-Dameas is a personal wiki created by Billy Joe R. Santos inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks and Fabio Akita's YouTube channel. Its purpose is to compile all useful or non-useful knowledge I gather.
- -The name wasn't chosen by any specific reason; The author was looking to transmit the idea of "knowledge" and any greek word for it, but the outcome was unsatisfactory, so "Dameas" was an interesting greek-sounding word. Later it was found that Dameas was a sculptor that worked on the statue of Milo of Croton in Olympia.
- -The author, despite knowing how to create visually appealing and well-organised web pages, preferred to follow the strategy of first accumulating all the content, then investing time on the style.
- -Tools that could have improved the process of writing a blog were discarded for, even though they could simplify the work, all this would loose the rawness of old the internet DIY (Do It Yourself) spirit.
- -Currently the contents that have pages are:
- - Motorcyles - -