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bambooBSC API rest/soap for get Scorecard.
curl -i -X GET ""
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:web="http://webservice.bsc.greenstep.netsteadfast.com/">
Name | description |
visionOid | Vision PK, tb_vision.OID |
startDate | measure-data start date, if frequency is 1,2,3 is required |
endDate | measure-data end date, if frequency is 1,2,3 is required |
startYearDate | measure-data start year, if frequency is 4,5,6 is required |
endYearDate | measure-data end year, if frequency is 4,5,6 is required |
dataFor | all / employee / organization |
measureDataOrganizationOid | if dataFor is organization this field is required |
measureDataEmployeeOid | if dataFor is employee this field is required |
contentFlag | if value Y , will put xml and json data result out |
Frequency | description |
1 | Day |
2 | Week |
3 | Month |
4 | Quarter |
5 | Half of year |
6 | Year |
Name | description |
htmlBodyUrl | This url will print BSC report html content |
pieChartUrl | This url will paint BSC-perspectives PIE chart |
barChartUrl | This url will paint BSC-perspectives BAR chart |
perspectivesMeterChartUrl | This url items will paint perspective Meter Chart |
objectivesMeterChartUrl | This url items will paint objective Meter Chart |
kpisMeterChartUrl | This url items will paint KPI Meter Chart |
outJsonData | This variable value is scorecard data for JSON, but query parameter contentFlag value need set Y to effective |
outXmlData | This variable value is scorecard data for XML, but query parameter contentFlag value need set Y to effective |