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"InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc" + } + ] + } + }, + "VpcVPCGWBF912B6E": { + "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment", + "Properties": { + "InternetGatewayId": { + "Ref": "VpcIGWD7BA715C" + }, + "VpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "VpcEIGW61416F369": { + "Type": "AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "Properties": { + "VpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "VpcRestrictDefaultSecurityGroupCustomResourceC73DA2BE": { + "Type": "Custom::VpcRestrictDefaultSG", + "Properties": { + "ServiceToken": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "CustomVpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProviderHandlerDC833E5E", + "Arn" + ] + }, + "DefaultSecurityGroupId": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "Vpc8378EB38", + "DefaultSecurityGroup" + ] + }, + "Account": { + "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" + } + }, + "UpdateReplacePolicy": "Delete", + "DeletionPolicy": "Delete" + }, + "CustomVpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProviderRole26592FE0": { + "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "Properties": { + "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { + 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"AWS::Lambda::Function", + "Properties": { + "Code": { + "S3Bucket": { + "Fn::Sub": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + }, + "S3Key": "bde7b5c89cb43285f884c94f0b9e17cdb0f5eb5345005114dd60342e0b8a85a1.zip" + }, + "Timeout": 900, + "MemorySize": 128, + "Handler": "__entrypoint__.handler", + "Role": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "CustomVpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProviderRole26592FE0", + "Arn" + ] + }, + "Runtime": { + "Fn::FindInMap": [ + "LatestNodeRuntimeMap", + { + "Ref": "AWS::Region" + }, + "value" + ] + }, + "Description": "Lambda function for removing all inbound/outbound rules from the VPC default security group" + }, + "DependsOn": [ + "CustomVpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProviderRole26592FE0" + ] + }, + "InstanceInstanceSecurityGroupF0E2D5BE": { + "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", + "Properties": { + "GroupDescription": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/InstanceSecurityGroup", + "SecurityGroupEgress": [ + { + "CidrIp": "", + "Description": "Allow all outbound traffic by default", + "IpProtocol": "-1" + }, + { + "CidrIpv6": "::/0", + "Description": "Allow all outbound ipv6 traffic by default", + "IpProtocol": "-1" + } + ], + "Tags": [ + { + "Key": "Name", + "Value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance" + } + ], + "VpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "InstanceInstanceRoleE9785DE5": { + "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "Properties": { + "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Principal": { + "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + }, + "Tags": [ + { + "Key": "Name", + "Value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance" + } + ] + } + }, + "InstanceInstanceProfileAB5AEF02": { + "Type": "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile", + "Properties": { + "Roles": [ + { + "Ref": "InstanceInstanceRoleE9785DE5" + } + ] + } + }, + "InstanceC1063A87": { + "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", + "Properties": { + "AvailabilityZone": { + "Fn::Select": [ + 0, + { + "Fn::GetAZs": "" + } + ] + }, + "IamInstanceProfile": { + "Ref": "InstanceInstanceProfileAB5AEF02" + }, + "ImageId": { + "Ref": "SsmParameterValueawsserviceamiamazonlinuxlatestamzn2amikernel510hvmx8664gp2C96584B6F00A464EAD1953AFF4B05118Parameter" + }, + "InstanceType": "m5.large", + "Ipv6AddressCount": 2, + "SecurityGroupIds": [ + { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "InstanceInstanceSecurityGroupF0E2D5BE", + "GroupId" + ] + } + ], + "SubnetId": { + "Ref": "VpcPublicSubnet1Subnet5C2D37C4" + }, + "Tags": [ + { + "Key": "Name", + "Value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance" + } + ], + "UserData": { + "Fn::Base64": "#!