From 1b558603f32070b2820efdd4b1aa911117679356 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alija Sabic Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 19:34:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] docs: remove prev/next from main plugin page, copy and correct documentation for plugins: BlinkChangeDetector, DateToDouble, HRVRmssdFromRR, JsonParser, StringExtractor, TimestampWriter. --- Documentation/docs/plugins/ | 2 + .../plugins/processors/ | 157 ++++++++++++++++++ .../docs/plugins/processors/ | 42 +++++ .../docs/plugins/processors/ | 54 ++++++ .../docs/plugins/processors/ | 70 ++++++++ .../plugins/processors/ | 45 +++++ .../plugins/processors/ | 53 ++++++ 7 files changed, 423 insertions(+) diff --git a/Documentation/docs/plugins/ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/ index c6af66431..5f7d5da7d 100644 --- a/Documentation/docs/plugins/ +++ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/ @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ --- title: AsTeRICS Plugins +previous: false +next: false --- # Plugins diff --git a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ index e69de29bb..d405e9566 100644 --- a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ +++ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +--- +title: BlinkChangeDetector +subcategory: Easy Reading +--- + +# BlinkChangeDetector + +## Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Easy Reading) + +The plugin detects blinks, based on the eyes’ open and closed states which are indicated by events, which it listens to, and then calculates and outputs blink-related metrics. +This plugin does not detect the eyes’ states itself! Though, in order not to bother the plugin user (the AsTeRICS model developer) with blink detection, it is sufficient to externally fire events of both eyes’ state currently being open or closed (no matter whether the state has changed or stayed the same for a while). +By the plugin listening to the events `eyesAreOrBecomeOpen` and `eyesAreOrBecomeClosed` is also how the model developer can individually specify a temporal granularity for blink metrics output, e.g. by external timers and thresholds, even if the eyes’ state has not changed. + +Eyes state: open or closed, always with reference to both eyes simultaneously. + +**Basic Terminology for Blink States**: A blink’s start is defined as both eyes’ state having simultaneously changed from open to closed, the blink’s end is indicated by both eyes’ being reopened again. +There is an ongoing (a “current”) blink as soon as a blink’s start is detected. + +**Provided Metrics**: The respective “forwarding” event listeners allow recalculating and forwarding blink rate or blink duration to the output ports on demand. +There is a recalculation before every output. + +Further, blink rate and blink duration are recalculated and sent to the output ports when the eyes’ state changes, and, if specified via properties, in a certain interval. +If the eyes’ state events are detected but the state has not changed, there is only a recalculation and output when property `OutputIntervalMs` is set and has passed by since the last state-based output. + +**Implications**: Note, that the duration changes while the eyes are closed and is set to 0 milliseconds when the eyes’ state changes to closed. +It is longest at the first `eyesAreOrBecomeOpen` event in a row and then set back to 0 milliseconds again till the next `eyesAreOrBecomeClosed` is detected. + +In contrast, the rate changes steadily and is unlikely to ever be 0 Hz again, independently from eyes being closed or open. + +A blink is included in the rate calculation as soon as it has started (i.e. the eyes changed to closed). + +**Trend Detection**: Changes in blink rate and blink duration are analysed at certain eyes’ states respectively state changes. +Then the plugin fires events, if certain thresholds are exceeded respectively undercut. + +The detectable trends (rate increase/decrease and duration prolongation/shortening) work with the same basic detection algorithm, described below, but using trend-specific properties (see Properties Section). + +**Trend Detection Triggers in detail (also see Event Listeners Section)**: The rate trend is analysed, when a blink starts or the output interval leads to recalculation. +The duration trend is only analysed, when a blink ends (as then the final duration is clear and as there cannot be a duration analysis while no blink is going on, either). +Trend detection is never done when there is a rate or duration recalculation and output due to forwarding events. + +## Basic Trend Detection Algorithm + +Blink duration trend detection as well as blink rate trend detection allow certain thresholds. +All of them are optional and specify whether only an increasing, only a decreasing, both or no trends are detectable. + +Each calculated value not undercutting the lower and not exceeding the upper threshold is "within range". + +If the most recently calculated value is