diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md index d959cee..633fe17 100644 --- a/CHANGES.md +++ b/CHANGES.md @@ -110,3 +110,867 @@ Processed 3 following merge requests : ## July 27th, 2017 - First release, this is the latest list provided by COUNTER + +## January 29th, 2024 +- Added user-agents: + - &as_qdr=all + - 192\.comAgent + - 222\.122\.15\.190 + - 2Bone_LinkChkr\/1\.0\sl + - 7331230CB97FADECF052 + - 8484\sBoston\sProject + - 8LEGS + - A-Online\sSearch + - AHC\/2\.0 + - ASPSeek\/1\.2\.5 + - ASPSeek\/1\.2\.x + - ASPseek\/1\.2\.9d + - ASSORT\/0\.10 + - AV\sFetch\s1\.0 + - AVSearch-1\.0 + - AVSearch-2\.0-fusionI + - AVSearch-3\.0 + - Accoona-AI-Agent\/1\.1 + - ActiveBookmark\s1\.x + - AdobeUxTechC4-Async\/ + - Aladin\/3\.324 + - Allrati\/1\.1 + - AltaVista\sIntranet\sV + - Amazon\sCloudFront + - AmiTCP\sMiami + - Anonymizer\/1\.1 + - AnswerChase\sPROve\sx\. + - AnswerChase\sx\.0 + - Apache + - Apache-HttpAsyncClie + - Apache-HttpClient\/4\. + - Apache-HttpClient\/UN + - Aport + - Arachnoidea + - Asahina-Antenna\/1\.x + - Ask\.24x\.Info + - Atomic_Email_Hunter\/ + - BMCLIENT + - BMLAUNCHER + - BPImageWalker\/2\.0 + - BSDSeek\/1\.0 + - BStop\.BravoBrian\.it + - BTWebClient\/180B + - BeamMachine\/0\.5 + - BeebwareDirectory\/v0 + - Big\sFish\sv1\.0 + - BigBrother\/1\.6e + - Bilbo\/2\.3b-UNIX + - BlackBerry9000\/4\.6\.0 + - BlackWidow + - Blackboard\sSafeassig + - Bobby\/4\.0\.x\sRPT-HTTP + - Bookdog\/x\.x + - BravoBrian\sbstop\.bra + - BullsEye + - BunnySlippers + - CHttpClient\sby\sOpen + - CLIPish\sPro2\s10\.21 + - COAST\sWebMaster\sPro\/ + - CamelHttpStream\/1\.0 + - Cancer\sInformation\sa + - Chat\sCatcher\/1\.0 + - China\sLocal\sBrowse\s2 + - Chitika\sContentHit\s1 + - Claymont\.com + - Contact + - Cookie%20Stumbler\/22 + - CyberSpyder\sLink\sTes + - DBrowse\s1\.4b + - DBrowse\s1\.4d + - DTAAgent + - Dart\sCommunications + - DataFountains\/DMOZ\sD + - Datafeedwatch\/2\.1\.x + - Deep\sLink\sCalculator + - DeepIndex + - DeepIndexer\.ca + - DevComponents\.com\sHt + - Diamond\/x\.0 + - DigOut4U + - Digger\/1\.0\sJDK\/1\.3\.0 + - Disqus\/1\.0 + - DittoSpyder + - EARTHCOM\.info\/1\.x\s\[w + - EARTHCOM\.info\/1\.xbet + - EBrowse\s1\.4b + - EchO!\/2\.0 + - Educate\sSearch\sVxB + - EldoS\sTimelyWeb\/3\.x + - Enfish\sTracker + - Enterprise_Search\/1\. + - Evernote\sClip\sResolv + - Exalead\sNG\/MimeLive + - Expired\sDomain\sSleut + - ExtractorPro + - EyeCatcher + - FARK\.com\slink\sverifi + - FLATARTS_FAVICO + - FaEdit\/2\.0\.x + - Favorites\sSweeper\sv\. + - Feed24\.com + - Filtrbox\/1\.0 + - FindAnISP\.com_ISP_Fi + - Firefly\/1\.0 + - Firefox + - Firefox_1\.0\.6 + - FirstGov\.gov\sSearch + - Flexum\/2\.0 + - FocusedSampler\/1\.0 + - Franklin\sLocator\s1\.8 + - FuseBulb\.Com + - Go\s1\.1\spackage\shttp + - Go-http-client\/1\.1 + - Go-http-client\/2\.0 + - GoForIt\.com + - Goofer\/0\.2 + - Gromit\/1\.0 + - Guestbook\sAuto\sSubmi + - HLoader + - Haansoft + - Hatena\sAntenna\/0\.3 + - Hatena\sPagetitle\sAge + - Hatena::Bookmark\/2\.0 + - Hippias\/0\.9\sBeta + - HitList + - Hivemind + - HomePageSearch + - Hybrid\/1\.2\s\[en] + - IAArchiver-1\.0 + - IBM\sWebExplorer\s\/v0\. + - IEFav172Free + - INFOMINE\/8\.0\sAdders + - INFOMINE\/8\.0\sRemoteS + - IP\*Works!\sV5\sHTTP\/S + - ISC\sSystems\siRc\sSear + - IWAgent\/\s1\.0\s-\swww\.b + - Icarus6\s- + - ImageWalker\/2\.0 + - Incutio\sHttpClient\sv + - IncyWincy\sdata\sgathe + - Industry\sProgram\s1\.0 + - Inet\slibrary + - InetURL\/1\.0 + - InfoLink\/1\.x + - InfoSeek\sSidewinder\/ + - Infoseek\sSideWinder\/ + - Inktomi\sSearch + - Insitor\.com\ssearch\sa + - Insitornaut + - Internet\sNinja\sx\.0 + - InternetLinkAgent\/3\. + - JDK\/1\.1 + - Jack + - Jakarta\sCommons-Http + - Java1\.0\.21\.0 + - Java1\.1\.xx\.x + - Java1\.3\.0rc1 + - Java1\.3\.x + - Java1\.4\.0 + - Jersey\/2\.25\.1 + - Jetty\/9\.3\.z-SNAPSHOT + - Jigsaw\/2\.2\.x\sW3C_CSS + - Jigsaw\/2\.3\.0\sW3C_CSS + - Junkie\/1\.0 + - KIT-Fireball\/2\.0 + - KnowItAll + - Knowledge\.com\/0\.x + - KummHttp\/1\.1 + - LEIA\/2\.90 + - Lachesis + - Lincoln\sState\sWeb\sBr + - Link\sValet\sOnline\s1\. + - LinkAlarm\/2\.x + - LinkPimpin\sv1\.0 + - LinkProver\s2\.1 + - LinkSonar\/1\.35 + - LinkSweeper\/1\.x + - Look\.com + - Lynx\/2\.8\.4rel\.1\slibw + - MARTINI + - MFC\sFoundation\sClass + - MFC_Tear_Sample + - MSIE-5\.13 + - MSNPTC\/1\.0 + - MVAClient + - Mac\sFinder\s1\.0\.xx + - Mag-Net + - MantraAgent + - MapoftheInternet\.com + - Marketwave\sHit\sList + - Martini + - Marvin\sv0\.3 + - MasterSeek + - Mata\sHari\/2\.00 + - MediaSearch\/0\.1 + - MegaSheep\sv1\.0 + - MeltwaterNews\swww\.me + - Mercator-1\.x + - Mercator-2\.0 + - Mercator-Scrub-1\.1 + - Mercury\/894\sCFNetwor + - MetaURI\sAPI\/2\.0\s\+met + - MicroBaz + - Microsoft\sData\sAcces + - Microsoft\sSmall\sBusi + - Microsoft\sURL\sContro + - Microsoft\sWindows\sNe + - MiracleAlphaTest + - Missauga\sLocate\s1\.0\. + - Missigua\sLocator\s1\.9 + - Missouri\sCollege\sBro + - Mister\sPiX\sversion\.d + - Mister\sPix\sII\s2\.02a + - Miva + - Mizzu\sLabs\s2\.2 + - Mo\sCollege\s1\.9 + - Mozi! + - MultiText\/0\.1 + - My\sWinHTTP\sConnectio + - NASA\sSearch\s1\.0 + - NEC\sResearch\sAgent\s- + - NEC-Hayek\/1\.0 + - NG\/4\.0\.1229 + - NICO\/1\.0 + - NING\/1\.0 + - NationalDirectoryAdd + - NativeHost + - NetLookout\/2\.24 + - NetMechanic\sVx\.0 + - NetSprint\s--\s2\.0 + - NetZippy + - Nocilla\/1\.0 + - Nsauditor\/1\.x + - Nuzzel + - Octora\sBeta\s-\swww\.oc + - OliverPerry + - OpenAcoon\sv4\.0\.x + - OpenISearch\/1\.x + - OpenOffice\/4\.1\.1 + - Openstat\/0\.1 + - Opera\/6\.01 + - Oracle\sUltra\sSearch + - OzySoftware\.com + - PBrowse\s1\.4b + - PEval\s1\.4b + - POE-Component-Client + - PeopleChat\/Search_En + - PicoSearch\/1\.0 + - Piffany_Web_Scraper_ + - PingALink\sMonitoring + - Pita + - Poirot + - Pompos\/1\.x\spompos@il + - Popdexter\/1\.0 + - Port\sHuron\sLabs + - PostFavorites + - PostRank\/2\.0 + - PrivacyFinder\/1\.1 + - Program\sShareware\s1\. + - Progressive\sDownload + - Project\sXP5\s\[2\.03\.07 + - Pulsepoint\sXT3\sweb\ss + - QPCreep\sTest\sRig + - Qseero\sv1\.0\.0 + - QuepasaCreep\sv0\.9\.1x + - QueryN\sMetasearch + - R6_VoteReader + - RPT-HTTPClient\/0\.3-x + - RepoMonkey\sBait\s&\sTa + - Ruby + - Rumours-Agent + - SMRF\sURL\sExpander + - ScoutAbout + - Search\+ + - Search-Engine-Studio + - SearchGuild\/DMOZ\/Exp + - SearchGuild_DMOZ_Exp + - SearchSight\.com + - SearchTone2\.0\s-\sIDEA + - Seeker\.lookseek\.com + - Silk\/1\.0 + - SiteBar\/x\.x + - SiteRecon\+ + - SiteTruth\.com\ssite\sr + - SiteXpert + - Skywalker\/0\.1 + - Slarp\/0\.1 + - Slider_Search_v1-de + - SlySearch + - SnoopRob\/x\.x + - Snoopy\sv1\.xx + - Snoopy_v0\.xx + - Sphere\sScout&v4\.0\s- + - Sphider + - Spida\/0\.1 + - Spinne\/2\.0 + - Spinne\/2\.0\smed + - Spinne\/2\.0\smed_AH + - SyncIT\/x\.x + - Szukacz\/1\.x + - TE + - TJvMultiHttpGrabber + - Tagyu\sAgent\/1\.0 + - TeamSoft\sWinInet\sCom + - The\sEuropean\sLibrary + - Thinklab + - TinEye + - Toutatis\sx-xx\.x + - Toutatis\sx\.x + - Toutatis\sx\.x-x + - Traackr\.com + - Twisted\sPageGetter + - Twitter\/6\.18\.3\sCFNet + - Twitturly\s\/\sv0\.x + - TygoProwler + - UCWEB\/2\.0 + - UDM + - URLBase\/6\.x + - URLBlaze + - UdmSearch\/3\.1\.x + - Under\sthe\sRainbow\s2\. + - UofTDB_experiment + - Upflow\/1\.0 + - VYU2 + - Vagabondo\/1\.x\sMT + - Vagabondo\/2\.0\sMT + - Vagabondo\/3\.0 + - VayalaCreep-v0\.0\.1 + - Vayala\|Creep-v0\.0\.1 + - VeryGoodSearch\.com\.D + - W3C-mobileOK\/DDC-1\.0 + - W3C_Unicorn\/1\.0 + - WEP\sSearch\s00 + - WFARC + - WIRE\/0\.22 + - WST-Plagiarism + - WWWC\/1\.0x + - Wada\.vn\sVietnamese\sS + - Waypath\sScout\sv2\.x\s- + - WeSEE + - WeSEE:Search + - Web\sSnooper + - WebBug\/5\.x + - WebCompass\s2\.0 + - WebCorp\/1\.0 + - WebSearch\.COM\.AU; + - WebStat\/1\.0 + - WebTrends\/3\.0 + - WebVac + - WebVal\/1\.0 + - WebWatcherMonitor\/2\. + - Webclipping\.com + - Webdup\/0\.9 + - Weblog\sAttitude\sDiff + - WebsiteWorth\sv1\.0 + - Webspinne\/1\.0\swebmas + - Webverzeichnis\.de\s- + - Wells\sSearch\sII + - Whatsup\/x\.x + - WhizBang!\sLab + - WinHTTP\sExample\/1\.0 + - WinampMPEG\/2\.00 + - WincerSong\sAgent\sv1\. + - WorQmada\/1\.0 + - WordupInfoSearch\/1\.0 + - WorldLight + - Wusage\/x\.0@boutell\.c + - Wwlib\/Linux + - Xylix + - Yanadoo + - Zearchit + - ZendHttpClient + - Ziggy\s--\sThe\sClown\sF + - Zippy\sv2\.0\s-\sZippyfi + - a\.pr-cy\.ru + - about\.ask\.com + - about\.depspid\.net + - accoona + - aihit\.com + - amzn_assoc + - app\.hypefactors\.com + - archive\.org + - ask\.24x\.info + - augurfind + - augurnfind\sV-1\.x + - autohttp + - autowebdir\s1\.1 + - axios\/0\.18\.0 + - bCentral\sBilling\sPos + - bdcindexer_2\.6\.2 + - blacklistdeclassified\.net + - bookmarkbase\.com + - bulkfeeds\.net + - bumblebee@relevare\.c + - cantor\.ee\.ucla\.edu + - carleson\/1\.0 + - ccubee\/x\.x + - cfetch\/1\.0 + - cg-eye\sinteractive + - cobitsprobe + - codegator + - collage\.cgi\/1\.xx + - computerorgs\.com + - content\.easybib\.com + - coralcdn\.org + - cosco\.hiit\.fi + - cs\.daum\.net + - csci_b659\/0\.13 + - dds\sexplorer\sv1\.0\sbe + - deepak-USC\/ISI + - deusu\.org + - digg\.com + - dir\.com + - dznet\.com + - e-sense\s1\.0\sea + - eStyleSearch\s4 + - ec2linkfinder + - ecairn\.com + - ejupiter\.com + - enter4u\.eu + - exactseek\.com + - example-masto-instance\.org + - feed\.moo\.jp + - feedafever\.com; + - flipboard\.com + - flunky + - free-downloads\.net\sd + - gazz\/x\.x + - geourl\/2\.0b2 + - getpocket\.com + - gigabaz\.com + - github\.com + - gossamer-threads\.com + - guess\.scritch\.org + - haste\.kytoon\.com + - help\.coccoc\.com + - help\.coccoc\.vn + - help\.goo\.ne\.jp + - help\.hepburnhome\.ca + - hgrepurl\/1\.0 + - http:\/\/www\.mabontlan + - http:\/\/www\.monogol\.d + - http:\/\/www\.timelyweb + - http_get + - httpunit\/1\.x + - i\.stanford\.edu + - iFeed\.jp\/2\.0 + - icerocket\.com; + - ideare\s-\sSignSite\/1\. + - igde\.ru + - innovationblog\.com + - integrity\/1\.6 + - integrity\/5 + - ivia\.ucr\.edu + - jack + - journster\.com + - knil + - kulturarw3\/0\.1 + - law\.di\.unimi\.it + - lc\/\$ROADS::Version\sl + - libWeb\/clsHTTP\s--\shi + - linkdex\.com\/v2\.0 + - mailto:webcraft@bea\. + - metatagsdir\.com + - miniflux\.net + - mogimogi\/1\.0 + - moiNAG\s0\.02 + - muckrack\.com + - myDaemon + - net-promoter\.com + - netarkivet\.dk + - newsearchengine + - newsme\/1\.0;\sfeedback + - newspaper\/0\.1\.0\.7 + - newspaper\/0\.2\.5 + - newspaper\/0\.2\.6 + - newstin\.com + - nlp\.uned\.es + - noyona_0_1 + - nymesis\.com + - oegp\sv\.\s1\.3\.0 + - omgili\.com + - ostermiller\.org + - owler-agent + - ozelot\/2\.7\.3 + - pandora\.nla\.gov\.au + - pauillac\.inria\.fr + - pd02_1\.0\.0\spd02_1\.0\. + - people\.eng\.unimelb\.edu\.au + - pompos\.iliad\.fr + - psycheclone + - r\.hatena\.ne\.jp + - rabaz + - ranksonic\.com + - rico\/0\.1 + - rjpower\.org + - sagool\.jp + - scoutmaster + - scrapy\.org + - search\.ch\sV1\.4 + - search\.denmex\.com + - search\.goo\.ne\.jp + - seekda\.com + - semanticdiscovery\/0\. + - sentry\.io + - silk\/1\.0 + - sitebar\.org + - siteexplorer\.info + - smartwit\.com + - sna-0\.0\.1 + - sna-0\.0\.1\smikeelliot + - sohu\sagent + - sohu-search + - sp\.ask\.com + - suchbaer\.de + - support\.embed\.ly + - surf + - suzuran + - szukaj\.onet\.pl + - tags2dir\.com + - tagword\.com + - targetblaster\.com\/0\. + - therarestwords\.com + - tuezilla\.de + - twikle\.com + - twurly\.org + - unknownght\.com\sWeb\sS + - users\.cs\.cf\.ac\.uk + - versus\.integis\.ch + - vias\.ncsa\.uiuc\.edu + - visionutils\/0\.2 + - vk\.com + - voyager-hc\/1\.0 + - web-bekannt + - web2express\.org + - webGobbler\/1\.x\.x + - webagent\.wise-guys\.nl + - webalgo\.iit\.cnr\.it + - webbandit\/4\.xx\.0 + - webdatastats\.com + - webglimpse\.net + - webhack + - websearchbench\.cs\.uni-dortmund\.de + - websitealert\.net + - webster-internet\.de + - webster\.healeys\.net + - whatUseek_winona\/3\.0 + - wiki\.creativecommons\.org + - wish\.slis\.tsukuba\.ac\.jp + - wkd\.iis\.sinica\.edu\.tw + - wortschatz\.uni-leipzig\.de + - ws\.daum\.net + - www\.Abolimba\.de + - www\.WISEnut\.com + - www\.abonti\.com + - www\.ackerm\.com + - www\.activtourist\.com + - www\.agada\.de + - www\.ahmadsoftware\.co + - www\.answerbus\.com + - www\.ant\.com + - www\.aol\.com + - www\.aramabeta\.com; + - www\.arianna\.it + - www\.arocom\.de + - www\.asaha\.com + - www\.axxus\.de + - www\.ay-up\.com + - www\.ba\.be + - www\.blaiz\.net + - www\.bortzmeyer\.org + - www\.brandverity\.com + - www\.buddybuzz\.net + - www\.buscaplus\.com + - www\.business-socket\. + - www\.canadiancontent\.net + - www\.chepi\.net + - www\.chilkatsoft\.com + - www\.cloudflare\.com + - www\.cnet\.com + - www\.cougarsearch\.com + - www\.covario\.com + - www\.crim\.ca + - www\.cs\.washington\.edu + - www\.cs\.washington\.edu; + - www\.de\.com + - www\.dead-links\.com + - www\.die-kraehe\.de + - www\.dnsdigger\.com + - www\.earthcom\.info + - www\.eurekster\.com + - www\.europarchive\.org + - www\.eventax\.de + - www\.everatom\.com + - www\.evri\.com + - www\.exensa\.com + - www\.exif-search\.com + - www\.facebook\.com + - www\.favcollector\.com + - www\.feeddemon\.com + - www\.feedhub\.com + - www\.feedly\.com + - www\.feedmap\.net + - www\.fileboost\.net + - www\.findpal\.com + - www\.floorstransformed\.com + - www\.flyindex\.net + - www\.followsite\.com + - www\.globalspec\.com + - www\.goguides\.org + - www\.greaterera\.com + - www\.hermitsearch\.com + - www\.hyperix\.com + - www\.ianett\.com + - www\.icerocket\.com + - www\.illumit\.com + - www\.iltrovatore\.it + - www\.inktomi\.com + - www\.intelliseek\.com + - www\.ip2location\.com + - www\.jordomedia\.com + - www\.kalooga\.com; + - www\.kototoi\.org + - www\.l3s\.de + - www\.lan4lano\.net + - www\.look\.com + - www\.lw01\.com + - www\.matuschek\.net + - www\.megaindex\.ru + - www\.meta-spinner\.de + - www\.mixdata\.com + - www\.moreover\.com + - www\.neomo\.de + - www\.newsgator\.com; + - www\.ng-search\.com + - www\.page-store\.com + - www\.pagebull\.com + - www\.pingalink\.com + - www\.pingdom\.com + - www\.plinki\.com; + - www\.powerset\.com + - www\.prairielandconsulting\.com + - www\.pubblisito\.com + - www\.qango\.com + - www\.quickiwiki\.com; + - www\.qwant\.com + - www\.rawgrunt\.com + - www\.relsoftware\.com + - www\.retrevo\.com + - www\.samsung\.com + - www\.scifihifi\.com + - www\.scrubtheweb\.com + - www\.searchme\.com + - www\.securecomputing\.com + - www\.semager\.de + - www\.shopwiki\.com + - www\.siigle\.com + - www\.simpy\.com + - www\.sitesearch\.ca + - www\.sitesell\.com + - www\.sixxs\.net + - www\.skaffe\.com + - www\.skyrocket\.gr\.jp + - www\.sli-systems\.com + - www\.slider\.com + - www\.slysearch\.com + - www\.somusical\.com + - www\.suchen\.de + - www\.sygol\.com + - www\.sync2it\.com + - www\.targetgroups\.net + - www\.teradex\.com + - www\.tkensaku\.com + - www\.truveo\.com + - www\.tumblr\.com + - www\.ukwizz\.com + - www\.unchaos\.com + - www\.updated\.com; + - www\.urltrends\.com + - www\.vakes\.com + - www\.versions-project\.org + - www\.verzamelgids\.nl + - www\.wavefire\.com; + - www\.webarchiv\.cz + - www\.worio\.com + - www\.wowlemmings\.com + - www\.xirq\.com; + - www\.xrayz\.co\.uk + - www\.yama\.info\.waseda\.ac\.jp + - www\.yoono\.com + - www\.zedzo\.com + - wwwster\/1\.x + - xmlset_roodkcableoj2 + - yarienavoir\.net\/0\.2 + - yoogliFetchAgent\/0\.1 + - Mediapartners\s\\ + - \[wW]get + - aiohttp + - httpunit + - Go-http-client + - Gigablast + - netresearchserver + - fluffy + - findlink + - ips-agent + - yanga + - CyberPatrol + - postrank + - linkdex + - ezooms + - europarchive\.org + - Ahrefs + - mappydata + - eright + - Apercite + - Aboundex + - facebookexternalhit + - Yeti + - RetrevoPageAnalyzer + - wotbox + - drupact + - coccoc + - integromedb + - changedetection + - CC\sMetadata\sScaper + - g00g1e\.net + - MegaIndex + - MetaURI + - Scrapy + - Livelap\[bB]ot + - CapsuleChecker + - collection@infegy\.com + - DeuSu\\/ + - Sonic + - deadlinkchecker + - Slack-ImgProxy + - electricmonk + - Daum\\/ + - \[pP]ingdom + - AppInsights + - PhantomJS + - Jetslide + - newsharecounts + - Bark\[rR]owler + - LinkArchiver + - YaK\\/ + - Digg\sDeeper + - Snacktory + - NING\\/ + - omgili + - PocketParser + - um-LN + - MuckRack + - AHC\\/ + - \^Apache-HttpClient + - Jetty + - Upflow + - Twurly + - Mastodon + - BrandVerity + - check_http + - EZID + - \^LCC + - Buck\\/ + - MeltwaterNews + - Moreover + - newspaper\\/ + - + - seoscanners + - Hatena + - adscanner + - Netvibes + - BTWebClient + - Disqus + - Feedly + - Fetch\\/ + - Fever + - Flamingo_SearchEngine + - FlipboardProxy + - G2\sWeb\sServices + - vkShare + - Siteimprove\.com + - DareBoost + - Miniflux\\/ + - Feedspot + - SEOkicks + - tracemyfile + - zgrab + - PR-CY\.RU + - Datafeedwatch + - axios + - Pulsepoint + - CloudFlare-AlwaysOnline + - WordupInfoSearch + - WebDataStats + - HttpUrlConnection + - outbrain + - W3C-mobileOK + - W3C_I18n-Checker + - W3C_Unicorn + - Blackboard + - BazQux + - Twingly + - Rivva + - Dataprovider\.com + - GroupHigh\\/ + - theoldreader\.com + - AnyEvent + - Nmap\sScripting\sEngine + - 2ip\.ru + - Clickagy + - HubSpot + - Chrome-Lighthouse + - CheckMarkNetwork\\/ + - www\\\.uptime\\\.com + - MixnodeCache\\/ + - \^curl + - SimpleScraper + - fedoraplanet + - Friendica + - NextCloud + - Datanyze + - TrendsmapResolver + - tweetedtimes + - Gwene + - SimplePie + - SearchAtlas + - Superfeedr + - Domains\sProject\\/ + - Pandalytics + - PagePeeker\\/ + - Vigil\\/ + - seewithkids + - BlogTraffic\\/\\d\\\.\\d\+\sFeed-Fetcher + - Cincraw + - \^PHP-Curl-Class + - Viber + - evc-batch + - virustotal + - seostar\\\.co + - Uptime-Kuma + - Snap\sURL\sPreview\sService + - RuxitSynthetic + - Valve\\/Steam + - woorankreview\\/ + - search\\\.marginalia\\\.nu + - SEOlizer + - Synapse + - deepnoc + - hypestat + - sempi\.tech + - Iframely + - node-fetch + - lkxscan + - OpenGraphCheck + - NewsBlur + - inoreader + - NetSystemsResearch + - PageThing +- Added `addition_date` and `instances` for the new items where possible. +- Executed and updated the convert_to_txt to write the file in the `generated/` directory diff --git a/COUNTER_Robots_list.json b/COUNTER_Robots_list.json index 40df507..e7fb5f1 100644 --- a/COUNTER_Robots_list.json +++ b/COUNTER_Robots_list.json @@ -45,16 +45,31 @@ }, { "pattern": "AddThis", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "url": "https://www.addthis.com", + "instances": [ + "AddThis.com robot tech.support@clearspring.com" + ], + "addition_date": "2015-06-02" }, { "pattern": "A6-Indexer", "last_changed": "2019-11-19", - "description": "A6 Corp's bot" + "description": "A6 Corp's bot", + "addition_date": "2014-12-05", + "url": "http://www.a6corp.com/a6-web-scraping-policy/", + "instances": [ + "A6-Indexer" + ] }, { "pattern": "ADmantX", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2014-12-05", + "url": "http://www.admantx.com", + "instances": [ + "ADmantX Platform Semantic Analyzer - ADmantX Inc. - www.admantx.com - support@admantx.com" + ] }, { "pattern": "alexa", @@ -148,7 +163,15 @@ }, { "pattern": "binlar", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2014-09-12", + "instances": [ + "binlar_2.6.3 binlar2.6.3@unspecified.mail", + "binlar_2.6.3 binlar_2.6.3@unspecified.mail", + "binlar_2.6.3 