/bin/bash" + } + }, + "DependsOn": [ + "InstanceInstanceRoleE9785DE5" + ] + } + }, + "Mappings": { + "LatestNodeRuntimeMap": { + "af-south-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-east-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-northeast-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-northeast-2": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-northeast-3": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-south-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-south-2": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-southeast-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-southeast-2": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-southeast-3": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-southeast-4": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-southeast-5": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ap-southeast-7": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ca-central-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "ca-west-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "cn-north-1": { + "value": "nodejs18.x" + }, + "cn-northwest-1": { + "value": "nodejs18.x" + }, + "eu-central-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "eu-central-2": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "eu-isoe-west-1": { + "value": "nodejs18.x" + }, + "eu-north-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "eu-south-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "eu-south-2": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "eu-west-1": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + "eu-west-2": { + "value": "nodejs20.x" + }, + 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}, + "BootstrapVersion": { + "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value", + "Default": "/cdk-bootstrap/hnb659fds/version", + "Description": "Version of the CDK Bootstrap resources in this environment, automatically retrieved from SSM Parameter Store. [cdk:skip]" + } + }, + "Rules": { + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "Assertions": [ + { + "Assert": { + "Fn::Not": [ + { + "Fn::Contains": [ + [ + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5" + ], + { + "Ref": "BootstrapVersion" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "AssertDescription": "CDK bootstrap stack version 6 required. Please run 'cdk bootstrap' with a recent version of the CDK CLI." + } + ] + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/IntegTestDefaultTestDeployAssertE3E7D2A4.assets.json b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/IntegTestDefaultTestDeployAssertE3E7D2A4.assets.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..87dfbae32bf67 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/IntegTestDefaultTestDeployAssertE3E7D2A4.assets.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "version": "36.0.0", + "files": { + "21fbb51d7b23f6a6c262b46a9caee79d744a3ac019fd45422d988b96d44b2a22": { + "source": { + "path": "IntegTestDefaultTestDeployAssertE3E7D2A4.template.json", + "packaging": "file" + }, + "destinations": { + "current_account-current_region": { + "bucketName": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", + "objectKey": "21fbb51d7b23f6a6c262b46a9caee79d744a3ac019fd45422d988b96d44b2a22.json", + "assumeRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-file-publishing-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + } + } + } + }, + "dockerImages": {} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/IntegTestDefaultTestDeployAssertE3E7D2A4.template.json b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/IntegTestDefaultTestDeployAssertE3E7D2A4.template.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ad9d0fb73d1dd --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/IntegTestDefaultTestDeployAssertE3E7D2A4.template.json @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +{ + "Parameters": { + "BootstrapVersion": { + "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value", + "Default": "/cdk-bootstrap/hnb659fds/version", + "Description": "Version of the CDK Bootstrap resources in this environment, automatically retrieved from SSM Parameter Store. [cdk:skip]" + } + }, + "Rules": { + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "Assertions": [ + { + "Assert": { + "Fn::Not": [ + { + "Fn::Contains": [ + [ + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5" + ], + { + "Ref": "BootstrapVersion" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "AssertDescription": "CDK bootstrap stack version 6 required. Please run 'cdk bootstrap' with a recent version of the CDK CLI." + } + ] + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/asset.bde7b5c89cb43285f884c94f0b9e17cdb0f5eb5345005114dd60342e0b8a85a1/__entrypoint__.js b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/asset.bde7b5c89cb43285f884c94f0b9e17cdb0f5eb5345005114dd60342e0b8a85a1/__entrypoint__.