passed on to trend detection, three cases are possible: + +- The value exceeds the upper threshold which starts the detection algorithm for a currently ongoing increasing trend. +- The value undercuts the lower threshold which starts the detection algorithm for a currently ongoing decreasing trend. +- The value is within range which means an ongoing trend is not interrupted but no new trend can be detected either. + +If one of the thresholds is not set, the corresponding case cannot appear but does not influence the others. + +If trend detection into one direction is initiated, an opposite trend is always interrupted. + +Whenever starting trend detection into one direction, the corresponding internal counter (above upper threshold or below lower threshold) is set to 1, then the buffer of earlier calculated values is walked through backwards, i.e. the more recent values first. +Each value within the range does not affect trend detection, whereas each crossing a threshold in the same direction increases the counter and in the opposite direction interrupts this turn of trend detection. + +The algorithm terminates with firing the corresponding trend detection event, as soon as the counter exceeds `howManyDurationOutliers` (for a duration trend) or `howManyRateOutliers` (for a rate trend), respectively. + +The algorithm terminates with not firing any detection event, if the start of the buffer was reached or if it was interrupted by a value crossing the opposite threshold. + +## Input Port Description + +None. + +## Output Port Description + +- **blinkDurationMs**: Outputs the currently recalculated duration in milliseconds (ms) since blink start, whenever the event `forwardCurrentBlinkDuration` is detected, eyes’ state changed to closed, or `eyesAreOrBecomeOpen` or `eyesAreOrBecomeClosed` are detected and property `OutputIntervalMs` passed by. + Outputs 0, if currently the eyes are open (no current blink – indicated by the event `eyesAreOrBecomeOpened`). +- **blinkRateHz**: Outputs the current recalculated blink rate (in Hertz) since the plugin’s start, whenever the event `forwardCurrentBlinkRate` is detected, or when `eyesAreOrBecomeOpen` or `eyesAreOrBecomeClosed` are detected and property `OutputIntervalMs` passed by. + +It is possible to make the plugin calculate it for a specified observation period, rather than since model start, this can be set by the property `rateObservationPeriodMinutes`. + +## Event Listener Description + +- **eyesAreOrBecomeClosed**: The event represents the closed-state of the eyes and the listener handles, whether it indicates that a new blink has just started or eyes have not even been opened in the meantime (no previous `eyesAreOrBecomeOpen` since last firing this event). + This listener is responsible for triggering `blinkStarts`. + Considering property `OutputIntervalMs` and the current blink state, it recalculates blink duration, blink rate and initiates trend detection for the blink rate. +- **eyesAreOrBecomeOpen**: The event represents the open-state of the eyes and the listener handles, whether it indicates that a blink has just ended or eyes have not even been closed before (no previous `eyesAreOrBecomeClosed` since last firing this event). + This listener is responsible for triggering `blinkEnds`. + Considering property `OutputIntervalMs` and the current blink state, it recalculates blink duration, blink rate and initiates trend detection for the blink rate and blink duration. +- **forwardCurrentBlinkDuration**: Sends the time that has passed by since blink start to the output port. + 0, if currently not blinking (i.e. if eyes are open). + It does not do any threshold evaluations (trend detection) or trigger events! +- **forwardCurrentBlinkRate**: Sends the recalculated blink rate, no matter whether there is currently a blink (i.e. eyes closed) going on. + A possible ongoing blink is already included in the rate calculation. + It does not do any threshold evaluations or trigger events! + +## Event Trigger Description + +- **blinkRateIncreased**: Triggers when the detection of an increasing blink rate trend was positive. + Also, the properties `rateObservationPeriodMinutes` and `trendsBufferSize` are considered and must therefore be set meaningfully (or be disabled). +- **blinkRateDecreased**: Triggers when the detection of a decreasing blink rate trend was positive. + Also, the properties `rateObservationPeriodMinutes` and `trendsBufferSize` are considered and must therefore be set meaningfully (or be disabled). +- **blinkDurationLonger**: Triggers when the detection of an increasing blink duration trend was positive. + Also, the property `trendsBufferSize` is considered and must therefore be set meaningfully (or be disabled). +- **blinkDurationShorter**: Triggers when the detection of a decreasing blink duration trend was positive. + Also, the property `trendsBufferSize` is considered and must therefore be set meaningfully (or be disabled). +- **blinkStarts**: Triggers when a blink’s start is detected