larbin2.6.3@unspecified.mail", + "binlar_2.6.3 phanendra_kalapala@McAfee.com", + "binlar_2.6.3 test@mgmt.mic" + ] }, { "pattern": "bjaaland", @@ -186,7 +209,11 @@ "pattern": "BUbiNG", "last_changed": "2018-02-07", "description": "BUbiNG bot scrapes the internet for contacts and news articles that would be of interest to their students and university.", - "url": "http://law.di.unimi.it/BUbiNG.html" + "url": "http://law.di.unimi.it/BUbiNG.html", + "instances": [ + "BUbiNG (+http://law.di.unimi.it/BUbiNG.html)" + ], + "addition_date": "2015-04-06" }, { "pattern": "bwh3_user_agent", @@ -243,7 +270,12 @@ }, { "pattern": "collection@infegy.com", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "url": "http://infegy.com/", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.73 Safari/537.36 collection@infegy.com" + ], + "addition_date": "2016-01-03" }, { "pattern": "com\\.plumanalytics", @@ -263,7 +295,11 @@ }, { "pattern": "convera", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "instances": [ + "ConveraCrawler/0.9e (+http://ews.converasearch.com/crawl.htm)" + ], + "url": "http://ews.converasearch.com/crawl.htm" }, { "pattern": "core", @@ -312,7 +348,13 @@ }, { "pattern": "DeuSu\\/", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2016-01-23", + "url": "https://deusu.de/robot.html", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DeuSu/0.1.0; +https://deusu.org)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DeuSu/5.0.2; +https://deusu.de/robot.html)" + ] }, { "pattern": "Dispatch\\/\\d", @@ -378,7 +420,14 @@ }, { "pattern": "Embedly", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2016-04-25", + "url": "http://support.embed.ly", + "instances": [ + "Embedly +support@embed.ly", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Embedly/0.2; +http://support.embed.ly/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Embedly/0.2; snap; +http://support.embed.ly/)" + ] }, { "pattern": "EThOS\\+\\(British\\+Library\\)", @@ -403,7 +452,12 @@ }, { "pattern": "Feedbin", - "last_changed": "2019-01-22" + "last_changed": "2019-01-22", + "addition_date": "2022-11-05", + "url": "https://feedbin.com/", + "instances": [ + "Feedbin feed-id:2005098 - 2 subscribers" + ] }, { "pattern": "feedburner", @@ -431,7 +485,10 @@ }, { "pattern": "findthatfile", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2011-06-21", + "url": "http://www.findthatfile.com/", + "instances": [] }, { "pattern": "^FileDown$", @@ -522,7 +579,33 @@ }, { "pattern": "heritrix", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2011-06-21", + "url": "https://github.com/internetarchive/heritrix3/wiki", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.12.1 +http://www.webarchiv.cz)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.12.1b +http://netarkivet.dk/website/info.html)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.2 +http://rjpower.org)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.2 +http://www.webarchiv.cz)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.3 +http://archive.org)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.3 +http://www.accelobot.com)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.3 +http://www.webarchiv.cz)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.3.r6601 +http://www.buddybuzz.net/yptrino)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.4 +http://parsijoo.ir)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/1.14.4 +http://www.exif-search.com)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/2.0.2 +http://aihit.com)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/2.0.2 +http://seekda.com)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.0.0-SNAPSHOT-20091120.021634 +http://crawler.archive.org)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.1.0-RC1 +http://boston.lti.cs.cmu.edu/crawler_12/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.1.1 +http://places.tomtom.com/crawlerinfo)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.1.1 +http://www.mixdata.com)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.1.1; UniLeipzigASV +http://corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/crawler_faq.html)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.2.0 +http://www.crim.ca)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.2.0 +http://www.exif-search.com)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.2.0 +http://www.mixdata.com)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; heritrix/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT-20160309-0050; UniLeipzigASV +http://corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/crawler_faq.html)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; sukibot_heritrix/3.1.1 +http://suki.ling.helsinki.fi/eng/webmasters.html)" + ] }, { "pattern": "holmes", @@ -540,7 +623,13 @@ "pattern": "HeadlessChrome", "last_changed": "2021-12-07", "description": "Headless Chrome is used to automate Chrome requests for testing purposes.", - "url": "https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome" + "url": "https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome", + "addition_date": "2019-06-17", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36", + "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/69.0.3494.0 Safari/537.36", + "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/76.0.3803.0 Safari/537.36" + ] }, { "pattern": "HttpComponents\\/1.1", @@ -561,7 +650,12 @@ { "pattern": "httpx", "last_changed": "2021-11-23", - "url": "https://github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx" + "url": "https://www.python-httpx.org", + "addition_date": " 2019/12/23", + "instances": [ + "python-httpx/0.16.1", + "python-httpx/0.13.0.dev1" + ] }, { "pattern": "httrack", @@ -569,11 +663,34 @@ }, { "pattern": "ia_archiver", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "instances": [ + "ia_archiver (+http://www.alexa.com/site/help/webmasters; crawler@alexa.com)", + "ia_archiver-web.archive.org" + ] }, { "pattern": "ichiro", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2012-08-28", + "url": "http://help.goo.ne.jp/help/article/1142", + "instances": [ + "DoCoMo/2.0 P900i(c100;TB;W24H11) (compatible; ichiro/mobile goo; +http://help.goo.ne.jp/help/article/1142/)", + "DoCoMo/2.0 P900i(c100;TB;W24H11) (compatible; ichiro/mobile goo; +http://search.goo.ne.jp/option/use/sub4/sub4-1/)", + "DoCoMo/2.0 