This sample demonstrates the use of the Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication WinRT APIs to communicate with a Serial device.
This sample allows the user to configure and communicate with a Serial device. You can choose one of four scenarios:
- Connect/Disconnect using Device Selection list
- Configure the Serial device
- Communicate with the Serial device
- Register for Events on the Serial device
Connect/Disconnect using Device Selection list
When the application starts, a list of available Serial devices matching the search criterion specified by the application is displayer along with options to Connect/Disconnect to/from a selected device.
Configure the Serial device
This scenario demonstrates the use of various Get/Set property APIs in order to query for/alter Serial device properties such as Baud Rate, Stop Bits etc.
Communicate with the Serial device
This scenario demonstrates the use of Input and Output streams on the SerialDevice object in order to communicate with the Serial device.
Register for Events on the Serial device
This scenario demonstrates the use of event notification APIs provided by Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication for Pin Changed and Error Received event types.
Client: Windows 10
Server: Windows 10
- If you download the samples ZIP, be sure to unzip the entire archive, not just the folder with the sample you want to build.
- Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and select File > Open > Project/Solution.
- Starting in the folder where you unzipped the samples, go to the Samples subfolder, then the subfolder for this specific sample, then the subfolder for your preferred language (C++, C#, or JavaScript). Double-click the Visual Studio 2015 Solution (.sln) file.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+B, or select Build > Build Solution.
To run this sample after building it, press F5 (run with debugging enabled) or Ctrl+F5 (run without debugging enabled) from Visual Studio. (Or select the corresponding options from the Debug menu.)