during the handling of the `eyesAreOrBecomeClosed` event. +- **blinkEnds**: Triggers when a blink’s end is detected during the handling of the `eyesAreOrBecomeOpen` event. + +## Properties + +- **outputIntervalMs \[integer, default: -1\]**: Defines how often the blink rate and duration (also 0, if currently not blinking) are sent to the output ports without the forwarding events being fired. + This is only relevant, if the eyes' state has not changed as at blink end or blink start the output ports always receive data. + This property was introduced in order not to send values too often (e.g. in a 1ms-interval, if the source for eyes state detection such as a camera plugin would fire events that often) but to adapt the outputs for visualization in an oscilloscope etc. + The unit for the interval is milliseconds (ms). + Rate is always recalculated and sent to the output port when a blink starts, the duration, if a blink starts (0 ms) or ends. + If those outputs, together with output (recalculation and) forwarding events on demand is sufficient, and no continuous output is desired, it can be disabled by setting 0 or a negative value. + It is not possible to turn off the outputs, just described for blink starts or ends. + ::: tip Note + Used for blink rate trend and blink duration trend detection. + ::: +- **trendsBufferSize \[integer, default: 10\]**: Defines how many blink rates or blink durations can be looked back for detecting blink rate and blink duration outliers in trend detection. + This buffer must not be lower than `howManyRateOutliers` and `howManyDurationOutliers` properties, as then the conditions to fire the corresponding events can never be fulfilled! Value 0 disables the buffer (only meaningful if the needed number of outliers is 1 or disabled). + Negative values are invalid and the default value is used. + This must not be confused with `rateObservationPeriodMinutes` which restricts the period for which blinks are considered when calculating the current blink rate. + ::: tip Note + Used for blink duration trend detection only. + ::: +- **threshDurationHighMs \[integer, default: 500\]**: Defines the blink duration in milliseconds (ms) above which a blink is detected as an outlier, representing a prolonged blink duration. + This upper threshold can be disabled by setting it to 0 or a negative value. +- **threshDurationLowMs \[integer, default: -1\]**: Defines the blink duration in milliseconds below which a blink is detected as an outlier, representing a shortened blink duration. + This lower threshold can be disabled by setting it to 0 or a negative value. +- **howManyDurationOutliers \[integer, default: 3\]**: Defines how many blink duration outliers must occur in one trend direction within the buffered durations for a duration trend to be detected. + If a trend shall be detected, as soon as there is one outlier, it must be set to 1, duration trend detection can be disabled by setting it to 0 or a negative value. + The 1-outlier option especially makes sense when no buffer is used. + ::: tip Note + Used for blink rate trend detection only. + ::: +- **threshRateLowHz \[double, default: -1\]**: Defines below which rate in Hertz (Hz) a blink rate must be, in order to count towards a decreasing blink rate trend. + This lower threshold can be disabled by setting it to 0 or a negative value. +- **threshRateHighHz \[double, default: 1\]**: Defines above which rate in Hertz (Hz) a blink rate must be, in order to count towards an increasing blink rate trend. + This higher threshold can be disabled by setting it to 0 or a negative value. +- **howManyRateOutliers \[integer, default: 3\]**: Defines how many blink rate outliers must occur in one trend direction within the buffered rates for a rate trend to be detected. + If a trend shall be detected, as soon as there is one outlier, it must be set to 1, rate trend detection can be disabled by setting it to 0 or a negative value. + The 1-outlier option especially makes sense when no buffer is used. +- **rateObservationPeriodMinutes \[integer, default: 2\]**: Defines the length of the observation period for the blink rate in minutes, e.g. if 3, the number of blinks during the last 3 minutes (sliding window) is considered when calculating the blink rate for this 3-minutes-period. + If this property is used, no memory control is done, thus it is recommended not to use a period longer than 1 day (1440 minutes). + If all blinks and the whole time period since model start (memory control restricts it to several hours though) shall be considered, the observation period can be disabled by setting it to 0 or a negative number. + Note, that the rate for a natural blinking behavior gets steadily flatter then, as time passes by and might not be representative for trend detection. + +## Prospective use in Easy Reading + +This plugin already does a little preparatory work for stress detection (in terms of cognitive load analysis) to help the reasoner, later being implemented with AsTeRICS. + +It was