P900i(c100;TB;W24H11) (compatible; ichiro/mobile goo;+http://search.goo.ne.jp/option/use/sub4/sub4-1/)", + "DoCoMo/2.0 P900i(c100;TB;W24H11)(compatible; ichiro/mobile goo;+http://help.goo.ne.jp/door/crawler.html)", + "DoCoMo/2.0 P901i(c100;TB;W24H11) (compatible; ichiro/mobile goo; +http://help.goo.ne.jp/door/crawler.html)", + "KDDI-CA31 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0 (compatible; ichiro/mobile goo; +http://help.goo.ne.jp/help/article/1142/)", + "KDDI-CA31 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0 (compatible; ichiro/mobile goo; +http://search.goo.ne.jp/option/use/sub4/sub4-1/)", + "KDDI-CA31 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0 (compatible; ichiro/mobile goo;+http://search.goo.ne.jp/option/use/sub4/sub4-1/)", + "ichiro/2.0 (http://help.goo.ne.jp/door/crawler.html)", + "ichiro/2.0 (ichiro@nttr.co.jp)", + "ichiro/3.0 (http://help.goo.ne.jp/door/crawler.html)", + "ichiro/3.0 (http://help.goo.ne.jp/help/article/1142)", + "ichiro/3.0 (http://search.goo.ne.jp/option/use/sub4/sub4-1/)", + "ichiro/4.0 (http://help.goo.ne.jp/door/crawler.html)", + "ichiro/5.0 (http://help.goo.ne.jp/door/crawler.html)" + ] }, { "pattern": "iktomi", @@ -611,7 +728,12 @@ }, { "pattern": "iskanie", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2016-09-02", + "url": "http://www.iskanie.com", + "instances": [ + "iskanie (+http://www.iskanie.com)" + ] }, { "pattern": "^java\\/\\d{1,2}.\\d", @@ -695,7 +817,15 @@ }, { "pattern": "lipperhey", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "url": "http://www.lipperhey.com/", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Lipperhey Link Explorer; http://www.lipperhey.com/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Lipperhey SEO Service; http://www.lipperhey.com/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Lipperhey Site Explorer; http://www.lipperhey.com/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Lipperhey-Kaus-Australis/5.0; +https://www.lipperhey.com/en/about/)" + ], + "addition_date": "2015-08-26" }, { "pattern": "livejournal\\.com", @@ -711,7 +841,12 @@ }, { "pattern": "ltx71", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "url": "http://ltx71.com/", + "instances": [ + "ltx71 - (http://ltx71.com/)" + ], + "addition_date": "2015-04-04" }, { "pattern": "lwp", @@ -724,7 +859,11 @@ { "pattern": "MaCoCu", "last_changed": "2021-11-23", - "url": "https://www.clarin.si/info/macocu-massive-collection-and-curation-of-monolingual-and-bilingual-data/" + "url": "https://www.clarin.si/info/macocu-massive-collection-and-curation-of-monolingual-and-bilingual-data", + "addition_date": "2023-09-08", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MaCoCu; +https://www.clarin.si/info/macocu-massive-collection-and-curation-of-monolingual-and-bilingual-data/)" + ] }, { "pattern": "mail\\.ru", @@ -747,7 +886,11 @@ "pattern": "MetaInspector", "last_changed": "2022-05-04", "description": "Ruby gem for web scraping purposes.", - "url": "https://github.com/metainspector/metainspector" + "url": "https://github.com/jaimeiniesta/metainspector", + "addition_date": "2023-09-08", + "instances": [ + "MetaInspector/5.6.0 (+https://github.com/jaimeiniesta/metainspector)" + ] }, { "pattern": "MetaURI[\\+\\s]API\\/\\d\\.\\d", @@ -879,7 +1022,11 @@ }, { "pattern": "nutch", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "instances": [ + "NutchCVS/0.7.1 (Nutch; http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html; nutch-agent@lucene.apache.org)", + "istellabot-nutch/Nutch-1.10" + ] }, { "pattern": "^oaDOI$", @@ -903,7 +1050,15 @@ "pattern": "okhttp", "last_changed": "2020-02-25", "description": "okhttp is a Java HTTP client library.", - "url": "http://square.github.io/okhttp/" + "url": "http://square.github.io/okhttp/", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "instances": [ + "okhttp/2.5.0", + "okhttp/2.7.5", + "okhttp/3.2.0", + "okhttp/3.5.0", + "okhttp/4.1.0" + ] }, { "pattern": "onetszukaj", @@ -919,7 +1074,10 @@ }, { "pattern": "panscient", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "instances": [ + "panscient.com" + ] }, { "pattern": "parsijoo", @@ -932,7 +1090,13 @@ }, { "pattern": "Pcore-HTTP", - "last_changed": "2019-11-19" + "last_changed": "2019-11-19", + "addition_date": "2017-08-19", + "instances": [ + "Pcore-HTTP/v0.40.3", + "Pcore-HTTP/v0.44.0" + ], + "url": "https://bitbucket.org/softvisio/pcore/overview" }, { "pattern": "pear\\.php\\.net", @@ -974,7 +1138,13 @@ }, { "pattern": "proximic", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2013-09-12", + "url": "http://www.proximic.com/info/spider.php", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; proximic; +http://www.proximic.com)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; proximic; +http://www.proximic.com/info/spider.php)" + ] }, { "pattern": "PycURL", @@ -986,7 +1156,15 @@ }, { "pattern": "Qwantify", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "url": "https://www.qwant.com/", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Qwantify/2.0n; +https://www.qwant.com/)/*", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Qwantify/2.4w; +https://www.qwant.com/)/2.4w", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Qwantify/Bleriot/1.1; +https://help.qwant.com/bot)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Qwantify/Bleriot/1.2.1; +https://help.qwant.com/bot)" + ], + "addition_date": "2015-04-06" }, { "pattern": "rambler", @@ -1047,7 +1225,11 @@ { "pattern": "ScoutJet", "last_changed": "2019-02-12", - "url": "http://www.scoutjet.com/" + "url": "http://www.scoutjet.com/", + "addition_date": "2018-03-27", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ScoutJet; +http://www.scoutjet.com/)" + ] }, { "pattern": "^scrutiny\\/\\d", @@ -1067,7 +1249,11 @@ }, { "pattern": "SkypeUriPreview", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2016-10-10", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) SkypeUriPreview Preview/0.5" + ] }, { "pattern": "slurp", @@ -1079,7 +1265,14 @@ }, { "pattern": "speedy", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) Speedy Spider (http://www.entireweb.com/about/search_tech/speedy_spider/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) Speedy Spider for SpeedyAds (http://www.entireweb.com/about/search_tech/speedy_spider/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Speedy