To access slave specific information thru the Mesos Web-UI we suggest that you add the ip addresses of our cluster nodes to your
local /etc/hosts
file: master1 #charmander slave1 #charmander slave2 #charmander slave3 #charmander slave4 #charmander
Build Issues with Vagrantfile
There are those rare times when vagrant up
fails. In those situations we suggest to do a clean vagrant destroy
and vagrant up
This will get the system in to a consistent state again.
Build Issues with ./bin/build.. scripts
There are those random times when you see tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
errors or some other funny error while building an image.
No problem, just run the build script again.
Reset Scheduler
If you feel that tasks are in a bad state just reset the cluster:
This command simply restarts the Charmander-Scheduler/Framework which forces Mesos to cleanup all previous tasks assigned to this scheduler/framework.
Reboot cluster
The whole cluster-setup can easily be rebooted into a clean state:
vagrant reload
Shutdown Cluster
We suggest that you shutdown the cluster when you aren't running any experiments. We have encountered network issues when leaving the cluster running for a long time.
Shutdown cluster
vagrant halt
Start cluster
vagrant up
Redis updates are asynchronous
The different Analytics-related services exchange the state with the scheduler using Redis. The polling interval of the services is between 15s and 30s. Expect data to be eventual-consistent.
Verify that Charmander-Scheduler is running
In very rare cases it could be that after a reboot of the master node the Scheduler wasn't able to re-connect to Mesos. We suggested that after a reboot you verify on the Mesos-Frameworks page that charmander is listed as an active framework. In case of an issue just restart the scheduler/cluster: