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File metadata and controls

229 lines (164 loc) · 6.45 KB

Server API

Function Signature
handle { k: (a -> Promise b) } -> (Action, Function) -> Promise Action
join Socket -> (a -> String) -> a -> a
leave Socket -> (a -> String) -> a -> a
to Socket -> (a -> String) -> String -> a -> a
unlock Socket -> [ Function ] -> a -> Promise a


To setup @articulate/sox in your service, simply provide the following options:

Name Type Default Description
middleware [Middleware] [] List of @articulate/sox middleware functions

The signature of each Middleware function must be:

Middleware :: Middleware -> { type, payload, respond } -> Promise b

The list of middleware will be executed LTR. Each middleware may execute anything before or after the next middleware, as long as it's within a Promise chain. For example, you might want to log incoming actions, and also notify an error aggregation service:

const { compose, curry, tap } = require('ramda')
const { reject } = require('@articulate/funky')

const { cry } = require('../lib/errors')

const logActions = curry((next, data) =>

const cryErrors = curry((next, data) =>
    .catch(compose(reject, tap(cry)))

const middleware = [ logActions, cryErrors ]

module.exports = require('@articulate/sox')({ middleware })

Note that it's best to re-reject any caught errors, so that other middleware can catch them again.



handle :: { k: (a -> Promise b) } -> (Action, Function) -> Promise b

Accepts a mapping of FSA-compliant action types to unary handler functions. Returns a callback. Lifts each handler into a Promise chain and wraps it with the supplied middleware.

The correct handler function will be chosen based on the type of an incoming action, and will then be called with the payload of that action. The resolved value of that handler will then be wrapped back up as an action of the same type and sent to the client as a response.

See also join, leave, to.

const courses         = require('../db/courses')
const { handle, to }  = require('../lib/sox')

const {
} = require('../actions/courses')

module.exports = (socket, next) => {
  socket.on('action', handle({
    [ DEL_COURSE ]: courses.delCourse,
    [ GET_COURSE ]: courses.getCourse,
    [ PUT_COURSE ]: courses.putCourse



join :: Socket -> (a -> String) -> a -> a

Accepts a socket and a room function. The room function is used to translate the incoming payload into a room identifier. The socket is then joined to the room, and the payload is passed through.

See also handle, leave, to.

const { pipeP } = require('ramda')

const courses          = require('../db/courses')
const { GET_COURSE }   = require('../actions/courses')
const { handle, join } = require('../lib/sox')

const courseRoom = ({ id }) =>

module.exports = (socket, next) => {
  const getCourse = pipeP(
    join(socket, courseRoom)

  socket.on('action', handle({
    [ GET_COURSE ]: getCourse



leave :: Socket -> (a -> String) -> a -> a

Accepts a socket and a room function. The room function is used to translate the incoming payload into a room identifier. The socket is then removed from the room, and the payload is passed through.

See also handle, join, to.

const { pipeP } = require('ramda')

const courses           = require('../db/courses')
const { DEL_COURSE }    = require('../actions/courses')
const { handle, leave } = require('../lib/sox')

const courseRoom = ({ id }) =>

module.exports = (socket, next) => {
  const delCourse = pipeP(
    leave(socket, courseRoom)

  socket.on('action', handle({
    [ DEL_COURSE ]: delCourse



to :: Socket -> (a -> String) -> String -> a -> a

Accepts a socket, a room function, and an FSA-compliant action type. The room function is used to translate the incoming payload into a room identifier. An 'action' event with an action of { type, payload } is then broadcast to all sockets. Finally, the payload is passed through.

See also handle, join, leave.

const { pipeP } = require('ramda')

const { courses }    = require('../db/courses')
const { PUT_COURSE } = require('../action/courses')
const { handle, to } = require('../lib/sox')

const courseRoom = ({ id }) =>

module.exports = (socket, next) => {
  const putCourse = pipeP(
    to(socket, courseRoom, PUT_COURSE)

  socket.on('action', handle({
    [ PUT_COURSE ]: putCourse



unlock :: Socket -> [ Function ] -> a -> Promise a

Constructs a single-use function to unlock a list of secure middleware (not to be confused with @articulate/sox middleware). Useful when you would like to expose some socket actions publicly, but only unlock others after the user has authenticated.

Wrapped with R.once to avoid executing the secure middleware repeatedly.

const Joi          = require('joi')
const { pipeP }    = require('ramda')
const { validate } = require('@articulate/funky')

const { AUTHENTICATE }   = require('../actions/auth')
const { handle, unlock } = require('../lib/sox')

const secureMiddleware = [

const authSchema = Joi.object({
  token: Joi.string().required()

module.exports = (socket, next) => {
  const authenticate = pipeP(
    // check the user's token, and then...
    unlock(socket, secureMiddleware)

  socket.on('action', handle({
    [ AUTHENTICATE ]: authenticate
