- Added changelog
- Updated bs-icons to version 1.0.0
- Angular package updates up to 10.0.14
- Updated Angular peer Dependencies up to 10.0.14
- engines - npm up to 6.14.6
- 28.08.2020 - Updated Demo Page to 1.0.0 version
- 28.08.2020 - Updated meta tags, favicons to demopage
- 03.09.2020 - Updated Angular peer Dependencies up to 10.1.0
- 29.08.2020 - move logo to header
- 17.09.2020 - Added ngx-clipboard v 13.0.1
- 17.09.2020 - Added copy to clipboard button
- 17.09.2020 - Buttons show on hover
- 20.09.2020 - Updated typescript 4.0.2 → 4.0.3
- 21.09.2020 - Updated jasmine-spec-reporter 5.0.2 → 6.0.0
- 27.09.2020 - Updated karma 5.2.2 → 5.2.3, ng-packagr 10.1.0 → 10.1.2
- 29.09.2020 - Updated cover image in readme
- 15.10.2020 - Updated to angular 10.1.6, Updated bootstrap to 4.5.3, updated demo
- 19.10.2020 - updated: eslint-config-airbnb-typescript to 12.0.0,engines: node >= 12.19,npm >=6.14.8, small refactorings in generator script
- 20.10.2020 - Fix some broken icons - Fixes #423: Update arrow-up-square-fil - Fixes #415: Properly name grip-horizontal and grip-vertical, make file-earmark variations consistent
- [demo] - Updated angular to 10.2.0
- [demo] - Updated @types/node to 14.14.1
- [icons] - Added Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and bar chart icons. Also adds two journal bookmark icons.
- [icons] - Add two new eomjis, plus fill variations for all
- [icons] - Fixes #437: make file-earmark variations consistent
- [icons] - Fixes #423: Update arrow-up-square-fil
- [icons] - Fixes #415: Properly name grip-horizontal and grip-vertical
- [icons] - Updated to v.1.1.0, fixed #42
- [icons] - fixed #47
- [icons] - fixed #57 (Added enums for icons) (thank you, @tayambamwanza for contributing)
- [icons] - fixed #65
- [readme] - minor Readme impovements (thank you, @tayambamwanza for contributing)
- [icons] - fixed #121 (updated Bootstrap Icons to v1.2.0 )
- [icons] - updated Bootstrap Icons to v1.2.1
- [icons] - fixed some linter errors
- [icons] - breaking changes - all icons now camelCase
- [breaking changes] - fixed #126
- fixed #127
- fixed #153 - icons v1.2.2
- fixed #175 - icons v1.3.0
- fixed #182, #54
- fixed #222, added config options for module,
- [breaking changes] - pick() changed forRoot()
- Updated to 1.4.0
- fixed #253, added config options for module,
- [breaking changes] - reverted to pick() method
- Sync version with bootstrap-icons
- bootstrap icons - Update mic and record icons to prevent fill rule issues (#815)
- bootstrap icons - Update mic icons to prevent fill rule issues
- bootstrap icons - Fixes #673: Fix fill-rule on record icon
- lib peer dependencies changed to lodash instead camelcase
- bootstrap icons - Change PowerPoint icons to capitalize the P
- bootstrap icons - Update skip-forward and skip-backward icons to fix their names
- bootstrap icons - Update icons after the svgo update
- bootstrap icons - Re-run icons script after fresh export from Figma
- bootstrap icons - updated to 1.4.1
- fixed - #357
- removed unneeded packages
- engines.node updated to 14 LTS
- engines.npm updated to 6.14.12
- removed lodash.camelcase peer dependency
- added own camelcase function
- icon can be used like directive with your preffred tag
- fixed ColorTheme naming enum file
- demo now uses local library paths
- fixed #381
- Add 45 new icons for v1.5.0
- Updated figma link in readme
- fixed #540 (thanks to @tayambamwanza)
- fixed #545