Spider; http://www.entireweb.com/about/search_tech/speedy_spider/)", + "Speedy Spider (Entireweb; Beta/1.2; http://www.entireweb.com/about/search_tech/speedyspider/)", + "Speedy Spider (http://www.entireweb.com/about/search_tech/speedy_spider/)" + ] }, { "pattern": "sqlmap", @@ -1097,7 +1290,12 @@ }, { "pattern": "summify", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2012-01-04", + "url": "http://summify.com", + "instances": [ + "Summify (Summify/1.0.1; +http://summify.com)" + ] }, { "pattern": "sunrise", @@ -1105,7 +1303,12 @@ }, { "pattern": "Sysomos", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2016-02-08", + "url": "http://www.sysomos.com", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Sysomos/1.0; +http://www.sysomos.com/; Sysomos)" + ] }, { "pattern": "T\\-H\\-U\\-N\\-D\\-E\\-R\\-S\\-T\\-O\\-N\\-E", @@ -1121,7 +1324,12 @@ }, { "pattern": "Teoma", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; Ask Jeeves/Teoma; +http://sp.ask.com/docs/about/tech_crawling.html)", + "Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; Ask Jeeves/Teoma; +http://about.ask.com/en/docs/about/webmasters.shtml)" + ], + "url": "http://about.ask.com/en/docs/about/webmasters.shtml" }, { "pattern": "The[\\+\\s]Knowledge[\\+\\s]AI", @@ -1142,13 +1350,21 @@ }, { "pattern": "Trove", - "last_changed": "2017-08-08" + "last_changed": "2017-08-08", + "addition_date": "2016-02-08", + "url": "http://www.trove.com", + "instances": [] }, { "pattern": "Turnitin", "last_changed": "2020-07-01", "description": "This robot collects content from the Internet for the sole purpose of helping educational institutions prevent plagiarism.", - "url": "https://turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html" + "url": "http://www.turnitin.com", + "addition_date": "2010-09-26", + "instances": [ + "TurnitinBot (https://turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html)", + "Turnitin 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1.106 (+https://api.slack.com/robots)", + "Slack-ImgProxy 1.138 (+https://api.slack.com/robots)", + "Slack-ImgProxy 149 (+https://api.slack.com/robots)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "electricmonk", + "addition_date": "2017-03-04", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; electricmonk/3.2.0 +https://www.duedil.com/our-crawler/)" + ], + "url": "https://www.duedil.com/our-crawler/", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Daum\\\\/", + "addition_date": "2017-08-16", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Daum/4.1; +http://cs.daum.net/faq/15/4118.html?faqId=28966)" + ], + "url": "http://cs.daum.net/faq/15/4118.html?faqId=28966", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "\\[pP]ingdom", + "addition_date": "2017-09-16", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/59.0.3071.109 Chrome/59.0.3071.109 Safari/537.36 PingdomPageSpeed/1.0 (pingbot/2.0; +http://www.pingdom.com/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; pingbot/2.0; +http://www.pingdom.com/)", + "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(http://www.pingdom.com/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/61.0.3163.100 Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36 PingdomPageSpeed/1.0 (pingbot/2.0; +http://www.pingdom.com/)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) browser/2020.2.1 Chrome/78.0.3904.130 Electron/7.3.2 Safari/537.36 PingdomTMS/2020.2", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) browser/2020.2.5 Chrome/78.0.3904.130 Electron/7.3.15 Safari/537.36 PingdomTMS/2020.2", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) browser/2020.2.0 Chrome/78.0.3904.130 Electron/7.1.7 Safari/537.36 PingdomTMS/2020.2", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) renderer/2020.2.0 Chrome/78.0.3904.130 Electron/7.1.7 Safari/537.36 PingdomTMS/2020.2", + "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/61.0.3163.100 Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36 PingdomPageSpeed/1.0 (pingbot/2.0; http://www.pingdom.com/)" + ], + "url": "http://www.pingdom.com", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "AppInsights", + "addition_date": "2019-03-09", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; AppInsights)" + ], + "url": "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/app-insights-overview", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "PhantomJS", + "addition_date": "2017-09-18", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (Unknown; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/538.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) PhantomJS/2.1.1 Safari/538.1 bl.uk_lddc_renderbot/2.0.0 (+ http://www.bl.uk/aboutus/legaldeposit/websites/websites/faqswebmaster/index.html)" + ], + "url": "http://phantomjs.org/", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Jetslide", + "addition_date": "2017-09-27", + "url": "http://jetsli.de/crawler", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Jetslide; +http://jetsli.de/crawler)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "newsharecounts", + "addition_date": "2017-09-30", + "url": "http://newsharecounts.com/crawler", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; NewShareCounts.com/1.0; +http://newsharecounts.com/crawler)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Bark\\[rR]owler", + "addition_date": "2017-10-09", + "url": "http://www.exensa.com/crawl", + "instances": [ + "Barkrowler/0.5.1 (experimenting / debugging - sorry for your logs ) http://www.exensa.com/crawl - admin@exensa.com -- based on BuBiNG", + "Barkrowler/0.7 (+http://www.exensa.com/crawl)", + "BarkRowler/0.7 (+http://www.exensa.com/crawling)", + "Barkrowler/0.9 (+http://www.exensa.com/crawl)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "LinkArchiver", + "addition_date": "2017-09-24", + "instances": [ + "@LinkArchiver twitter bot" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "YaK\\\\/", + "addition_date": "2017-09-25", + "url": "http://linkfluence.com", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YaK/1.0; http://linkfluence.com/; bot@linkfluence.com)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Digg\\sDeeper", + "addition_date": "2017-09-26", + "url": "http://digg.com/about", + "instances": [ + "Digg Deeper/v1 (http://digg.com/about)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Snacktory", + "addition_date": "2017-09-23", + "url": "https://github.com/karussell/snacktory", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Snacktory; +https://github.com/karussell/snacktory)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "NING\\\\/", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "instances": [ + "NING/1.0" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "omgili", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "url": "http://omgili.com", + "instances": [ + "omgili/0.5 +http://omgili.com" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "PocketParser", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "url": "https://getpocket.com/pocketparser_ua", + "instances": [ + "PocketParser/2.0 (+https://getpocket.com/pocketparser_ua)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "um-LN", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; um-LN/1.0; mailto: techinfo@ubermetrics-technologies.com)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "MuckRack", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "url": "http://muckrack.com", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MuckRack/1.0; +http://muckrack.com)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "AHC\\\\/", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "instances": [ + "AHC/2.0" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "\\^Apache-HttpClient", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "instances": [ + "Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.2.5 (java 1.5)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.3 (java 1.5)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.5 (java 1.5)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.4.1 (Java/1.8.0_65)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_65)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_151)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_161)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_181)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_121)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3-SNAPSHOT (Java/1.8.0_152)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.7 (Java/11.0.3)", + "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.10 (Java/1.8.0_201)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Jetty", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "instances": [ + "Jetty/9.3.z-SNAPSHOT" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Upflow", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "instances": [ + "Upflow/1.0" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Twurly", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "url": "http://twurly.org", + "instances": [ + "Ruby, Twurly v1.1 (http://twurly.org)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Mastodon", + "addition_date": "2017-11-02", + "instances": [ + "http.rb/2.2.2 (Mastodon/1.5.1; +https://example-masto-instance.org/)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "BrandVerity", + "addition_date": "2018-02-27", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0 BrandVerity/1.0 (http://www.brandverity.com/why-is-brandverity-visiting-me)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/11A465 Twitter for iPhone BrandVerity/1.0 (http://www.brandverity.com/why-is-brandverity-visiting-me)" + ], + "url": "http://www.brandverity.com/why-is-brandverity-visiting-me", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "check_http", + "addition_date": "2018-02-09", + "instances": [ + "check_http/v2.2.1 (nagios-plugins 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"instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 Moreover/5.1 (+http://www.moreover.com)" + ], + "url": "http://www.moreover.com", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "newspaper\\\\/", + "addition_date": "2018-03-27", + "instances": [ + "newspaper/", + "newspaper/0.2.5", + "newspaper/0.2.6", + "newspaper/0.2.8" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "", + "addition_date": "2018-03-27", + "instances": [ + "sentry/8.22.0 (https://sentry.io)" + ], + "url": "https://sentry.io", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "seoscanners", + "addition_date": "2018-05-27", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; seoscanners.net/1; +spider@seoscanners.net)" + ], + "url": "http://www.seoscanners.net/", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Hatena", + "addition_date": "2018-05-29", + "instances": [ + "Hatena Antenna/0.3", + "Hatena::Russia::Crawler/0.01", + "Hatena-Favicon/2 (http://www.hatena.ne.jp/faq/)", + "Hatena::Scissors/0.01", + "HatenaBookmark/4.0 (Hatena::Bookmark; Analyzer)", + "Hatena::Fetcher/0.01 (master) Furl/3.13" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "adscanner", + "addition_date": "2018-06-24", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; adscanner/)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Netvibes", + "addition_date": "2018-06-24", + "instances": [ + "Netvibes (crawler/bot; http://www.netvibes.com", + "Netvibes (crawler; http://www.netvibes.com)" + ], + "url": "http://www.netvibes.com", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "BTWebClient", + "addition_date": "2018-06-27", + "instances": [ + "BTWebClient/180B(9704)" + ], + "url": "http://www.utorrent.com/", + "description": "\u00b5Torrent BitTorrent Client", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Disqus", + "addition_date": "2018-06-27", + "instances": [ + "Disqus/1.0" + ], + "url": "https://disqus.com/", + "description": "validate and quality check pages.", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Feedly", + "addition_date": "2018-06-27", + "instances": [ + "Feedly/1.0 (+http://www.feedly.com/fetcher.html; like FeedFetcher-Google)", + "FeedlyBot/1.0 (http://feedly.com)" + ], + "url": "https://www.feedly.com/fetcher.html", + "description": "Feedly Fetcher is how Feedly grabs RSS or Atom feeds when users choose to add them to their Feedly or any of the other applications built on top of the feedly cloud.", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Fetch\\\\/", + "addition_date": "2018-06-27", + "instances": [ + "Fetch/2.0a (CMS Detection/Web/SEO analysis tool, see http://guess.scritch.org)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Fever", + "addition_date": "2018-06-27", + "instances": [ + "Fever/1.38 (Feed