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Releases: aws/aws-parallelcluster-node

AWS ParallelCluster v2.11.1

23 Jul 23:52
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.11.1

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.11.1


  • There were no notable changes for this version.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.11.0

01 Jul 04:02
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.11.0

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.11.0


  • SGE: always use shortname as hostname filter with qstat. This will make nodewatcher more robust when using custom DHCP option, where the full hostname seen by SGE might differ from the hostname returned from EC2 metadata(local-hostname).
  • Transition from IMDSv1 to IMDSv2.
  • Have computemgtd reuse last available daemon configuration when the new one cannot be loaded.
  • Use methods with timeouts to read NFS shared files, which will prevent computemgtd from hanging when NFS filesystems are not available.


  • Fix a bug that caused clustermgtd to not immediately replace instances with failed status check that are in replacement process.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.4

15 May 17:06
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.10.4

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.4


  • There were no notable changes for this version.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.3

18 Mar 22:06
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.10.3

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.3


  • There were no notable changes for this version.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.2

02 Mar 16:33
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.10.2

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.2


  • There were no notable changes for this version.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.1

22 Dec 23:16
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.10.1

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.1


  • Improve error handling in slurm plugin processes when clustermgtd is down.


  • Increase max attempts when retrying on Route53 API call failures.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.0

18 Nov 16:21
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.10.0

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.10.0


  • Add new all_or_nothing_batch configuration parameter for slurm_resume script. When True, slurm_resume will
    succeed only if all the instances required by all the pending jobs in Slurm will be available.


  • CentOS 6 is no longer supported.
  • Optimize retrieval of nodes info from Slurm scheduler.
  • Improve retrieval of instance type info by using DescribeInstanceType API.
  • Increase timeout from 10 to 30 seconds when clustermgtd and computemgtd daemons invoke Slurm commands.


  • Retrieve the right number of compute instance slots when instance type is updated.
  • Fix a bug that was causing clustermgtd and computemgtd sleep interval to be incorrectly computed when
    system timezone is not set to UTC.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.9.1

15 Sep 14:38
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.9.1.

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.9.1.


  • There were no notable changes for this version.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.9.0

11 Sep 18:53
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.9.0

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.9.0


  • Add support for multiple queues and multiple instance types feature with the Slurm scheduler.
    • Replace the previously available scaling components with: clustermgtd daemon that takes care of handling compute fleet management operations, included the processing of health check failures coming from EC2 and cluster start/stop operations; slurm_resume and slurm_suspend scripts that integrate with Slurm power saving plugin; computemgtd daemon that monitors the health of the system from the compute nodes.
    • Replace Auto Scaling Group with plain EC2 APIs when provisioning cluster nodes.
    • Register cluster nodes in a Route53 private hosted zone when DNS resolution is enabled for the cluster.
    • Register mapping between Slurm node names and EC2 instances in DynamoDB table.
    • Create log files for the new components in /var/log/parallelcluster/ dir.

AWS ParallelCluster v2.8.1

04 Aug 15:54
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We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 2.8.1.

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v2.8.1.


  • There were no notable changes for this version.