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..02033f55cf612 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/asset.bde7b5c89cb43285f884c94f0b9e17cdb0f5eb5345005114dd60342e0b8a85a1/__entrypoint__.js @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.withRetries = exports.handler = exports.external = void 0; +const https = require("https"); +const url = require("url"); +// for unit tests +exports.external = { + sendHttpRequest: defaultSendHttpRequest, + log: defaultLog, + includeStackTraces: true, + userHandlerIndex: './index', +}; +const CREATE_FAILED_PHYSICAL_ID_MARKER = 'AWSCDK::CustomResourceProviderFramework::CREATE_FAILED'; +const MISSING_PHYSICAL_ID_MARKER = 'AWSCDK::CustomResourceProviderFramework::MISSING_PHYSICAL_ID'; +async function handler(event, context) { + const sanitizedEvent = { ...event, ResponseURL: '...' }; + exports.external.log(JSON.stringify(sanitizedEvent, undefined, 2)); + // ignore DELETE event when the physical resource ID is the marker that + // indicates that this DELETE is a subsequent DELETE to a failed CREATE + // operation. + if (event.RequestType === 'Delete' && event.PhysicalResourceId === CREATE_FAILED_PHYSICAL_ID_MARKER) { + exports.external.log('ignoring DELETE event caused by a failed CREATE event'); + await submitResponse('SUCCESS', event); + return; + } + try { + // invoke the user handler. this is intentionally inside the try-catch to + // ensure that if there is an error it's reported as a failure to + // cloudformation (otherwise cfn waits). + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports + const userHandler = require(exports.external.userHandlerIndex).handler; + const result = await userHandler(sanitizedEvent, context); + // validate user response and create the combined event + const responseEvent = renderResponse(event, result); + // submit to cfn as success + await submitResponse('SUCCESS', responseEvent); + } + catch (e) { + const resp = { + ...event, + Reason: exports.external.includeStackTraces ? e.stack : e.message, + }; + if (!resp.PhysicalResourceId) { + // special case: if CREATE fails, which usually implies, we usually don't + // have a physical resource id. in this case, the subsequent DELETE + // operation does not have any meaning, and will likely fail as well. to + // address this, we use a marker so the provider framework can simply + // ignore the subsequent DELETE. + if (event.RequestType === 'Create') { + exports.external.log('CREATE failed, responding with a marker physical resource id so that the subsequent DELETE will be ignored'); + resp.PhysicalResourceId = CREATE_FAILED_PHYSICAL_ID_MARKER; + } + else { + // otherwise, if PhysicalResourceId is not specified, something is + // terribly wrong because all other events should have an ID. + exports.external.log(`ERROR: Malformed event. "PhysicalResourceId" is required: ${JSON.stringify(event)}`); + } + } + // this is an actual error, fail the activity altogether and exist. + await submitResponse('FAILED', resp); + } +} +exports.handler = handler; +function renderResponse(cfnRequest, handlerResponse = {}) { + // if physical ID is not returned, we have some defaults for you based + // on the request type. + const physicalResourceId = handlerResponse.PhysicalResourceId ?? cfnRequest.PhysicalResourceId ?? cfnRequest.RequestId; + // if we are in DELETE and physical ID was changed, it's an error. + if (cfnRequest.RequestType === 'Delete' && physicalResourceId !== cfnRequest.PhysicalResourceId) { + throw new Error(`DELETE: cannot change the physical resource ID from "${cfnRequest.PhysicalResourceId}" to "${handlerResponse.PhysicalResourceId}" during deletion`); + } + // merge request event and result event (result prevails). + return { + ...cfnRequest, + ...handlerResponse, + PhysicalResourceId: physicalResourceId, + }; +} +async function submitResponse(status, event) { + const json = { + Status: status, + Reason: event.Reason ?? status, + StackId: event.StackId, + RequestId: event.RequestId, + PhysicalResourceId: event.PhysicalResourceId || MISSING_PHYSICAL_ID_MARKER, + LogicalResourceId: event.LogicalResourceId, + NoEcho: event.NoEcho, + Data: event.Data, + }; + const parsedUrl = url.parse(event.ResponseURL); + const loggingSafeUrl = `${parsedUrl.protocol}//${parsedUrl.hostname}/${parsedUrl.pathname}?