000000010011011b |
ASCII Control Sequence Introducer | CSI |
0000000010011100b |
ASCII String Terminator | ST |
0000000010011101b |
ASCII Operating System Command | OSC |
0000000010011110b |
ASCII Privacy Message | PM |
0000000010011111b |
ASCII Application Program Command | APC |