Scaphandre in an open source software capable to estimate the energy consumed by your machine and attribute this consumption to the running processes.
Scaphandre public repository:
Scaphandre doc:
To quickly run scaphandre in your terminal you may use docker:
docker run --privileged -v /sys/class/powercap:/sys/class/powercap -v /proc:/proc -ti hubblo/scaphandre stdout -t 15
It should write in Stdout the top 5 process consumer on your machine for 15 secondes.
expected kind of output:
Scaphandre stdout exporter
Sending ⚡ metrics
Measurement step is: 2s
Host: 0 W
package core dram
Top 5 consumers:
Power PID Exe
No processes found yet or filter returns no value.
Host: 2.563512 W
package core dram
Socket0 2.563512 W | 0.807113 W 0.527853 W
Top 5 consumers:
Power PID Exe
0.445828 W 641 "nv_queue"
0.111457 W 398 "systemd-journal"
0.111457 W 639 "irq/131-nvidia"
0.111457 W 649 "dbus-daemon"
0 W 1 "systemd"
The exporter used stdout is quite basic. other exporters exists, have a look at the documentation (json, prometheus, etc...)
docker run --privileged -v /sys/class/powercap:/sys/class/powercap -v /proc:/proc -p 8080:8080 -ti hubblo/scaphandre prometheus
when the container is deployed, check the metrics endpoint:
curl -s http://localhost:8080/metrics
You can have a look at the documentation page about how to Run a complete stack with docker-compose
Start by going to the scaphandre folder of this repository and run docker-compose:
cd scaphandre
docker-compose up
Grafana will be available at http://localhost:3000, the default username is admin
and the password is secret
Create a dashboard to look at the consumption of your browser. The interesting metrics is named
Create a dashboard to look at the sum of the power domain power consumption and the host host consumption. Is there a difference ?