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77 lines (63 loc) · 7.4 KB

Preview of title page, ToC, chapter, and bibliography


  • Thesis manuscript template for the National Graduate School of Engineering (NGSE), UP Diliman.
  • Based on the scrbook document class. Follows the general styling of the NGSE manuscript template.
  • Form and structure follows the guide created by Dr. Rowel Atienza. The outlines for each chapter were directly lifted from his guide.
  • See precompiled samples for the proposal (APA-style bib) and review version (IEEE-style bib) of the manuscript.


  • Clean, minimal, and well-documented template with sane defaults. Styling tweaks and enhancements are self-contained in the manuscript document class.
  • Includes all required preliminary pages (see \printpreliminarypages command).
  • Class options to easily toggle proposal version, line numbering, etc. (see main.tex).
  • review option makes the review process easier. It enables line numbering and timestamps the title page.
  • Enhanced IEEE and APA styles for biblatex. See ieee and apa options.
  • Macros for common abbreviations such as \eg for e.g., \etal for et al. and so on (extracted from the CVPR 2022 template). See manuscript.cls.
  • Properly configured and integrated microtype for "typographical perfection."
  • Uses modern packages: scrbook document class, biblatex for the bibliography, newtx for the Times Roman font (text and math).


  1. Edit manuscript-meta.tex and input your details (name, student number, etc.)
  2. Edit main.tex to add/remove chapters, appendices, packages, or switch between the camera-ready/review and proposal/final versions of the manuscript.
  3. Create/edit/delete chapters in the chapters directory.
  4. Add BibTeX references to references.bib. Use \autocite{...} instead of \cite{...}.
  5. Modify the abstract, acknowledgments, and other preliminary pages in the prelim_pages directory.

NOTE: chapters/4-methodology.tex contains important information regarding style and formatting (\autocite{...}, cross-references, abbreviations, etc.) that were adapted from the CVPR 2022 template.

Class Options

Option Description Remarks
proposal Proposal version of the manuscript Uses A4 paper, 1" margins, a simpler title page and excludes univ_permission, approval, and acknowledgments.
review Enable review mode Enables line numbering and timestamps the title page using the Date of Submission.
onehalfspacing Set line spacing to 1.5 Double-spacing is the default
pagenumhead Place page numbers in the header Page numbers are centered in the footer by default. This option places them in the top-right corner.
ieee Use IEEE-style bibliography Customized ieee style. Sorts by authors, citations are combined in brackets, disables dashed bib entries.
apa Use APA-style bibliography Essentially the apa style with increased spacing between bib items
amsthm Use the amsthm package Added as an option to ensure correct loading order.

Comparison with the NGSE template

  NGSE template1 This template Remarks
Page size letter letter (default), A4 See proposal option
Margins 1",left=1.5" 1",left=1.5" (default); 1" See proposal option
Indents 0.5" 0.5"
Line spacing double double (default), 1.5 See onehalfspacing option
Page numbers top-right bottom-center (default), top-right See pagenumhead option
Typeface Times New Roman, 12pt Times Roman, 12pt
Captions italic label, 12pt italic label, 10pt, 8pt (subcaption)
Bib style APA-like APA, IEEE See apa and ieee options

1 There are different versions of the template. One version uses a sans serif font, while another uses Times New Roman. Not all style parameters are well-defined, but some seem to be adapted from the APA 6 style.


How is the manuscript type (thesis, dissertation) determined?

It is inferred from the \Degree. Note that the string comparison is currently case-sensitive. Make sure to input "Master..." or "Doctor..."

Can I use a bib style other than APA or IEEE?

Yes. In main.tex, remove the apa or ieee option from the manuscript document class, then configure biblatex as desired.

Why are links in the document enclosed in boxes?

This is the default behavior of hyperref. The boxes are visible only on-screen; they do not appear in print. You may specify colorlinks to color the link text instead of showing boxes, or hidelinks to fully disable any visual link styling.

Why does the line spacing vary?

Double- or 1.5-spacing applies only to the text body. The following are always typeset in single space:

  • Preliminary pages (excluding Abstract and Acknowledgments)
  • Footnotes and floats (tables and figures)
  • Bibliography
  • Chapter headings (for consistent top margins across all pages)

Can I use package X instead of biblatex, cleveref, etc.?

The packages required in the manuscript class are required. These are generally the go-to packages used by most documents. The packages in main.tex are recommended but not required and can be replaced. However, some of these packages are preconfigured by the manuscript class for your convenience.

What should I do if I have a specific formatting requirement not covered by the template (e.g. multiple advisers)?

You can edit all content, including the preliminary pages (found under the prelim_pages directory), according to your needs. The manuscript class should handle most cases well. If you find yourself directly editing manuscript.cls, feel free to ask a question, or create a new issue and/or pull request.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for details.