found that changes in blink rate and blink duration are significant indicators for the demand of cognitive load and thus mental stress level. +The plugin can get information on eyes’ states (open, closed) from different sources, such as a cheap standard webcam via the AsTeRICS [FacetrackerCLM](/plugins/sensors/FacetrackerCLM.html) plugin. +The fact that it only needs the eyes’ state and no previous blink detection or metrics such as timing measurements but does it itself, makes it highly reusable for different eye tracker sources, i.e. sensor and other processor plugins. + +The options of providing the calculated metrics at specified output ports on demand but also in regular intervals enables visualization, e.g. with the [Oscilloscope](/plugins/actuators/Oscilloscope.html) plugin, which helps with interpretation. + +It will be a main part of the AsTeRICS reasoner to find and utilize suitable threshold rates and durations that indicate cognitive load or stress level and further to combine them. +This research part and the later implementation can be perfectly done by the huge amount of properties, interacting with each other. diff --git a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ index e69de29bb..bbc641e42 100644 --- a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ +++ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: DateToDouble +subcategory: Easy Reading +--- + +# DateToDouble + +## Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Easy Reading) + +Converts a date string to a Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds, using the default time zone and a property-defined date format. + +## Input Ports + +- **dateString \[string\]**: Date string input to be converted using the date format given by the property. + The event `formatInput` is also fired internally whenever this input port receives data. + +## Output Ports + +- **timestampUnixMs \[double\]**: The converted Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds. + +## Event Listeners + +- **formatInput**: Initiates conversion for the current input date string, triggers `dateFormatted` when done. + +## Event Triggers + +- **dateFormatted**: Triggers when an output value is available at the output port. +- **conversionFailed**: Triggers when a conversion attempt failed (might happen if inputs are missing or do not fit the specified date format). + +## Properties + +- **dateFormat \[string, default: “dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm:ss.SSS”\]**: The format of the incoming date string. + It is used for conversion into a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. + If invalid (according to `java.text.SimpleDateFormat`) or null, the default date format is tried. + If conversion fails because of missing or invalid input `conversionFailed` is triggered. + +## Prospective use in Easy Reading + +Rather than after the release, this helper plugin is mainly important for the phases of AsTeRICS model creation and reasoner implementation as it might be the case that in some past user tracking tests (early research phase) data were persisted with formatted timestamps but are then needed with numerical milliseconds timestamps for visualizations, alignment with other sources’ tracking data or mathematical methods. + +Without this plugin user tracking tests would need to be redone for some cases which is of course not representative, if even possible (i.e. it’s not meaningful to let the same users do the same tasks again as the outcome won’t be the same in a second turn; there won’t be enough time capacities for +redoing several test sessions). diff --git a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ index e69de29bb..d1928d343 100644 --- a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ +++ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: HRVRmssdFromRR +subcategory: Easy Reading +--- + +*[HRV]: Heart Rate Variability +*[RMS]: Root Mean Square +*[RMSSD]: Root Mean Square of Successive Differences +*[ECG]: Electrocardiogram + +# HRVRmssdFromRR + +## Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Easy Reading) + +Calculates and outputs the HRV in terms of RMSSD in milliseconds (ms) based on incoming R-R intervals (also in ms). + +A sliding window of the x most recent R-R intervals, x being the property `rmssdWindowSize`, is used for the calculation, which is first started as soon as there have been x samples since the last reset (or model start). + +Calculation and collection of samples can be paused and continued via event listener ports. +The output port rmssd only delivers a value, if there is an actual calculation (i.e. currently no pause and enough samples). + +## Input Port Description + +- **rrInterval \[double\]**: This port must deliver the R-R interval in ms, i.e. the time interval between the most significant, the highest, peaks (the R-peaks) of two consecutive QRS' of an ECG. + +## Output Port Description + +- **rmssd \[double\]**: Provides the calculated RMS of successive differences in