Jobbatical facilitates hiring by allowing users (employers) post jobs on the app and users (talent) can explore available jobs.
- Displays featured job listings on the app
- Displays all job listings on the app
- View details of a job listing
- Add a new job to the app
- #, Login and Logout of the app.
Jobbatical is hosted on heroku and can be accessed here:
These are what you need installed on your computer to use the application:
- Web Browser (Chrome, or Mozilla, or Safari, or Opera, or Microsoft Edge )
To create a local copy, run the following in your terminal:
git clone
Then change into the local directory, run the following in your terminal:
cd jobbatical-clone
If you don't have Node.js installed, please go ahead and grab it here.
Yarn is a package manager for Node.js and can be installed from here.
To confirm that you have Node.js installed, run the following in your terminal:
node -v
You should get something like v8.9.1
To confirm that you have Yarn installed, run the following in your terminal:
yarn -v
You should get something like 1.3.2
You can setup a database on mlab. You should also create a .env
file using .env.sample
as a prototype.
To install all dependencies, run the following in your terminal:
To kickstart the application, run the following in your terminal:
node server.js
- Git - Version Control
- Node.js - JS Runtime Environment
- Express - Web Framework
- EJS - Templating Engine
- mLab - Database
- Heroku - Hosting and Continuous Deployment
- VS Code - Code Editor
- Chrome - Browser
- Chingu
- Red Pandas
- FreeCodeCamp
- Developer Community
- Family
- Friends