***`; + exports.external.log('submit response to cloudformation', loggingSafeUrl, json); + const responseBody = JSON.stringify(json); + const req = { + hostname: parsedUrl.hostname, + path: parsedUrl.path, + method: 'PUT', + headers: { + 'content-type': '', + 'content-length': Buffer.byteLength(responseBody, 'utf8'), + }, + }; + const retryOptions = { + attempts: 5, + sleep: 1000, + }; + await withRetries(retryOptions, exports.external.sendHttpRequest)(req, responseBody); +} +async function defaultSendHttpRequest(options, requestBody) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + try { + const request = https.request(options, (response) => { + response.resume(); // Consume the response but don't care about it + if (!response.statusCode || response.statusCode >= 400) { + reject(new Error(`Unsuccessful HTTP response: ${response.statusCode}`)); + } + else { + resolve(); + } + }); + request.on('error', reject); + request.write(requestBody); + request.end(); + } + catch (e) { + reject(e); + } + }); +} +function defaultLog(fmt, ...params) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-console + console.log(fmt, ...params); +} +function withRetries(options, fn) { + return async (...xs) => { + let attempts = options.attempts; + let ms = options.sleep; + while (true) { + try { + return await fn(...xs); + } + catch (e) { + if (attempts-- <= 0) { + throw e; + } + await sleep(Math.floor(Math.random() * ms)); + ms *= 2; + } + } + }; +} +exports.withRetries = withRetries; +async function sleep(ms) { + return new Promise((ok) => setTimeout(ok, ms)); +} diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/asset.bde7b5c89cb43285f884c94f0b9e17cdb0f5eb5345005114dd60342e0b8a85a1/index.js b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/asset.bde7b5c89cb43285f884c94f0b9e17cdb0f5eb5345005114dd60342e0b8a85a1/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..013bcaffd8fe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/asset.bde7b5c89cb43285f884c94f0b9e17cdb0f5eb5345005114dd60342e0b8a85a1/index.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +"use strict";var I=Object.create;var t=Object.defineProperty;var y=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var P=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var g=Object.getPrototypeOf,l=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var G=(r,e)=>{for(var o in e)t(r,o,{get:e[o],enumerable:!0})},n=(r,e,o,i)=>{if(e&&typeof e=="object"||typeof e=="function")for(let s of P(e))!l.call(r,s)&&s!==o&&t(r,s,{get:()=>e[s],enumerable:!(i=y(e,s))||i.enumerable});return r};var R=(r,e,o)=>(o=r!=null?I(g(r)):{},n(e||!r||!r.__esModule?t(o,"default",{value:r,enumerable:!0}):o,r)),S=r=>n(t({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),r);var k={};G(k,{handler:()=>f});module.exports=S(k);var a=R(require("@aws-sdk/client-ec2")),u=new a.EC2({});function c(r,e){return{GroupId:r,IpPermissions:[{UserIdGroupPairs:[{GroupId:r,UserId:e}],IpProtocol:"-1"}]}}function d(r){return{GroupId:r,IpPermissions:[{IpRanges:[{CidrIp:""}],IpProtocol:"-1"}]}}async function f(r){let e=r.ResourceProperties.DefaultSecurityGroupId,o=r.ResourceProperties.Account;switch(r.RequestType){case"Create":return p(e,o);case"Update":return h(r);case"Delete":return m(e,o)}}async function h(r){let e=r.OldResourceProperties.DefaultSecurityGroupId,o=r.ResourceProperties.DefaultSecurityGroupId;e!==o&&(await m(e,r.ResourceProperties.Account),await p(o,r.ResourceProperties.Account))}async function p(r,e){try{await u.revokeSecurityGroupEgress(d(r))}catch(o){if(o.name!=="InvalidPermission.NotFound")throw o}try{await u.revokeSecurityGroupIngress(c(r,e))}catch(o){if(o.name!=="InvalidPermission.NotFound")throw o}}async function m(r,e){await u.authorizeSecurityGroupIngress(c(r,e)),await u.authorizeSecurityGroupEgress(d(r))}0&&(module.exports={handler}); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/cdk.out b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/cdk.out new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1f0068d32659a --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.js.snapshot/cdk.out @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"version":"36.0.0"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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"PublicSubnet1": { + "id": "PublicSubnet1", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1", + "children": { + "Subnet": { + "id": "Subnet", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1/Subnet", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "assignIpv6AddressOnCreation": true, + "availabilityZone": { + "Fn::Select": [ + 0, + { + "Fn::GetAZs": "" + } + ] + }, + "cidrBlock": "", + "ipv6CidrBlock": { + "Fn::Select": [ + 0, + { + "Fn::Cidr": [ + { + "Fn::Select": [ + 0, + { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "Vpc8378EB38", + "Ipv6CidrBlocks" + ] + } + ] + }, + 2, + "64" + ] + } + ] + }, + "mapPublicIpOnLaunch": true, + "tags": [ + { + "key": "aws-cdk:subnet-name", + "value": "Public" + }, + { + "key": "aws-cdk:subnet-type", + "value": "Public" + }, + { + "key": "Name", + "value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1" + } + ], + "vpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "Acl": { + "id": "Acl", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1/Acl", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "RouteTable": { + "id": "RouteTable", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1/RouteTable", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::RouteTable", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "tags": [ + { + "key": "Name", + "value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1" + } + ], + "vpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "RouteTableAssociation": { + "id": "RouteTableAssociation", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1/RouteTableAssociation", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "routeTableId": { + "Ref": "VpcPublicSubnet1RouteTable6C95E38E" + }, + "subnetId": { + "Ref": "VpcPublicSubnet1Subnet5C2D37C4" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "DefaultRoute": { + "id": "DefaultRoute", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1/DefaultRoute", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::Route", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "destinationCidrBlock": "", + "gatewayId": { + "Ref": "VpcIGWD7BA715C" + }, + "routeTableId": { + "Ref": "VpcPublicSubnet1RouteTable6C95E38E" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "DefaultRoute6": { + "id": "DefaultRoute6", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet1/DefaultRoute6", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::Route", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "destinationIpv6CidrBlock": "::/0", + "gatewayId": { + "Ref": "VpcIGWD7BA715C" + }, + "routeTableId": { + "Ref": "VpcPublicSubnet1RouteTable6C95E38E" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "PublicSubnet2": { + "id": "PublicSubnet2", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet2", + "children": { + "Subnet": { + "id": "Subnet", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet2/Subnet", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "assignIpv6AddressOnCreation": true, + "availabilityZone": { + "Fn::Select": [ + 1, + { + "Fn::GetAZs": "" + } + ] + }, + "cidrBlock": "", + "ipv6CidrBlock": { + "Fn::Select": [ + 1, + { + "Fn::Cidr": [ + { + "Fn::Select": [ + 0, + { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "Vpc8378EB38", + "Ipv6CidrBlocks" + ] + } + ] + }, + 2, + "64" + ] + } + ] + }, + "mapPublicIpOnLaunch": true, + "tags": [ + { + "key": "aws-cdk:subnet-name", + "value": "Public" + }, + { + "key": "aws-cdk:subnet-type", + "value": "Public" + }, + { + "key": "Name", + "value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet2" + } + ], + "vpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "Acl": { + "id": "Acl", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet2/Acl", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "RouteTable": { + "id": "RouteTable", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet2/RouteTable", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::RouteTable", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "tags": [ + { + "key": "Name", + "value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet2" + } + ], + "vpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + 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"DefaultRoute6", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/PublicSubnet2/DefaultRoute6", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::Route", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "destinationIpv6CidrBlock": "::/0", + "gatewayId": { + "Ref": "VpcIGWD7BA715C" + }, + "routeTableId": { + "Ref": "VpcPublicSubnet2RouteTable94F7E489" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "IGW": { + "id": "IGW", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/IGW", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "tags": [ + { + "key": "Name", + "value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc" + } + ] + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "VPCGW": { + "id": "VPCGW", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/VPCGW", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "internetGatewayId": { + "Ref": "VpcIGWD7BA715C" + }, + "vpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "EIGW6": { + "id": "EIGW6", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/EIGW6", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "vpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "RestrictDefaultSecurityGroupCustomResource": { + "id": "RestrictDefaultSecurityGroupCustomResource", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/RestrictDefaultSecurityGroupCustomResource", + "children": { + "Default": { + "id": "Default", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