ms, calculated from the collected input port `rrInterval’s` signals. + +## Event Listener Description + +- **resetCalculation**: When the event is detected, the plugin discards previous R-R intervals and resets the counter of intervals used for the calculation. + This does not influence running or paused states, i.e. if the plugin is currently paused, it will stay paused, otherwise there is a recalculation as soon as there are (again) enough samples. +- **pauseCalculation**: When the event is detected, from now on RMSSD is no longer recalculated and no value is sent to the output port, but R-R values from the input port continue to be stored (more recent ones overwrite existing ones due to the sliding window). + This can be used in order to wait for more meaningful R-R samples before the next calculation, respectively further outputs. +- **continueCalculation**: The event must be fired after each `pauseCalculation` in order to continue RMSSD calculation and sending the result to the output port again. +- **pauseComponent**: Completely pauses the component's activity, i.e. from now on no RMSSD is recalculated and sent to the output port. + In addition to a `pauseCalculation`, no more R-R values from the input port are collected, either. +- **continueComponent**: To be used after `pauseComponent` in order to collect R-R values from the input port again (values aren’t reset but progressively overwritten due to the sliding window) and to continue RMSSD calculation and sending the result to the output port. + +## Event Trigger Description + +- **rmssdRecalculated**: Triggers whenever an RMSSD calculation has been finished and the current RMSSD value is available at the output port, i.e. if `rmssdWindowSize` (property) is 100, it will trigger first when 100 intervals were received and calculation has finished, then after each further interval and calculation completion. + +## Properties + +- **rmssdWindowSize \[integer, default: 100\]**: The number of R-R intervals that are used for each RMSSD calculation, thus the sliding window size. + Example: If this is set to 100, the 100 most recent R-R intervals are taken into consideration and calculation is not started before at least 100 values have been received at the input port (since the start or a possible reset). + A valid value must be > 1, otherwise it is replaced by the default value. + +## Prospective use in Easy Reading + +RMSSD was found to be a suitable indicator for a user being stressed, in terms of heart rate measurement and its analysis in the time domain. +Thus this is one of the plugins that shall provide pre-processed input and clues for the reasoner implemented with AsTeRICS. diff --git a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ index e69de29bb..a8fab6a14 100644 --- a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ +++ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +--- +title: JsonParser +subcategory: Easy Reading +--- + +*[JSON]: JavaScript Object Notation + +# JsonReader + +## Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Easy Reading) + +Receives a JSON string and JSON field name as input and parses it into a +JSON object to send one or more field values (several ones, only if the ``is true and +other `jsonFieldName` input values follow). + +## Input Port Description + +- **jsonInputString \[string\]**: The JSON-formatted string to be converted into a JSON object. +- **jsonFieldName \[string\]**: The key/name of the JSON object's field, of which the value shall be sent to the output port (most recent name from this port is used, “” causes an error at `readNextField` event). +- ** \[oolean, default: true\]**: Optional. + If connected, it overwrites the `keepParsedObject` property. + +## Output Port Description + +- **jsonFieldValue \[string\]**: The value of the JSON field, identified by `jsonFieldName`, converted to a string (also `""` is valid; an explicit `null` is converted to `"null"`). + In case of failure, it will be `""` and the `error` port provides details. +- **latestReadFieldName \[string\]**: The name of the field whenever an attempt of reading a field value (from the parsed JSON object) has been completed. + This output can only be `""` if the field name was `""|null|unset`, in which case the `error` output port provides details. +- **error \[string\]**: Receives a value (different from `""`) whenever an attempt of input parsing or reading the next field fails. + No matter whether it is because of a missing JSON object (as needed for reading a field but not previously parsed) or missing or invalid input port values. + It receives `""` (= no error) at the next successful parse or read. + Thus it can be used for showing error messages. + +## Event Listener Description + +For details on which errors are handled and error messages are provided for, see description of the `error` output port and of the event triggers that cause an `error` port output. + +- **parseInput**: Parses the most recently received value from the input port `jsonInputString` into