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streamdeck_ui A Linux compatible UI for the Elgato Stream Deck.
- Linux Compatible: Enables usage of all Stream Deck devices on Linux without needing to code.
- Multi-device: Enables connecting and configuring multiple Stream Deck devices on one computer.
- Brightness Control: Supports controlling the brightness from both the configuration UI and buttons on the device itself.
- Configurable Button Display: Icons + Text, Icon Only, and Text Only configurable per button on the Stream Deck.
- Multi-Action Support: Run commands, write text and press hotkey combinations at the press of a single button on your Stream Deck.
- Button Pages: streamdeck_ui supports multiple pages of buttons and dynamically setting up buttons to switch between those pages.
- Auto Reconnect: Automatically and gracefully reconnects, in the case the device is unplugged and replugged in.
- Import/Export: Supports saving and restoring Stream Deck configuration.
Communication with the Streamdeck is powered by the Python Elgato Stream Deck Library.
There are scripts for setting up streamdeck_ui on Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora.
To use streamdeck_ui on Linux, you will need first to install some pre-requisite system libraries.
The name of those libraries will differ depending on your Operating System.
Debian / Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libhidapi-hidraw0 libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev python3-pip
sudo dnf install python3-devel libusb-devel python3-pip libusbx-devel libudev-devel
If you're using GNOME shell, you might need to manually install an extension that adds KStatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support to make the tray icon show up.
To use streamdeck_ui without root permissions, you have to give your user full access to the device.
Add your user to the 'plugdev' group:
sudo usermod -a -G plugdev `whoami`
Add the udev rules using your text editor:
sudoedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-streamdeck.rules
# If that doesn't work, try:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-streamdeck.rules
Paste the following lines:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0060", MODE:="660", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0063", MODE:="660", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="006c", MODE:="660", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="006d", MODE:="660", GROUP="plugdev"
Reload the rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
Make sure you unplug and replug your device before continuing. Once complete, you should be able to install streamdeck_ui. Installing the application itself is done via pip:
pip3 install --user streamdeck_ui
Make sure to include $HOME/.local/bin
to your PATH.
If you haven't already, add
to the bottom your shell config file (most likely .bashrc in your home directory)
You can then launch streamdeck
to start configuring your device.
It's recommended that you include streamdeck
in your windowing environment's list of applications to auto-start.
On other Operating Systems, you'll need to install the required dependencies of the library. After that, use pip to install the app:
pip3 install streamdeck_ui --user