Vpc/RestrictDefaultSecurityGroupCustomResource/Default", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "LatestNodeRuntimeMap": { + "id": "LatestNodeRuntimeMap", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/LatestNodeRuntimeMap", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "Custom::VpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProvider": { + "id": "Custom::VpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProvider", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Custom::VpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProvider", + "children": { + "Staging": { + "id": "Staging", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Custom::VpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProvider/Staging", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "Role": { + "id": "Role", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Custom::VpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProvider/Role", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "Handler": { + "id": "Handler", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Custom::VpcRestrictDefaultSGCustomResourceProvider/Handler", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "Instance": { + "id": "Instance", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance", + "children": { + "InstanceSecurityGroup": { + "id": "InstanceSecurityGroup", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/InstanceSecurityGroup", + "children": { + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/InstanceSecurityGroup/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "groupDescription": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/InstanceSecurityGroup", + "securityGroupEgress": [ + { + "cidrIp": "", + "description": "Allow all outbound traffic by default", + "ipProtocol": "-1" + }, + { + "ipProtocol": "-1", + "cidrIpv6": "::/0", + "description": "Allow all outbound ipv6 traffic by default" + } + ], + "tags": [ + { + "key": "Name", + "value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance" + } + ], + "vpcId": { + "Ref": "Vpc8378EB38" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "InstanceRole": { + "id": "InstanceRole", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/InstanceRole", + "children": { + "ImportInstanceRole": { + "id": "ImportInstanceRole", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/InstanceRole/ImportInstanceRole", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/InstanceRole/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "assumeRolePolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Principal": { + "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + }, + "tags": [ + { + "key": "Name", + "value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance" + } + ] + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "InstanceProfile": { + "id": "InstanceProfile", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/InstanceProfile", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "roles": [ + { + "Ref": "InstanceInstanceRoleE9785DE5" + } + ] + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "availabilityZone": { + "Fn::Select": [ + 0, + { + "Fn::GetAZs": "" + } + ] + }, + "iamInstanceProfile": { + "Ref": "InstanceInstanceProfileAB5AEF02" + }, + "imageId": { + "Ref": "SsmParameterValueawsserviceamiamazonlinuxlatestamzn2amikernel510hvmx8664gp2C96584B6F00A464EAD1953AFF4B05118Parameter" + }, + "instanceType": "m5.large", + "ipv6AddressCount": 2, + "securityGroupIds": [ + { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "InstanceInstanceSecurityGroupF0E2D5BE", + "GroupId" + ] + } + ], + "subnetId": { + "Ref": "VpcPublicSubnet1Subnet5C2D37C4" + }, + "tags": [ + { + "key": "Name", + "value": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/Instance" + } + ], + "userData": { + "Fn::Base64": "#!/bin/bash" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "SsmParameterValue:--aws--service--ami-amazon-linux-latest--amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-x86_64-gp2:C96584B6-F00A-464E-AD19-53AFF4B05118.Parameter": { + "id": "SsmParameterValue:--aws--service--ami-amazon-linux-latest--amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-x86_64-gp2:C96584B6-F00A-464E-AD19-53AFF4B05118.Parameter", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/SsmParameterValue:--aws--service--ami-amazon-linux-latest--amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-x86_64-gp2:C96584B6-F00A-464E-AD19-53AFF4B05118.Parameter", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "SsmParameterValue:--aws--service--ami-amazon-linux-latest--amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-x