This git repo contains notebooks and code for the final project of ECE 285 @ UC San Diego, Fall 2019 on Image Captioning.
Team Members:
- Aniket Tiwari, A53318400
- Ranganathan Ramkumar, A53299500
- Kaustav Datta, A53315687
- Suhrid Subramaniam, A53321749
Our code is written in Python and we use the following packages/libraries: PyTorch 0.4, scikit, argparse
We have two folders in our repo: Method 1 and Method 2. Method 1 contains implementation of Show and Tell whereas Method 2 contains implementation for Show, Attend and Tell. Our experiments showed that Show, Attend and Tell gave us better results. Therefore, code organization of Show, Attend and Tell is described below.
The following files can be found in the Method 2
folder -
- This is used to create the following:- An HDF5 file containing images for each split in an
I, 3, 256, 256
tensor, whereI
is the number of images in the split. Pixel values are still in the range [0, 255], and are stored as unsigned 8-bitInt
s. - A JSON file for each split with a list of
encoded captions, whereN_c
is the number of captions sampled per image. These captions are in the same order as the images in the HDF5 file. Therefore, thei
th caption will correspond to thei // N_c
th image. - A JSON file for each split with a list of
caption lengths. Thei
th value is the length of thei
th caption, which corresponds to thei // N_c
th image. - A JSON file which contains the
, the word-to-index dictionary.
- An HDF5 file containing images for each split in an
- This creates the Dataset object (of typeCaptionDataset
- Where our model classes are
- The file which is used to train our
- Takes care of things like creating the input files, saving model checkpoints, adjusting learning rate,
- Performs beacm search and returns BLEAU-4
- Runs inference on an image and generates a captionImage Captioning Training.ipynb
- Notebook to be run for trainingTesting.ipynb
- Notebook to be run for testing
The dataset used is the MSCOCO '14 Dataset. After downloading the Training and Valdiation datasets, we create a hdf5 file using Andrej Karpathy's data splits. This is done by running
after pointing it to the Karpathy's COCO JSON file and the image folder containing the extracted train2014 and val2014 folders from the downloaded data.
To start training the model, run python
. Make sure the data is pointed correctly.
Before running inference, our trained model can be downloaded from this link
Keep this model in the folder that is the parent of Method 2/
To run inference on an image, run -
python --img='path/to/image.jpeg' --model='path/to/BEST_checkpoint_coco_5_cap_per_img_5_min_word_freq.pth.tar' --word_map='path/to/WORDMAP_coco_5_cap_per_img_5_min_word_freq.json' --beam_size=5
Alternatively, training can be perfomed using the Image Captioning Training.ipynb
notebook inside Method 2
folder. For inference, use Testing.ipynb
in the same folder. There are already 3 sample images on which the model has been run in the notebook.
The structure and content of our code has been influenced by the following sources -