There are three ways to obtain Calour:
Install locally on Max/Linux/Windows 10 computer
This is the recommended method for long term Calour usage, as it enables full utilization of the computer resources, as well as easy upgrades. However, the installation process is more complicated (full instructions are detailed below).
Run locally using a virtualbox image
This enables easy installation, while still running locally on selected computer.
Run remotely on the mybinder server
Enables hands on trying of Calour without the need to install. However, the mybinder server is not intended for heavy duty work.
If you have windows and would like to use calour via a full point and click GUI (EZCalour), you can download a windows installer from sourceforge.
Just download the ezcalour_installer.exe and run it :)
You need to install miniconda (or anaconda) first. Go to, download the Python 3 64 bit installer and run it. You can select all the default options in the installer. And then you can follow the instruction to install from bioconda or from github repository:
For Mac/Linux users, you can skip the following manual installation steps and directly install Calour and its required dependencies with conda:
conda create -n calour python=3.6
conda activate calour
conda install -c bioconda calour
Windows Note In the windows start menu, select "anaconda prompt". You will get a command prompt.
Create a conda environment for calour:
conda create -n calour python=3.5 matplotlib numpy scipy pandas qt jupyter scikit-learn statsmodels h5py
and activate it using:
conda activate calour
Install additional dependencies
Try to run the command:
pip install biom-format
Windows Note If it fails (Error and then red colored text) on Windows, it means you need to install the Microsoft Build Tools 2015 as follows:
go to, download "Build tools 2015", and run the installer (you can select all default options).
Then retry:
pip install biom-format
Install scikit-bio and docrep dependency:
pip install scikit-bio docrep
Try to run the command to install the lastest Calour:
pip install git+
Windows Note If it fails, it probably means you don't have git commands installed. Do the following:
Get git for Windows from: and install it (use windows default console)
then close the anaconda prompt window and re-open using the Start menu -> "anaconda prompt"
activate calour pip install git+
Install the dbBact calour interface:
pip install git+
Install the phenotype-database calour interface:
(based on : Hiding in Plain Sight: Mining Bacterial Species Records for Phenotypic Trait Information - Barberán et al. 2017)
pip install git+
For metabolomics, also install the GNPS calour interface:
pip install git+
If you use calour in Jupyter Notebook, it is highly recommended to install ipywidgets:
conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets
pip install ipywidgets
If you would like to use the graphical user interface, you will need to install the GUI interface EZCalour:
pip install git+
Windows Note From the Start menu, select "anaconda prompt" to get command prompt.
To start, activate the virtual environment:
activate calour # on Windows
source activate calour # on Mac/Linux
To use calour in a jupyter notebook, you can just open a notebook and start to import and use calour.
To use the calour GUI, type and run:
If not installed, install VirtualBox on your computer. VirtualBox is availble for Windows/Mac and Linux, and can be obtainined from
Download the Calour image from Note this is a large file (~3.5Gb) so download can take some time.
Run VirtualBox, and select "open appliace" from the file menu. Choose the Calour image file downloaded in the previous step.
After running the Calour virtual machine in VirtualBox, open a new terminal window (using the desktop shortcut). To run EZCalour, type:
To run a jupyter notebook, type:
jupyter notebook
Calour example notebooks and datasets are located at:
NOTE: the root user and password for the virtual machine are both: calour
Select the notebook (*.ipynb) from the list
Select the "upload" button and upload the biom table/mapping files
Select the "new" button. Alternatively, you can select the "Generic Analysis.ipynb" notebook as a convenient starting point for analyzing microbiome data using Calour
Please visit the Calour forum for support