as of 13april, I ... havent done any of the below task,hope to clear up in april
- [10] multiple of i that is
x - [09] mersenne_prime
- [08] meissel-lehmer algorithm
- [07] modular-exponent
- [06] modular inverse for what again
- [05] create cpp snippet for nCr and nPr
- [04] finding-prime-factors
- [03] convert n distinct number in 1-n range
- how to map distinct number in a range & what are benefits?
- [02] combination & permutation
- [01]
- in rust (2 simple problem from dimiqoj)
- in rust,
- how to unpack array value into a variables?
- recall how to read vector or int in rust?
- on what data type
exist? - how to do floor division of
in rust?
- consider int a <= i,x,n <= 1^10,
- find lowest multiple of i that is
x? - find height multiple of i that is
- find lowest multiple of i that is
- in rust,
in rust,
- how to convert 🔥 to unicode value(aka u32)
- how to convert the converted unicode back to char or string?
what is mersenne_prime ?
in rust,
- how to find sum of a vector/map?
- how to convert a each char in "323" to a digit?
- red
recall how to read a & parse a line of integer into a i32 array?
- first step?
- how many method need to call?
- red
- deno write in stdout without
? - deno input from usr?
- rust
vs65 as u8
what is common? - how type works in rust?
- deno write in stdout without
- how to take an array input in go?
- how to find prime in rust?
- find sqrt of number in rust?
- find ln2 of a number in rust?
- return vector from a function
- return array from a function
has to be usize? -
to iterate all evens in 1..100 - again > april
- how OK() & Err() works ?
- how stdin works in os ?
- 🦀
- matches!();
- ch.is_alphabetic();
- vec.push()
- HashMap::new()
- hashmap.insert()
- stuff in rust🦀
- array
- iter()
- cloned()
- collect()
- chars()
- stuff in rust🦀
- 1 problem solved from 52pack
- 🔴 #1 no time for cp
- 2 problem solved from 52pack
- 🔴 #28 no time for cp
after 12 April, I was just lost
- E. Vlad and a Pair of Numbers
- again > mar
- E. Vlad and a Pair of Numbers
- !! E. Vlad and a Pair of Numbers
- solved on
- !! E. Vlad and a Pair of Numbers
- B. interesting drink
- again solved from
- again > mar .. try without binary search & sorting in
$O(n+q)$ complexity
- B. interesting drink
- D. Triangle Coloring
modular inverse
- again > mar
- D. Triangle Coloring
- !! D. Triangle Coloring
- solved on
- learn the combinatorics basics first
- !! D. Triangle Coloring
- B. K-th Beautiful String
- again > mar
- Also try to understand the implementation of editorial
- D. Buying Shovels
- again > mar
- D. Buying Shovels
- !! D. Buying Shovels
- solved on
- C. Product of Three Numbers
- again > march
- !! D. Buying Shovels
- !! C. Product of Three Numbers
- solved on on
- how prime factors, factor are calculated fast ?
- lc two-sum
two pointer
- again solve using
$O(n)$ complexity
- !! C. Product of Three Numbers
- B. random-teams
- again solve using connected components(graph theory)
- B. random-teams
- B. Pashmak and Flowers
- again review combinatorics
- how and why
$(n*(n-1))/2$ used for calculation ?
- B. Pashmak and Flowers
- B. interesting drink
binary search
- again solve & review binary search &
- B. interesting drink