All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.7.7 (2023-01-12)
- upgrade dependencies (ae4a7eb)
0.7.6 (2022-10-28)
Note: Version bump only for package aws-bootstrap-kit
0.7.5 (2022-10-12)
- nestedOUs where raising error due to required accounts list in parent. Made accounts optional (4fb745b)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.7.4 (2022-08-02)
- nestedOUs where raising error due to required accounts list in parent. Made accounts optional (4fb745b)
- python package with underscore (a80f478)
- use account type STAGE instead of OU names (decbba1)
0.7.3 (2022-07-20)
Note: Version bump only for package aws-bootstrap-kit
0.7.2 (2022-07-20)
Note: Version bump only for package aws-bootstrap-kit
0.7.1 (2022-06-14)
Note: Version bump only for package aws-bootstrap-kit
0.7.0 (2022-03-03)
- use account type STAGE instead of OU names (decbba1)
- expose dns resources (59c470c)
0.6.1 (2022-02-24)
- python package with underscore (a80f478)
- allow peer dependencies using newer cdk versions (ff93f19)
- disable registerDelegatedAdministrator if not using DNS setup to unlock accounts creation (0a7213e)
- CVE-2020-7774 (8f2fd54)
- allow peer dependencies using newer cdk versions (ff93f19)
- disable registerDelegatedAdministrator if not using DNS setup to unlock accounts creation (0a7213e)
- CVE-2020-7774 (8f2fd54)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.3.15 (2021-10-08)
- disable registerDelegatedAdministrator if not using DNS setup to unlock accounts creation (0a7213e)
0.3.14 (2021-08-03)
- Creation dependencies for Cloudtrail (0971961)
0.3.13 (2021-07-15)
0.3.12 (2021-07-15)
- bump cdk to 1.114.0
0.3.11 (2021-07-15)
- bump cdk to 1.113.0
- onUpdate and onDelete logic of custom resources (6692f90)
0.3.10 (2021-06-04)
- bump nodejs version for lambda to 14 and cdk version to 1.107.0 to fix deprecation approaching (338f317)
0.3.11 (2021-06-04)
0.3.10 (2021-06-04)
0.3.9 (2021-04-01)
- CVE-2020-7774 (8f2fd54)
0.3.8 (2021-03-08)
0.3.7 (2021-03-04)
0.3.6 (2021-02-12)
0.3.5 (2021-02-09)
0.3.4 (2021-02-09)
0.3.3 (2021-02-08)
0.3.2 (2021-02-03)
0.3.1 (2021-02-01)
0.2.9 (2021-01-18)
0.2.8 (2020-11-27)
0.2.7 (2020-11-24)
0.2.4 (2020-10-21)
- test bump version script