86_64-gp2:C96584B6-F00A-464E-AD19-53AFF4B05118": { + "id": "SsmParameterValue:--aws--service--ami-amazon-linux-latest--amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-x86_64-gp2:C96584B6-F00A-464E-AD19-53AFF4B05118", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/SsmParameterValue:--aws--service--ami-amazon-linux-latest--amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-x86_64-gp2:C96584B6-F00A-464E-AD19-53AFF4B05118", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "BootstrapVersion": { + "id": "BootstrapVersion", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/BootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "id": "CheckBootstrapVersion", + "path": "InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack/CheckBootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "IntegTest": { + "id": "IntegTest", + "path": "IntegTest", + "children": { + "DefaultTest": { + "id": "DefaultTest", + "path": "IntegTest/DefaultTest", + "children": { + "Default": { + "id": "Default", + "path": "IntegTest/DefaultTest/Default", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "DeployAssert": { + "id": "DeployAssert", + "path": "IntegTest/DefaultTest/DeployAssert", + "children": { + "BootstrapVersion": { + "id": "BootstrapVersion", + "path": "IntegTest/DefaultTest/DeployAssert/BootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + }, + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "id": "CheckBootstrapVersion", + "path": "IntegTest/DefaultTest/DeployAssert/CheckBootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha.IntegTestCase", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha.IntegTest", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "Tree": { + "id": "Tree", + "path": "Tree", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.3.0" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..617db592e4832 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ec2/test/integ.instance-ipv6-address-count.ts @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; +import { IntegTest } from '@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha'; +import * as ec2 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2'; + +const app = new cdk.App(); + +class TestStack extends cdk.Stack { + constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { + super(scope, id, props); + + const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'Vpc', { + ipProtocol: ec2.IpProtocol.DUAL_STACK, + subnetConfiguration: [ + { + name: 'Public', + subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC, + mapPublicIpOnLaunch: true, + }, + ], + }); + + new ec2.Instance(this, 'Instance', { + instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.M5, ec2.InstanceSize.LARGE), + machineImage: ec2.MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2(), + vpc: vpc, + vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC }, + allowAllIpv6Outbound: true, + ipv6AddressCount: 2, + }); + } +} + +const testCase = new TestStack(app, 'InstanceIpv6AddressCountTestStack'); + +new IntegTest(app, 'IntegTest', { + testCases: [testCase], +}); diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/README.md b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/README.md index 686eb78ed2a3f..6e014062f87d1 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/README.md +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/README.md @@ -1882,6 +1882,23 @@ Note to set `mapPublicIpOnLaunch` to true in the `subnetConfiguration`. Additionally, IPv6 support varies by instance type. Most instance types have IPv6 support with exception of m1-m3, c1, g2, and t1.micro. A full list can be found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-eni.html#AvailableIpPerENI. +#### Specifying the IPv6 Address + +If you want to specify [the number of IPv6 addresses](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/MultipleIP.html#assign-multiple-ipv6) to assign to the instance, you can use the `ipv6AddresseCount` property: + +```ts +// dual stack VPC +declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc; + +const instance = new ec2.Instance(this, 'MyInstance', { + instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.M5, ec2.InstanceSize.LARGE), + machineImage: ec2.MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2(), + vpc: vpc, + vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC }, + // Assign 2 IPv6 addresses to the instance + ipv6AddressCount: 2, +}); +``` ### Credit configuration modes for burstable instances diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/lib/instance.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/lib/instance.ts index 01aa0f18ab89e..2eb98ad26e6fa 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/lib/instance.