- NodeJS & NVM versions upgraded to 17 and 0.39.0 respectively.
- Homebrew installation script & env vars.
- Homebrew installation script upgraded to bash version.
- JDK moved before Android setup.
- Minor logging fixes
alias when installing GIT.android-device-connect.sh
alias when installing Android.nahu.zsh-theme
when installing oh-my-zsh.- Many useful aliases for the command line.
- Java SDK env vars to
as well as.bashrc
- Android Studio no longer installed from umake in Ubuntu/Lubuntu.
- JDK now is just a download link in the summary log.
- Tomcat installation.
- Maven installation.
- SdkMan installation.
- Mac Fans control link suggestion.
- Stop trying to run script for Ubuntu 15.04.
- Stop asking user confirmation before running
apt-get autoremove
- Legacy Ubuntu scripts.
- Apache Tomcat upgrade to v9.0.31.
- Typo in log messages.
- Sublime Text APT repository.
- Ubuntu core software now it's installed ok and before custom software.
- Heroku toolbelt.
- Freemind because it's no longer being developed.
- Add curl to core Ubuntu/Lubuntu module. #113
- Add basic script in README to download and execute EFU. #112
- Current logged user is taken automatically and there's no need to declare it on
- SSH installation failure because of a typo. #87
- SSH setup on OS X now will store credentials on keychain. #73
See all changes through the version's milestone: v2.5.0.
- Duplicated logs.
- NodeJS and npm installation.
- GIT diff-so-fancy to use
git diff
the right way. #70 ~/Coding/tools
directory to PATH.- Link to Audacity download on OS X.
- Log at summary to remember the user to add Android Build Tools to PATH manually. #43
- Always install latest Ruby even if it's already installed.
- Finder relaunch automatically.
- Comments in Android related env vars in .bashrc and .zshrc.
- ERROR/WARN/INFO preffix for logs.
environment variable. #74- GIT remote to the oh-my-zsh info. #80
- Order modules by priority at
. - Setup Finder to show hidden files at the beginning in favor of future errors.
- Intellij IDEA and Android Studio download links changed to JetBrains toolbox.
- Minor things in README to make it clearer.
- Google Drive client for OS X now is only suggested via the official download page.
- Tomcat to v9.0.20.
- Install ZSH only when isn't already installed.
- Java installed through sdkman.
- Log files are cleaned on each run.
- GIT properties now are configured ok. #66
- Directories tree now is fully created.
command in README as well as logs.- Fallback when cding because currently it's not exiting right.
- Not going back to EFU's execution directory after installing Android utilities.
- Tomcat installation was breaking the script.
command execution on OS X without having it installed.- Missing logs on summary.
- Deprecated links and graphics from README.
- Dex2Jar Android utility in favor of user specific needs.
- Go language in favor of user's specific needs.
- Global Gradle properties in favor of per project optimized settings.
- Duplicated logs.
- History changelog to let user view the diff.
- Fit POSIX standards in if statements.
- jq JSON beautifer. #84
- Upgraded NVM and NodeJS.
- README improvements.
- Default theme not applied. #51
- Terminal tabs not opened automatically. #79
- Many software which is specific for a kind of user, in favor of each user specific needs.
- 'command-not-found' plugin from Oh-My-Zsh #82.
For more info, view changes through the milestone
- Let users disable each module. #65
- Improvements in summary log. #65
- Documentation improvements. #65
For more info, view changes through the milestone
- Added Idea/AS plugins. #45
- Finder now shows hidden files. #50
- Replaced Transmission command line client with download url. #56
- Fixes in Java. #52
- Stop configuring Gradle's memory.
For more info, view changes through the milestone
- Fix current working directory after executing some modules.
- Android utilities:
- Pidcat
- ClassyShark
- Dex2Jar
- Macs Fan Control download site.
To get more detail see the closed issues, or if you want a really deep look just see every merged PR.
- Support for:
- Ubuntu
- Mac OS X
- Lubuntu
To get more detail see the closed issues, or if you want a really deep look just see every merged PR.
- Deleted some duplicted commands.
- Repo usage section in README.
- Many software for Ubuntu.
- Gradle version as well as distribution type.
- Google Drive client