When developing our website, I prefer to work via SFTP mode; the database and server are still hosted remotely, but the code is edited locally and certain front-end assets are loaded on the client, allowing for faster loading and automatic reloads.
git clone https://github.com/bettergov/bettergov.org.git
source .bashrc
# In a separate terminal, configure SFTP mode.
make sftp
Read Pantheon's docs on Developing on Pantheon Directly with SFTP Mode
Make sure your Pantheon environment is set to SFTP mode:
terminus connection:set better-government-association.<PANTHEON_ENV> sftp
Install the SFTP extension for Visual Studio Code.
Configure the SFTP connection by creating
"name": "code",
"context": ".",
"protocol": "sftp",
"host": "appserver.dev.67695a44-d32a-443d-a212-a28ddfbee02b.drush.in",
"port": 2222,
"username": "dev.67695a44-d32a-443d-a212-a28ddfbee02b",
"privateKeyPath": "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
"remotePath": "./code/",
"uploadOnSave": false,
"ignoreFile": ".gitignore",
"watcher": {
"files": "sites/all/**/*",
"autoUpload": true,
"autoDelete": true
- Create a git hook
to updatesftp.json
whenever we check out a new git branch.
{% code-tabs %} {% code-tabs-item title=".git/hooks/post-checkout" %}
set -e
# printf '\npost-checkout hook\n\n'
PANTHEON_ENV=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# Map master git branch to dev pantheon extension
if [ $PANTHEON_ENV == "master" ]; then
[[ $checkoutType == 1 ]] && checkoutType='branch' ||
checkoutType='file' ;
# Create SFTP config
cat >./.vscode/sftp.json <<EOF
"name": "code",
"context": ".",
"protocol": "sftp",
"host": "appserver.$PANTHEON_ENV.67695a44-d32a-443d-a212-a28ddfbee02b.drush.in",
"port": 2222,
"username": "$PANTHEON_ENV.67695a44-d32a-443d-a212-a28ddfbee02b",
"privateKeyPath": "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
"remotePath": "./code/",
"uploadOnSave": false,
"ignoreFile": ".gitignore",
"watcher": {
"files": "sites/all/**/*",
"autoUpload": false,
"autoDelete": false
# Print Pantheon information
printf '\nOn Pantheon env '
echo \'$PANTHEON_ENV\'
printf '\n'
terminus env:info better-government-association.$PANTHEON_ENV
{% endcode-tabs-item %} {% endcode-tabs %}
- Note our BrowserSync configuration.
{% code-tabs %} {% code-tabs-item title="sites/all/themes/orbit/gulpfile.babel.js" %}
const gulp = require("gulp");
const browserSync = require("browser-sync").create();
* Basic example of compiling scss into css.
* Note browserSync.stream at the end.
const compileThemeStyle = function(done) {
* @task serve
* Launch the server via BrowserSync
export const startServer = function(done) {
// Get the current Pantheon environment from the current git branch
let PANTHEON_ENV = execSync("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", {
encoding: "utf-8"
if (PANTHEON_ENV == "master") PANTHEON_ENV = "dev";
// Change as required
proxy: `https://${PANTHEON_ENV}-better-government-association.pantheonsite.io/`,
open: false,
socket: {
// For local development only use the default Browsersync local URL.
domain: "localhost:3000"
// For external development (e.g on a mobile or tablet) use an external URL.
// You will need to update this to whatever BS tells you is the external URL when you run Gulp.
// domain: ''
// Serve local theme files at `local-theme` route...
serveStatic: [
route: "/local-theme",
dir: "."
// ... and then rewrite the remote theme filepaths to reference local files instead.
rewriteRules: [
match: /sites\/all\/themes\/orbit\//g,
fn: () => "local-theme/"
const serve = gulp.series(compileStyle, startServer);
{% endcode-tabs-item %} {% endcode-tabs %}
- Launch the development server.
cd sites/all/themes/orbit && gulp