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/lib/instance.ts @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import { UserData } from './user-data'; import { BlockDevice } from './volume'; import { IVpc, Subnet, SubnetSelection } from './vpc'; import * as iam from '../../aws-iam'; -import { Annotations, Aspects, Duration, Fn, IResource, Lazy, Resource, Stack, Tags } from '../../core'; +import { Annotations, Aspects, Duration, Fn, IResource, Lazy, Resource, Stack, Tags, Token } from '../../core'; import { md5hash } from '../../core/lib/helpers-internal'; /** @@ -294,6 +294,8 @@ export interface InstanceProps { /** * Whether to associate a public IP address to the primary network interface attached to this instance. * + * You cannot specify this property and `ipv6AddressCount` at the same time. + * * @default - public IP address is automatically assigned based on default behavior */ readonly associatePublicIpAddress?: boolean; @@ -359,6 +361,17 @@ export interface InstanceProps { * @default - false */ readonly hibernationEnabled?: boolean; + + /** + * The number of IPv6 addresses to associate with the primary network interface. + * + * Amazon EC2 chooses the IPv6 addresses from the range of your subnet. + * + * You cannot specify this property and `associatePublicIpAddress` at the same time. + * + * @default - For instances associated with an IPv6 subnet, use 1; otherwise, use 0. + */ + readonly ipv6AddressCount?: number; } /** @@ -514,6 +527,20 @@ export class Instance extends Resource implements IInstance { throw new Error('You can\'t set both `enclaveEnabled` and `hibernationEnabled` to true on the same instance'); } + if ( + props.ipv6AddressCount !== undefined && + !Token.isUnresolved(props.ipv6AddressCount) && + (props.ipv6AddressCount < 0 || !Number.isInteger(props.ipv6AddressCount)) + ) { + throw new Error(`\'ipv6AddressCount\' must be a non-negative integer, got: ${props.ipv6AddressCount}`); + } + + if ( + props.ipv6AddressCount !== undefined && + props.associatePublicIpAddress !== undefined) { + throw new Error('You can\'t set both \'ipv6AddressCount\' and \'associatePublicIpAddress\''); + } + // if network interfaces array is configured then subnetId, securityGroupIds, // and privateIpAddress are configured on the network interface level and // there is no need to configure them on the instance level @@ -538,6 +565,7 @@ export class Instance extends Resource implements IInstance { placementGroupName: props.placementGroup?.placementGroupName, enclaveOptions: props.enclaveEnabled !== undefined ? { enabled: props.enclaveEnabled } : undefined, hibernationOptions: props.hibernationEnabled !== undefined ? { configured: props.hibernationEnabled } : undefined, + ipv6AddressCount: props.ipv6AddressCount, }); this.instance.node.addDependency(this.role); diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/test/instance.test.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/test/instance.test.ts index 3947bd5481293..54b25d09c2d6e 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/test/instance.test.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2/test/instance.test.ts @@ -1024,3 +1024,44 @@ test('throw if both enclaveEnabled and hibernationEnabled are set to true', () = }); }).toThrow('You can\'t set both `enclaveEnabled` and `hibernationEnabled` to true on the same instance'); }); + +test('instance with ipv6 address count', () => { + // WHEN + new Instance(stack, 'Instance', { + vpc, + machineImage: new AmazonLinuxImage(), + instanceType: new InstanceType('t2.micro'), + ipv6AddressCount: 2, + }); + + // THEN + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::EC2::Instance', { + InstanceType: 't2.micro', + Ipv6AddressCount: 2, + }); +}); + +test.each([-1, 0.1, 1.1])('throws if ipv6AddressCount is not a positive integer', (ipv6AddressCount: number) => { + // THEN + expect(() => { + new Instance(stack, 'Instance', { + vpc, + machineImage: new AmazonLinuxImage(), + instanceType: new InstanceType('t2.micro'), + ipv6AddressCount: ipv6AddressCount, + }); + }).toThrow(`\'ipv6AddressCount\' must be a non-negative integer, got: ${ipv6AddressCount}`); +}); + +test.each([true, false])('throw error for specifying ipv6AddressCount with associatePublicIpAddress', (associatePublicIpAddress) => { + // THEN + expect(() => { + new Instance(stack, 'Instance', { + vpc, + machineImage: new AmazonLinuxImage(), + instanceType: new InstanceType('t2.micro'), + ipv6AddressCount: 2, + associatePublicIpAddress, + }); + }).toThrow('You can\'t set both \'ipv6AddressCount\' and \'associatePublicIpAddress\''); +});