The File provider in Secret-Init can load secrets from local files.
- Golang
>= 1.21
- Makefile
# Create a folder for the example assets
mkdir -p example
# Create secrets for the file provider
printf "secret-value" >> "example/secret-file"
printf "super-secret-value" >> "example/super-secret-value"
#NOTE: Optionally you can set a mount path for the file provider by using the FILE_MOUNT_PATH environment variable.
# Export environment variables
export FILE_SECRET_1=file:$PWD/example/secret-file
export FILE_SECRET_2=file:$PWD/example/super-secret-value
# Build the secret-init binary
make build
# Run secret-init with a command e.g.
./secret-init env | grep 'FILE_SECRET_1\|FILE_SECRET_2'
# Remove files and binary
rm -rd example/
rm -rf secret-init
# Unset the environment variables