import os import sys import numpy import import gzip import tarfile import h5py from PIL import Image import six.moves.cPickle as pickle from six.moves import urllib import shutil def load_data(data_dir): def check_dataset(dataset): data_path = os.path.join(data_dir, dataset) if (not os.path.isfile(data_path)): origin = ( '' + dataset ) print('Downloading data from %s' % origin) urllib.request.urlretrieve(origin, data_path) return data_path train_dataset = check_dataset('train.tar.gz') test_dataset = check_dataset('test.tar.gz') def format_data(dataset): data_path = os.path.join(data_dir, dataset) tar =, 'r:gz') data_file_split = os.path.splitext(dataset)[0] data_type = os.path.splitext(data_file_split)[0] def check_file(folder_name): new_path = os.path.join(data_dir, folder_name) if (not os.path.exists(new_path)): tar.extractall(data_dir) process_data() def process_data(): print '... processing data (should only occur when downloading for the first time)' # Access label information in digitStruct.mat new_path = os.path.join(data_dir, data_type, 'digitStruct.mat') f = h5py.File(new_path, 'r') digitStructName = f['digitStruct']['name'] digitStructBbox = f['digitStruct']['bbox'] def getName(n): return ''.join([chr(c[0]) for c in f[digitStructName[n][0]].value]) def bboxHelper(attr): if (len(attr) > 1): attr = [f[attr.value[j].item()].value[0][0] for j in range(len(attr))] else: attr = [attr.value[0][0]] return attr def getBbox(n): bbox = {} bb = digitStructBbox[n].item() # bbox = bboxHelper(f[bb]["label"]) bbox['height'] = bboxHelper(f[bb]["height"]) bbox['label'] = bboxHelper(f[bb]["label"]) bbox['left'] = bboxHelper(f[bb]["left"]) bbox['top'] = bboxHelper(f[bb]["top"]) bbox['width'] = bboxHelper(f[bb]["width"]) return bbox def getDigitStructure(n): s = getBbox(n) s['name'] = getName(n) return s # Process labels print '... creating image box bound dict for %s data' % data_type image_dict = {} for i in range(len(digitStructName)): image_dict[getName(i)] = getBbox(i) if (i%1000 == 0): print ' image dict processing: %i/%i complete' %(i,len(digitStructName)) print '... dict processing complete' # Process the data print('... processing image data and labels') names = [] for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir, data_type)): if item.endswith('.png'): names.append(item) y = [] x = [] for i in range(len(names)): path = os.path.join(data_dir, data_type) y.append(image_dict[names[i]]['label']) image = + '/' + names[i]).convert('L') left = int(min(image_dict[names[i]]['left'])) upper = int(min(image_dict[names[i]]['top'])) right = int(max(image_dict[names[i]]['left'])) + int(max(image_dict[names[i]]['width'])) lower = int(max(image_dict[names[i]]['top'])) + int(max(image_dict[names[i]]['height'])) image = image.crop(box = (left, upper, right, lower)) image = image.resize([32,32]) image_array = numpy.array(image) x.append(image_array) if (i%1000 == 0): print ' image processing: %i/%i complete' %(i,len(names)) print '... image processing complete' # Save data print '... pickling data' out = {} out['names'] = names out['labels'] = y out['images'] = x output_file = data_type + 'pkl.gz' out_path = os.path.join(data_dir, output_file) p =, 'wb') pickle.dump(out, p) p.close() tar.close() # clean up (delete test/train folders that were used to create the pickled data) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(data_dir, data_type)) check_file(data_type) # This check will run everytime load_data() is called if (not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(data_dir, 'trainpkl.gz'))): format_data('train.tar.gz') f_train =, 'trainpkl.gz'), 'rb') train_set = pickle.load(f_train) f_train.close() if (not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(data_dir, 'testpkl.gz'))): format_data('test.tar.gz') f_test =, 'testpkl.gz'), 'rb') test_set = pickle.load(f_test) f_test.close() # Convert data format def convert_data_format(data): data['X'] = data.pop('images') data['X'] = numpy.array(data['X']) data['X'] = numpy.rollaxis(data['X'],0, data['X'].ndim) data['y'] = data.pop('labels') X = numpy.reshape(data['X'], (['X'].shape[:-1]), data['X'].shape[-1]), order='C').T / 255. def process_sequence(labels): for i in range(len(labels)): l = len(labels[i])-1 labels[i].insert(0,l) zeros = numpy.zeros(6-l-1).tolist() labels[i].extend(zeros) return numpy.array(labels) y = process_sequence(data['y']) return (X,y) train_set = convert_data_format(train_set) test_set = convert_data_format(test_set) train_set_len = len(train_set[1]) # Extract validation dataset from train dataset (10% of the train_set) valid_set = [x[-(train_set_len//10):] for x in train_set] train_set = [x[:-(train_set_len//10)] for x in train_set] # train_set, valid_set, test_set each contain a list [flattened image, sequence]. # The 'flattened image' part of the list is a 2D numpy array where each row # corresponds to a 32x32x3 image. The sequence is a 2D numpy array of the # number represented in the image. The first element in the sequence is the # length of the number (where 0 = a 1 digit number), the second element in # the sequence is the first digit of the number (where 0 means no digit # present and 10 = 0), and so on. return [train_set, valid_set, test_set] if __name__ == '__main__': load_data(sys.argv[1])