Workflow tool using ethereum blockchain network, store on IPFS/Filecoin via NFT.Storage, Chainlink for storing offchain metadata, Chainlink Data Feeds and automation for TPA claims and payments. Please visit
Please install or have installed the following:
- Install Brownie, if you haven't already. Here is a simple way to install brownie.
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
# restart your terminal
pipx install eth-brownie
Or, if that doesn't work, via pip
pip install eth-brownie
- Download the mix and install dependencies.
brownie bake chainlink-mix
cd chainlink-mix
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will open up a new Chainlink project. Or, you can clone from source:
git clone
cd chainlink-mix
If you want to be able to deploy to testnets, do the following.
environment variables.
by getting a free trial of Infura. At the moment, it does need to be infura with brownie. If you get lost, you can follow this guide to getting a project key. You can find your PRIVATE_KEY
from your ethereum wallet like metamask.
You'll also need testnet ETH and LINK. You can get LINK and ETH into your wallet by using the faucets located here. If you're new to this, watch this video.. Look at the goeli
section for those specific testnet faucets.
You can add your environment variables to a .env
file. You can use the .env.exmple as a template, just fill in the values and rename it to '.env'. Then, uncomment the line # dotenv: .env
in brownie-config.yaml
Here is what your .env
should look like:
AND THEN RUN source .env
(You'll need to do this every time you open a new terminal, or learn how to set them easier)
Otherwise, you can build, test, and deploy on your local environment.
For local testing install ganache-cli
npm install -g ganache-cli
yarn add global ganache-cli
All the scripts are designed to work locally or on a testnet. You can add a ganache-cli or ganache UI chain like so:
brownie networks add Ethereum ganache host=http://localhost:8545 chainid=1337
And update the brownie config accordingly. There is a deploy_mocks
script that will launch and deploy mock Oracles, VRFCoordinators, Link Tokens, and Price Feeds on a Local Blockchain.
This mix provides a simple template for working with Chainlink Smart Contracts. The easiest way to start is to fork the mainnet chain to a local ganache chain. This will allow you to deploy local smart contracts to interact with the Chainlink Price Feeds.
NOTE: It's highly encouraged that you work with a local chain before testing on a testnet. You'll be a much faster developer!
This will deploy a smart contract to goerli and then read you the latest price via Chainlink Price Feeds.
brownie run scripts/price_feed_scripts/ --network goerli
brownie run scripts/price_feed_scripts/ --network goerli
Or, you can use ENS
brownie run scripts/price_feed_scripts/ --network goerli
Otherwise, you can fork mainnet and use that in a local ganache development environment.
brownie console --network mainnet-fork
>>> price_feeds = PriceFeedConsumer.deploy('0x5f4eC3Df9cbd43714FE2740f5E3616155c5b8419', {'from': accounts[0]})
>>> latest_price = price_feeds.getLatestPrice()
>>> latest_price
You can also use ENS to get prices. See the ens price feed script for more information.
This will deploy a smart contract to goerli and get a Random number via Chainlink VRF.
If you haven't created and funded a subscription on you can do so on the UI, or by running:
brownie run scripts/vrf_scripts/ --network goerli
Before running the next scripts. Running 01_deploy_vrf
will also add your consumer contract to the registry.
brownie run scripts/vrf_scripts/ --network goerli
brownie run scripts/vrf_scripts/ --network goerli
brownie run scripts/vrf_scripts/ --network goerli
This will deploy a smart contract to goerli and then make an API call via Chainlink API Call.
brownie run scripts/chainlink_api_scripts/ --network goerli
brownie run scripts/chainlink_api_scripts/ --network goerli
brownie run scripts/chainlink_api_scripts/ --network goerli
This is just to show you how to deploy the Keepers, you can learn more about registering them in the Chainlink Keeper documentation.
brownie run scripts/keeper_scripts/ --network goerli
brownie run scripts/keeper_scripts/ --network goerli
For local development, you might want to deploy mocks. You can run the script to deploy mocks. Depending on your setup, it might make sense to not deploy mocks if you're looking to fork a mainnet. It all depends on what you're looking to do though. Right now, the scripts automatically deploy a mock so they can run.
brownie test
For more information on effective testing with Chainlink, check out Testing Smart Contracts
Tests are really robust here! They work for local development and testnets. There are a few key differences between the testnets and the local networks. We utilize mocks so we can work with fake oracles on our testnets.
There is a test_unnecessary
folder, which is a good exercise for learning some of the nitty-gritty of smart contract development. It's overkill, so pytest will skip them intentionally. It also has a test_samples
folder, which shows an example Chainlink API call transaction receipt.
brownie test
This will test the same way as local testing, but you will need a connection to a mainnet blockchain (like with the infura environment variable.)
brownie test --network mainnet-fork
Goerli is currently supported. Please check the Chainlink docs for which products are supported on which chains.
brownie test --network goerli
If the blockchain is EVM Compatible, adding new chains can be accomplished by something like:
brownie networks add Ethereum binance-smart-chain host= chainid=56
or, for a fork:
brownie networks add development binance-fork cmd=ganache-cli host= fork= accounts=10 mnemonic=brownie port=8545
pip install black
pip install autoflake
autoflake --in-place --remove-unused-variables --remove-all-unused-imports -r .
black .
If you're using vscode and the solidity extension, you can create a folder called .vscode
at the root folder of this project, and create a file called settings.json
, and add the following content:
"solidity.remappings": [
This will quiet the linting errors it gives you.
To get started with Brownie:
- Chainlink Documentation
- Check out the Chainlink documentation to get started from any level of smart contract engineering.
- Check out the other Brownie mixes that can be used as a starting point for your own contracts. They also provide example code to help you get started.
- "Getting Started with Brownie" is a good tutorial to help you familiarize yourself with Brownie.
- For more in-depth information, read the Brownie documentation.
Any questions? Join our Discord
This project is licensed under the MIT license.