This guide demonstrates AWS IoT FleetWise (FWE) which supports Device Shadow over SOME/IP service.
Franca IDL is the industry standard schema format for specifying SOME/IP messages, and CommonAPI is the industry standard serialization format for SOME/IP. Franca IDL files are called 'FIDL' files, which are transport-layer-independent, and their 'deployment' on SOME/IP is specified in 'FDEPL' files that specify which SOME/IP service transports each message. The CommonAPI library provides a code generator that takes the FIDL and FDEPL files and generates C++ code to implement the Franca interfaces for both the client and server.
FWE support access on AWS IoT Device Shadow service via SOME/IP. It supports methods for deleting, getting and updating device shadows. When the application calls these methods, FWE prepare and publish appropriate request messages on correspondent topics to the server. It then gather responses from the server and provide result to the application. FWE also supports broadcasting an event when a device shadow changes (from the server) to registered applications. For more details on supported methods and event, please see DeviceShadowOverSomeipInterface.fidl and DeviceShadowOverSomeipInterface.fdepl.
FWE is compiled to support the Device Shadow over SOME/IP interface. A Device Shadow over SOME/IP
simulator called someip_device_shadow_editor
is provided in order to simulate another node in the
system which plays the role of an example application that calls/handles aforementioned
methods/event. someip_device_shadow_editor
is also compiled with support for Device Shadow over
SOME/IP interface.
In this demo, firstly FWE is provisioned and configured to run with Device Shadow over SOME/IP
service. Secondly someip_device_shadow_editor
is used to show how the application accesses AWS IoT
Device Shadow service via SOME/IP.
- Access to an AWS Account with administrator privileges.
- Logged in to the AWS Console in the
region using the account with administrator privileges.- Note: if you would like to use a different region you will need to change
to your desired region in each place that it is mentioned below. - Note: AWS IoT FleetWise is currently available in these regions.
- Note: if you would like to use a different region you will need to change
- A local Windows, Linux or MacOS machine.
An Ubuntu 20.04 development machine with 200GB free disk space will be required. A local Intel x86_64 (amd64) machine can be used, however it is recommended to use the following instructions to launch an AWS EC2 Graviton (arm64) instance. # for EC2 can be found, here.
Launch an EC2 Graviton instance with administrator permissions: Launch CloudFormation Template.
Enter the Name of an existing SSH key pair in your account from here.
- Do not include the file suffix
. - If you do not have an SSH key pair, you will need to create one and download the corresponding
file. Be sure to update the file permissions:chmod 400 <PATH_TO_PEM>
- Do not include the file suffix
Select the checkbox next to 'I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.'
Choose Create stack.
Wait until the status of the Stack is CREATE_COMPLETE; this can take up to five minutes.
Select the Outputs tab, copy the EC2 IP address, and connect via SSH from your local machine to the development machine.
ssh -i <PATH_TO_PEM> ubuntu@<EC2_IP_ADDRESS>
Run the following on the development machine to clone the latest FWE source code from GitHub.
git clone ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge
To quickly run the demo, download the pre-built FWE binary:
If your development machine is ARM64 (the default if you launched an EC2 instance using the CloudFormation template above):
cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \ && mkdir -p build \ && curl -L -o build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz \ \ && tar -zxf build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz -C build aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \ && tar -zxf build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz tools/someip_device_shadow_editor/
If your development machine is x86_64:
cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \ && mkdir -p build \ && curl -L -o build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz \ \ && tar -zxf build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz -C build aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \ && tar -zxf build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz tools/someip_device_shadow_editor/
Alternatively if you would like to build the FWE binary from source, follow these instructions. If you already downloaded the binary above, skip to the next section.
Install the dependencies for FWE with SOME/IP support:
cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \ && sudo -H ./tools/ --with-someip-support \ && sudo ldconfig
Compile FWE with SOME/IP support and the SOME/IP simulator:
./tools/ --with-someip-support
Open a new terminal on the development machine, and run the following to provision credentials for the vehicle and configure the vehicle accordingly:
cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \ && mkdir -p build_config \ && ./tools/ \ --region us-east-1 \ --vehicle-name fwdemo-device-shadow-over-someip \ --certificate-pem-outfile build_config/certificate.pem \ --private-key-outfile build_config/private-key.key \ --endpoint-url-outfile build_config/endpoint.txt \ --vehicle-name-outfile build_config/vehicle-name.txt \ && ./tools/ \ --input-config-file configuration/static-config.json \ --output-config-file build_config/config-0.json \ --log-color Yes \ --log-level Trace \ --vehicle-name `cat build_config/vehicle-name.txt` \ --endpoint-url `cat build_config/endpoint.txt` \ --certificate-file `realpath build_config/certificate.pem` \ --private-key-file `realpath build_config/private-key.key` \ --persistency-path `realpath build_config` \ && OUTPUT_CONFIG=`jq -r '.staticConfig.deviceShadowOverSomeip={"someipApplicationName":"deviceShadowOverSomeipInterface"}' build_config/config-0.json` \ && echo "${OUTPUT_CONFIG}" > build_config/config-0.json
Run FWE:
./build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge build_config/config-0.json
You should see the following messages in the log indicating that FWE has successfully launched Device Shadow over SOME/IP service:
[info] io thread id from application: 0100 (someipDeviceShadowService) is: 7f7f7974d700 TID: 2832 [info] io thread id from application: 0100 (someipDeviceShadowService) is: 7f7f72ffd700 TID: 2836 [info] vSomeIP 3.4.10 | (default)
A simulator is used to model another node in the vehicle network that calls/handles Device Shadow over SOME/IP methods/event.
Start the Device Shadow over SOME/IP simulator:
cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge/tools/someip_device_shadow_editor \ && python3
Instead of running Device Shadow over SOME/IP simulator with pre-defined sequence of methods, you can try calling any method manually.
Open a new terminal on the development machine and run the alternate script:
cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge/tools/someip_device_shadow_editor \ && python3
Wait until it successfully subscribes to Device Shadow over SOME/IP service.
[info] ON_AVAILABLE(0101): [1235.5679:1.0] [info] SUBSCRIBE ACK(0100): [1235.5679.80f2.80f2]
Call any method manually.
- Type
to get familiarity with command usage. - To get shadow, type
, where<SHADOW_NAME>
can be blank to get the 'classic' shadow, but the space afterget
is still required.
get get shadow-x
- To update shadow, type
, where<SHADOW_NAME>
can be blank to update the 'classic' shadow, but the space afterupdate
is still required.
update {"state":{"desired":{"temperature":25},"reported":{"temperature":22}}} update shadow-x {"state":{"desired":{"type":"named shadow"},"reported":{"type":"named shadow x"}}}
- To delete shadow, type
delete <SHADOW_NAME>
, where<SHADOW_NAME>
can be blank to delete the 'classic' shadow, but the space afterdelete
is still required.
delete delete shadow-x
- Type
to stop.
- Type
Run the following on the development machine to clean up resources created by the
.cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge/tools/ \ && ./ \ --vehicle-name fwdemo-device-shadow-over-someip \ --region us-east-1 \ --only-clean-up