I’m a word nerd and I love style guides. Learn more about me https://linktr.ee/barriebyron.
In my daily work as a technical communicator, I don't have to remember everything. Instead, I just remember where to look for the answers to my many questions. I rely on trusted style guides.
I bookmark frequently visited pages in style guides on my web browser at work. I compiled this easy-to-share list of style guides so that we can all benefit. Feel free to share. Style matters.
A style guide contains a set of standards for writing and designing content. It helps maintain a consistent style, voice, and tone across your technical content. Style guides contain usage rules, best practices, punctuation guidelines, text formatting guidance, and more.
A canonical set of guidelines to create clear, concise, and consistent technical content for the intended audience.
For more style guide resources, see the Write the Docs Learning Resources Documentation Guide Style Guides.
Tip: Write the Docs is a global community of people who care about documentation. We consider everyone who cares about communication, documentation, and their users to be a member of our community, join us to learn more.
I collect style guides for reference, inspiration, and models of how organizations share decisions about style. I maintain this working collection of links to online style guides.
Google developer documentation style guide my daily go-to reference
Website style guide resources Real life pattern libraries, code standards documents and content style guides.
Style Guides: What Goes In Them and What Can They Cover? from my friend Liz Fraley at Single Sourcing Solutions
The Diversity Style Guide helps media professionals write with accuracy and authority
Sum of Us A Progressive’s Style Guide Theory of language for change
Alex a tool to catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing
Guide: Inclusive Language and Vocabulary for Startups and Tech from Buffer social media tool for authentic engagement
Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University writing resources, instructional material OWL parademic method clean up wordiness in writing
The Good Docs Project templates to make good docs
Write the Docs Learning Resources extensive collection, multiple formats
Do you have other style guides and awesome resources to share? Let me know. Reach out on LinkedIn or email barriebyron@gmail.com.
I use Grammarly premium. I find it especially helpful with complex sentences written for complicated subjects.