From robot kinematic we have the position of griper in robot base at time i,j
From the camera we have the position of target in camera at time i,j
Now if we solve a set of equation in the from of:
since the relative position of griper and camera is always fixed at time i
and j
we can drop them.
The following API computes Hand-Eye calibration:
calibrateHandEye ( InputArrayOfArrays R_gripper2base,
InputArrayOfArrays t_gripper2base,
InputArrayOfArrays R_target2cam,
InputArrayOfArrays t_target2cam,
OutputArray R_cam2gripper,
OutputArray t_cam2gripper,
HandEyeCalibrationMethod method = CALIB_HAND_EYE_TSAI
This API computes Robot-World/Hand-Eye calibration:
cv::calibrateRobotWorldHandEye ( InputArrayOfArrays R_world2cam,
InputArrayOfArrays t_world2cam,
InputArrayOfArrays R_base2gripper,
InputArrayOfArrays t_base2gripper,
OutputArray R_base2world,
OutputArray t_base2world,
OutputArray R_gripper2cam,
OutputArray t_gripper2cam,
RobotWorldHandEyeCalibrationMethod method = CALIB_ROBOT_WORLD_HAND_EYE_SHAH