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Aziz Ali - adventures & learning of an ambitious man |
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I am a Pakistani, currently living in Chicago
I have had 3 careers namely Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Software Engineer working in respectable public companies
While working full-time for others, I have always had my side gig. I have launched 6 companies, most of which failed
Currently, I am running my own company full-time, iLoveCoding.org
On my quest, I have learned a lot of life and business lessons that I share [here]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link blog/index.html %})
I enjoy learning, programming, usable design, sales copywriting and physical fitness
I have conquered my fear of coding, and I am also an open source contributor
See what I am doing [these days]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link pages/now.md %})
Read the [about page]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link pages/about.md %})