a JSON object - from which later the desired JSON field (identified by the `jsonFieldName` input) value is read and sent to the `jsonFieldValue` output port. +- **readNextField**: Triggers the next attempt of reading the value of the currently desired JSON field (identified by `jsonFieldName`) from an already parsed JSON object. + This event must be used after `parseInput` (which must be repeated if `keepParsedObject` is set to false). + `parseInput`, in combination with a well-matched `keepParsedObject` property/port, has to assure that there is already a JSON object from which values can be read when firing `readNextField`. +- **rejectParsedObject**: Unsets the parsed JSON object for the case that `keepParsedObject` is true (via property or overwritten by input port value) or if it is false but no successful reading of any JSON field has happened (see property description). + +## Event Trigger Description + +- **inputParsed**: Triggers to indicate that the plugin is done with parsing the JSON input (string) into a JSON object. +- **fieldValueAvailable**: Triggers when the value of the desired JSON field (specified by the input `jsonFieldName` and now identified by the output `latestReadFieldName`) is available at the `jsonFieldValue` output port. + ::: tip Note + Event Triggers that cause an `error` port output + ::: +- **fieldValueNotFound**: Triggers when trying to read a field but when there is no field with the name given at the input port within the parsed JSON object (string). +- **fieldValueInvalidFormat**: Triggers when trying to read a field but when there has been an error returning the value of the desired JSON field. + The value has a wrong/an invalid format but is found (i.e. the key is existent). + This is the case whenever a found value cannot be parsed to a string (which is the output format at the output port `jsonFieldValue`). +- **invalidInputFormat**: Triggers when trying to parse the JSON input string but when it cannot be parsed into a JSON object (to later read values from). +- **missingJsonInput**: When trying to parse the JSON input string but when there has been no value at the input port `jsonInputString`. +- **missingFieldName**: Triggers when trying to read from an already parsed JSON object but when there has been no value at the input port `jsonFieldName`. + +## Properties + +- **keepParsedObject \[boolean, default: true\]**: Specifies, whether to keep the parsed JSON object (the one resulting from the latest parsing of `jsonInputString`) until the next value appears at the `jsonInputString` port – to read further fields in the meanwhile. + +_Usage Note_: If a field reading attempt fails, a JSON object that has potentially been stored will not be unset, independently from the value of this property. +This is to assure that each JSON input delivers at least one field value or otherwise is replaced by the next JSON input. +In order to force the parsed JSON object's rejection, `rejectParsedObject` must be triggered. + +## Prospective use in Easy Reading + +The aim of this plugin is to use it for utilizing web page interaction information or profile information, provided by the browser plugin (both to be implemented in close cooperation with other Easy Reading partners). +The JsonParser plugin is not in use at the current research and implementation state but will likely play an important role when implementing the (AsTeRICS) reasoner as it helps customizing the reasoner, depending on information that can not be received from (only) tracking via the hardware sensors. diff --git a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ index e69de29bb..574227601 100644 --- a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ +++ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +title: StringExtractor +subcategory: Easy Reading +--- + +# StringExtractor + +## Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Easy Reading) + +Extracts a subtext from a given input text and forwards it to the output port as soon as extraction was done based on start and end delimiter strings. + +Delimiters must be in the correct order and non-overlapping. +In case of several occurrences, always the first occurrence of the start and the end delimiter are used. +The event trigger also fires during successful extraction, which is also the case for an empty extracted text (also handed to the output port). + +## Input Port Description + +- **inText \[string\]**: Provides the input text, from which a subtext shall be extracted and sent to the output port, based on start and end delimiter specifications. + +## Output Port Description + +- **extractedText \[string\]**: Represents the subtext extracted from the input text based on delimiter specifications, i.e. the text between start and end delimiter (can also be an empty string). + +## Event Listener Description + +None. (Each new `inText` is checked for the existence of start and end delimiter.) + +## Event Trigger Description + +- **textExtracted**: Triggers when the end