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Kubernetes CLI


  • kubectl is almost the only tool we'll need to talk to kubernetes
  • It is a rich CLI tool around the Kubernetes API
  • On our machines, there is a ~/.kube/config file with:
    • The kubernetes API address
    • The path to our TLS certificates used to authenticate
  • We can also use the --kubeconfig flag to pass a config file

List nodes

  • kubectl get nodes


  • To get more about nodes

    • kubectl get nodes -o wide wide-output
  • To get nodes details in yaml

    • kubectl get nodes -o yaml
  • Show the capacity of all our nodes as a stream of JSON objects

    • kubectl get nodes -o json | jq ".items[] | {} + .status.capacity" jq-kubectl
  • kubectl describe needs a resource type and (optionally) a resource name

  • It is possible to provide a resource name prefix

  • Syntax : kubectl describe node/<node> or kubectl describe node <node> Example: kubectl describe node/minikube

Exploring types and definitions

  • We can list all available resource type by running kubectl api-resources
  • We can view the definition of resource type with kubectl explain <type> example: kubectl explain node.spec
  • To get the list of all fields and sub-fields use kubectl explain node --recursive (Example)


  • A service is a stable endpoint to connect to something
  • kubectl get services or kubectl get svc


  • Namespaces allows us to segregate resources

  • Namespaces will filter the view by default

  • Get namespaces using kubectl get namespaces

  • In K8S we can organize resources in namespaces

  • We can think of a namespace as a virtual cluster inside a Kubernetes cluster

    $ kubectl get namespaces
    NAME              STATUS   AGE
    default           Active   24m
    kube-node-lease   Active   24m
    kube-public       Active   24m
    kube-system       Active   24m
  • kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

  • To get the pods of the default namespace use kubectl get pods -n default

  • To create a new namespace use kubectl create namespece <namespace_name> Example: kubectl create namespace my-namespace

    $ kubectl create namespace my-namespace
    namespace/my-namespace created
    $ kubectl get namespaces
    NAME              STATUS   AGE
    default           Active   4m1s
    kube-node-lease   Active   4m2s
    kube-public       Active   4m2s
    kube-system       Active   4m2s
    my-namespace      Active   76s
  • We can also create namespace using namespace configuration file

What is the use of namespaces?

  • Structure your components
  • Avoid confilts between teams
  • Share services between different environments
  • Access and Resource Limits on Namespace levels

Note : We can't access most of the resource from another namespace for example if we have a configmap in project A namespace that reference a Database service we can use that configmap in project B namespace. Same applies to Secrets. However services can be shared across namespaces. Some of the components lives globally in a cluster and we can't isolate them Example: Volume,Node

  • kubectl api-resources --namespaced=false lists components that are not bound to a namespace
  • kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true lists components that are bound to a namespace

How to create components in Namespace

  • By default if we don't provide namespace to a component it creates them in a default namespace

  • We can create a resource inside a namespace by specifing the name of the namespace in the --namespace flag as below

    $ touch sample-pod.yaml
    $ vim sample-pod.yaml 
    $ kubectl apply -f sample-pod.yaml --namespace my-namespace 
    pod/static-web created
    $ kubectl get pods --namespace my-namespace
    static-web   1/1     Running   0          30s
  • We can also add the namespace inside the yaml configuration. In that case we need to specify namespace using the namespace flag

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: static-web
      namespace: my-namespace
        role: myrole
        - name: web
          image: nginx
            - name: web
              containerPort: 80
              protocol: TCP
    $ kubectl delete pods static-web  --namespace my-namespace
    pod "static-web" deleted
    $ kubectl apply -f sample-pod.yaml
    pod/static-web created
    $ kubectl get pods --namespace my-namespace 
    static-web   1/1     Running   0          7m32s

Note: kubens allows us to easily switch between Kubernetes namespaces. Usage kubens <namespace>


  • A deployment is a high-level construct

    • Allows scaling, rolling updates, rollbacks
    • multiple deployments can be used
    • delegates pods management to replica sets
  • A replica set is a low-level construct

    • Makes sure that a given number of identical pods are running
    • Allows scaling
    • Rarely used directly
  • To create a deployment using yaml use kubectl apply -f <deployment-name.yaml>

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: nginx-deployment
        app: nginx
      replicas: 3
          app: nginx
            app: nginx
          - name: nginx
            image: nginx:1.14.2
            - containerPort: 80
    $ touch nginx-deployment.yaml
    $ vim nginx-deployment.yaml 
    $ kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml 
    deployment.apps/nginx-deployment created
    $ kubectl get deployment
    NAME               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    nginx-deployment   1/3     3            1           23s
  • Delete one pod and test self healing in action

    $ kubectl get all
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/nginx-deployment-574b87c764-27sxx   1/1     Running   0          4m56s
    pod/nginx-deployment-574b87c764-fhrtb   1/1     Running   0          4m56s
    pod/nginx-deployment-574b87c764-xtgsj   1/1     Running   0          4m56s
    NAME                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
    service/kubernetes   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP   8m29s
    NAME                               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/nginx-deployment   3/3     3            3           4m56s
    NAME                                          DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/nginx-deployment-574b87c764   3         3         3       4m56s
    $ kubectl delete  pod/nginx-deployment-574b87c764-27sxx
    pod "nginx-deployment-574b87c764-27sxx" deleted
  • Use watch kubectl get pods to see how a new pod is added to the cluster


  • To get all the details of deployment including status use kubectl get deployment <deployment-name> -o yaml Example: kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml
  • We can also create deploymet using commands like kubectl create deployment pingpong --image=alpine --replicas=3
  • To update a deployment use (here scale up replicas) kubectl scale deployment pingpong --replicas=3


Exposing containers

  • kubectl expose creates a service for existing pods
  • A service is a stable address for a pod (or a bunch of pods)
  • If we want to connect to our pod(s), we need to create a service
  • Once a service is created, CoreDNS will allow us to resolve it by name

Basic service types

  • Cluster IP(default type)
    • A virtual IP address is allocated for the service (in an internal, private range)
    • This IP is reachable only from within the cluster (nodes and pods)
    • Our code can connect to the service using original port number
  • NodePort
    • A port is allocated for the service (by default, in range 30000-32768)
    • That port is made available on all our nodes and anybody can connect to it
    • Our code must be changed to connect to that new port number

Note : Cluster IP and NodePort are always available. Under the hood : kube-proxy is using a userland proxy and a bunch of iptables rules

  • LoadBalancer
    • An external load balancer is allocated for the service
    • Available only when underlaying infrastructure provides some load balancer as service (e.g. AWS, Azure, GCE)
  • ExternalName
    • The DNS entry managed by coreDNS will just be a CNAME to a provided record
    • No ports, no IP address, no nothing else is allocated

K8S network model

  • Everything can reach everything
  • No address translation
  • No port translation
  • No new protocol
  • Every Pod gets its own IP address
  • pods on a node can communicate with all pods on all nodes without NAT
  • agents on a node (e.g. system daemons, kubelet) can communicate with all pods on that node