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personio-py is a lightweight Personio API client library for Python. Also, it's pretty intuitive to use. But don't take my word for it, please have a look:

>>> from personio_py import Personio
>>> p = Personio(client_id='***', client_secret='***')
>>> ada = p.search_first("Ada")
>>> ada.last_name
>>> absences = p.get_absences(ada)
>>> len(absences)
>>> absences[0].to_dict()
{'id': 42, 'status': 'approved', 'start_date': '2020-08-01', 'end_date': '2020-08-16', ...}

personio-py aims to provide Python function wrappers and object mappings for all endpoints of the Personio REST API. Because personio-py is a third party library, and the REST API may change from time to time, we cannot guarantee that all functions are covered, but we try our best.

If something appears to be broken, please have a look at the open issues and vote for an existing issue or create a new one, if you can't find an issue that describes your problem.

đź“– Documentation is available at


  • Aims to cover all functions of the Personio API (work in progress)
  • Python function wrappers for all API endpoints as part of the Personio class
  • Object mappings for all API resources, e.g. an Employee is an object with properties for all the information that is provided by the REST API.
  • Completely transparent handling of authentication and key rotation
  • Support for Type Hints
  • Only one dependency: requests

Getting Started

The package is available on PyPI and can be installed with

pip install personio-py

Now you can import personio_py and start coding. Please have a look at the User Guide and the Examples section for more details.


Contributions are very welcome! For our contribution guidelines, please have a look at

To set up your local development environment, please use a fresh virtual environment, then run

pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

This project is intended to be used as library, so there is no command line interface or stuff like that.

We use pytest as test framework. To execute the tests, please run

python test

To build a distribution package (wheel), please use

python dist

this will clean up the build folder and then run the bdist_wheel command.

Before contributing code, please set up the pre-commit hooks to reduce errors and ensure consistency

pip install -U pre-commit && pre-commit install

PyPI Release

This project is released on PyPI. Most of the tedious steps that are required to test & publish your release are automated by CI pipelines. All you have to do is to write your code and when the time comes to make a release, please follow these steps:

  • update the program version in src/personio_py/
  • write a summary of your changes in
  • add a tag on the master branch with the new version number preceded by the letter v, e.g. for version 1.0.0 the tag would be v1.0.0. To tag the head of the current branch, use git tag v1.0.0
  • push your changes to github and don't forget to push the tag with git push origin v1.0.0
  • now have a look at the release pipeline on GitHub. If it finishes without errors, you can find your release on TestPyPI. Please verify that your release works as expected.
  • Now for the live deployment on PyPI. To avoid mistakes, this is only triggered, when a release is published on GitHub first. Please have a look at the Releases now; there should be a draft release with your version number (this was created by the CI pipeline which also made the TestPyPI release). Edit the draft release, copy the text you added to into the description field and publish it.
  • After you publish the release, the deploy pipeline is triggered on GitHub. It will publish the release directly to PyPI where everyone can enjoy your latest features.

API Functions


Work in Progress


Sebastian Straub (sebastian.straub [at]

Developed with ❤ at Alexander Thamm GmbH


Copyright 2020 Alexander Thamm GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.