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Eduardo Pinho edited this page Sep 18, 2015 · 15 revisions

Developing Dicoogle Plugins

In order to integrate additional features over Dicoogle, you may create your own PluginSet. A PluginSet is a composition of plugins developed with the intent of supporting a given functionality. There are 5 particular types of plugins:

  • Storage plugins are responsible for storing and retrieving data. A basic implementation would keep files in the local file system, but Dicoogle can be extended to support remote storage with plugins of this type.
  • Indexer plugins implement index generation. A fully deployed instance of Dicoogle should have at least one DICOM indexer.
  • Query plugins provide a means of querying the indexed data. Often a query provider is coupled with a particular indexer, and are bundled together in the plugin set.
  • Jetty Service plugins support the attachment of Eclipse jetty servlets, so as to host new web services in Dicoogle.
  • Web Service plugins contain a Restlet server resource that can be attached to Dicoogle, also for hosting web services.

Graphical plugins, which are based on Java Swing components, are currently deprecated. For the Web UI plugin system, see the Dicoogle Web Core.

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