delimiter was detected after the start delimiter (not, if the order is wrong or one is missing or overlapping, i.e. within the other) and thus a subtext was extracted and sent to the output port. + (An empty string is a valid output that also triggers!) + +## Properties + +- **startDelimiter \[string, default: START\]**: Defines the start string between which and the end string the text is extracted (no regular expression!) +- **endDelimiter \[string, default: END\]**: Defines the end string between which and the start string the text is extracted (no regular expression!) + +## Prospective use in Easy Reading + +This is a very important helper plugin for the Easy Reading AsTeRICS model. +Tagged/annotated texts received via the [SerialPort](/plugins/processors/SerialPort.html) plugin, i.e. from a COM port as the receiver in a Bluetooth communication, can be easily processed to meet the requirements to serve as inputs for other plugins such as [HRVRmssdFromRR](/plugins/processors/HRVRmssdFromRR.html) (maybe after further data/type conversion steps). + +Also tagged error messages from Bluetooth communication can be easily detected, extracted and (if desired) shown to the Easy Reading users. + +Finally, different Bluetooth sources can be annotated and with the help of this plugin their data can be automatically forwarded to the desired plugins or along certain model paths accordingly. diff --git a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ index e69de29bb..bc40194c8 100644 --- a/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ +++ b/Documentation/docs/plugins/processors/ @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +--- +title: TimestampWriter +subcategory: Easy Reading +--- + +# TimestampWriter + +## Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: Easy Reading) + +This plugin stores the time in milliseconds (ms) that passed by since the last reset (or start). +Outputs are the (via date string) formatted and numerical milliseconds and also a formatted absolute UNIX epoch timestamp plus the absolute UNIX timestamp in ms. +The time zone of the local system is used! + +## Input Port Description + +None. Milliseconds are either absolute Unix epoch timestamps or relative intervals between events. + +## Output Port Description + +- **timePassedMs \[double\]**: Milliseconds (ms) since model start or last component reset. +- **timePassedFormatted \[string\]**: Milliseconds since model start or last component reset - formatted as date string. +- **timestampUnixMs \[double\]**: Unix timestamp in milliseconds (ms). +- **timestampUnixFormatted \[string\]**: Unix timestamp – absolute milliseconds formatted as date string. + +## Event Listener Description + +- **resetStartTimestamp**: Resets the start timestamp for calculating the time passed by (the first timestamp is set at model start). +- **sendOutputs**: Formats and sends outputs, triggers the event `timestampFormatted` when outputs are available at the ports. + +## Event Trigger Description + +- **timestampFormatted**: Triggers when output values (formatted and as milliseconds) are available at the output ports. + +## Properties + +- **timestampFormat \[string, default: “dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm:ss.SSS”\]**: Format that must be valid according to `java.text.SimpleDateFormat`. + It is used for formatting the UNIX timestamp as a date string. + If it is invalid or null, the default date format is used. +- **diffTimeFormat \[string, default: “HH:mm:ss.SSS”\]**: Format that must be valid according to `java.text.SimpleDateFormat` but for meaningfulness with only time components. + It is used for formatting passed milliseconds (since start/reset) as a date string. + If invalid or null, the default date format is used. + +_Important Usage Note_: Only the format for time components shall be set, as otherwise the Unix epoch start date components (01.01.1970 at 00:00:00.000 o’clock) are added. +E.g. if 5 seconds have passed by, using date components the output would look like 01.01.1970-00:00:05.000! + +## Prospective use in Easy Reading + +The plugin is needed for aligning data from different tracking sources (heart rate tracker, eye tracker or webcam) to each other (i.e., “synchronizing” them). +This is necessary as most of the sensor or communication plugins only provide raw data without a temporal reference, which the later implemented (AsTeRICS) reasoner could likely not make use of, once data was just sequentially written into text or csv files. + +Usefulness and recoverability of earlier tracked data from user tests (during the early research phases on generally useful metrics) for later phases such as reasoner implementation would not be given without also storing the timestamps. + +While mathematical methods and visualizations are likely to demand numerical milliseconds-based timestamps (maybe even relative ones, with regard to the model start), readability of text-based files will improve when (formatted) absolute date and time are printed.