To skip all this nonsense and see it in action I've created a fiddle for you to play with.
Envelope is a simple, event driven jQuery plugin for in app messaging designed to work with popular UI frameworks as well as without.
One issue with using callbacks to show user alerts is that they are not very reuseable. Using an evented approach allows you to decouple the action of showing a message to your users with the function or callback that generates it.
url : ...,
success : function(){
$msg = $("<p>Success saving.</p>").hide();
error : function(){
Not only is this hard to maintain, but is difficult to reuse. Envelope decouples this by making the above code look like:
url : ...,
success : function(){
$.trigger('save.success') //note namespaced event
error : function(){
- jQuery 1.7 or greater
- If you are using Twitter Bootstrap's alerts you must have the boostrap stylesheet included on the page
- If you are using jQueryUI's alerts you must have the jQueryUI stylesheet included on the page
In order to use envelope, you attach it to a container and pass it options and events.
Lets take a look a a more complete example:
uiFramework : 'jqueryui', //use jQueryui
autoCloseTmeout : 5000 //autoclose after 5 seconds
name: '', //event to listen for
message: 'User saved successfully', //message to add when event is triggered
callback: function(){ //callback to be executed when the event is triggered
console.log("User saved");
autoClose: true, //tell this message to autoclose
addCloseButton: true, //add a close button to the div
type: 'success' //type of message to show
###Envelop Options
The following options are valid for envelope:
uiFramework : 'jqueryui | bootstrap | none (default)' autoCloseTimeout : milliseconds before autoClose
###Event Parameter
Events is an array of objects with the following properties, all are optional:
- name : 'string'
- message : 'string'
- type : 'error | success | info (default)'
- autoClose : true | false (default)
- addCloseButton : true | false (default)
- callback : function(){}
####add(event options)
You can add events to envelope after initialization by using the add method.
name : 'test.success',
message: 'Success saving test.',
type: 'success',
addCloseButton : true,
autoClose : true
You can remove events after initialization by using the remove method.
###Appending text when triggering an event
You can append text to an event's message that was set upon initialzation. In order to append text just pass the new text as the second parameter of the trigger()
method call. Note, a space will automatically be placed before the appended text.
$("selector").trigger("save.success","Additional text to append.");
- append additional text to the message triggered
- add a add one
- Trigger events
- show
- hide
- autoHide
- Make sure callback runs after event, use deferreds?
- Clean up lazy initialization of creating elements