Parser; http://feedafever.com; Allow like Gecko)" + ], + "url": "http://feedafever.com", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Flamingo_SearchEngine", + "addition_date": "2018-06-27", + "instances": [ + "Flamingo_SearchEngine (+http://www.flamingosearch.com/bot)" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "FlipboardProxy", + "addition_date": "2018-06-27", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; FlipboardProxy/1.1; +http://flipboard.com/browserproxy)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; FlipboardProxy/1.2; +http://flipboard.com/browserproxy)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 (FlipboardProxy/1.1; +http://flipboard.com/browserproxy)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0 (FlipboardProxy/1.1; +http://flipboard.com/browserproxy)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0 (FlipboardProxy/1.2; +http://flipboard.com/browserproxy)" + ], + "url": "https://about.flipboard.com/browserproxy/", + "description": "a proxy service to fetch, validate, and prepare certain elements of websites for presentation through the Flipboard Application", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "G2\\sWeb\\sServices", + "addition_date": "2019-03-01", + "instances": [ + "G2 Web Services/1.0 (built with StormCrawler Archetype 1.8; https://www.g2webservices.com/; developers@g2llc.com)" + ], + "url": "https://www.g2webservices.com/", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "vkShare", + "addition_date": "2018-07-02", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; vkShare; +http://vk.com/dev/Share)" + ], + "url": "http://vk.com/dev/Share", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Siteimprove\\.com", + "addition_date": "2018-06-22", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0) LinkCheck by Siteimprove.com", + "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.0) Match by Siteimprove.com", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0) SiteCheck-sitecrawl by Siteimprove.com", + "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.0) LinkCheck by Siteimprove.com" + ], + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "DareBoost", + "addition_date": "2018-07-07", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.75 Safari/537.36 DareBoost" + ], + "url": "https://www.dareboost.com/", + "description": "Bot to test, Analyze and Optimize website", + "last_changed": "2024-01-10" + }, + { + "pattern": "Miniflux\\\\/", + "addition_date": "2018-07-07", + "instances": [ + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Miniflux/2.0.x-dev; +https://miniflux.net)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Miniflux/2.0.3; +https://miniflux.net)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Miniflux/2.0.7; +https://miniflux.net)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Miniflux/2.0.10; +https://miniflux.net)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatibl$; Miniflux/2.0.x-dev; +https://miniflux.app)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Miniflux/2.0.11; +https://miniflux.app)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Miniflux/2.0.12; +https://miniflux.app)", + 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+Anonymizer\/1\.1 +AnswerChase\sPROve\sx\. +AnswerChase\sx\.0 +Apache +Apache-HttpAsyncClie +Apache-HttpClient\/4\. +Apache-HttpClient\/UN +Aport +Arachnoidea +Asahina-Antenna\/1\.x +Ask\.24x\.Info +Atomic_Email_Hunter\/ +BMCLIENT +BMLAUNCHER +BPImageWalker\/2\.0 +BSDSeek\/1\.0 +BStop\.BravoBrian\.it +BTWebClient\/180B +BeamMachine\/0\.5 +BeebwareDirectory\/v0 +Big\sFish\sv1\.0 +BigBrother\/1\.6e +Bilbo\/2\.3b-UNIX +BlackBerry9000\/4\.6\.0 +BlackWidow +Blackboard\sSafeassig +Bobby\/4\.0\.x\sRPT-HTTP +Bookdog\/x\.x +BravoBrian\sbstop\.bra +BullsEye +BunnySlippers +CHttpClient\sby\sOpen +CLIPish\sPro2\s10\.21 +COAST\sWebMaster\sPro\/ +CamelHttpStream\/1\.0 +Cancer\sInformation\sa +Chat\sCatcher\/1\.0 +China\sLocal\sBrowse\s2 +Chitika\sContentHit\s1 +Claymont\.com +Contact +Cookie%20Stumbler\/22 +CyberSpyder\sLink\sTes +DBrowse\s1\.4b +DBrowse\s1\.4d +DTAAgent +Dart\sCommunications +DataFountains\/DMOZ\sD +Datafeedwatch\/2\.1\.x +Deep\sLink\sCalculator +DeepIndex +DeepIndexer\.ca 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+OpenOffice\/4\.1\.1 +Openstat\/0\.1 +Opera\/6\.01 +Oracle\sUltra\sSearch +OzySoftware\.com +PBrowse\s1\.4b +PEval\s1\.4b +POE-Component-Client +PeopleChat\/Search_En +PicoSearch\/1\.0 +Piffany_Web_Scraper_ +PingALink\sMonitoring +Pita +Poirot +Pompos\/1\.x\spompos@il +Popdexter\/1\.0 +Port\sHuron\sLabs +PostFavorites +PostRank\/2\.0 +PrivacyFinder\/1\.1 +Program\sShareware\s1\. +Progressive\sDownload +Project\sXP5\s\[2\.03\.07 +Pulsepoint\sXT3\sweb\ss +QPCreep\sTest\sRig +Qseero\sv1\.0\.0 +QuepasaCreep\sv0\.9\.1x +QueryN\sMetasearch +R6_VoteReader +RPT-HTTPClient\/0\.3-x +RepoMonkey\sBait\s&\sTa +Ruby +Rumours-Agent +SMRF\sURL\sExpander +ScoutAbout +Search\+ +Search-Engine-Studio +SearchGuild\/DMOZ\/Exp +SearchGuild_DMOZ_Exp +SearchSight\.com +SearchTone2\.0\s-\sIDEA +Seeker\.lookseek\.com +Silk\/1\.0 +SiteBar\/x\.x +SiteRecon\+ +SiteTruth\.com\ssite\sr +SiteXpert +Skywalker\/0\.1 +Slarp\/0\.1 +Slider_Search_v1-de +SlySearch +SnoopRob\/x\.x +Snoopy\sv1\.xx +Snoopy_v0\.xx 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+twikle\.com +twurly\.org +unknownght\.com\sWeb\sS +users\.cs\.cf\.ac\.uk +versus\.integis\.ch +vias\.ncsa\.uiuc\.edu +visionutils\/0\.2 +vk\.com +voyager-hc\/1\.0 +web-bekannt +web2express\.org +webGobbler\/1\.x\.x +webagent\.wise-guys\.nl +webalgo\.iit\.cnr\.it +webbandit\/4\.xx\.0 +webdatastats\.com +webglimpse\.net +webhack +websearchbench\.cs\.uni-dortmund\.de +websitealert\.net +webster-internet\.de +webster\.healeys\.net +whatUseek_winona\/3\.0 +wiki\.creativecommons\.org +wish\.slis\.tsukuba\.ac\.jp +wkd\.iis\.sinica\.edu\.tw +wortschatz\.uni-leipzig\.de +ws\.daum\.net +www\.Abolimba\.de +www\.WISEnut\.com +www\.abonti\.com +www\.ackerm\.com +www\.activtourist\.com +www\.agada\.de +www\.ahmadsoftware\.co +www\.answerbus\.com +www\.ant\.com +www\.aol\.com +www\.aramabeta\.com; +www\.arianna\.it +www\.arocom\.de +www\.asaha\.com +www\.axxus\.de +www\.ay-up\.com +www\.ba\.be +www\.blaiz\.net +www\.bortzmeyer\.org +www\.brandverity\.com +www\.buddybuzz\.net +www\.buscaplus\.com 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