A User Story is a general explanation of a feature from the user's perspective in natural/informal language (not in a technical perspective).
A user story describes in one sentence:
- the user type
- what this user wants
- and why.
The objective of crafting User stories is to be able to rely on it to plan and implement new features and design.
Amélie, the client of our system (e.g. the dentist).
Jean-Pierre, the user filling the form (e.g. the patient).
- Put yourself in Amélie and Jean-Pierre shoes and imagine the goals they would like to achieve in PrivateForm for Amélie, while filling the forms for Jean-Pierre.
- Think of what would need Amélie while using PrivateForm and what would need Jean-Pierre while/after filling the form.
- Make sure no similar user story has been written already.
- Use the following structure : As a [type of user], I want to [the goal] because [the benefit, the reason]
- Each User Story has a unique ID, in the following structure "US-XX-YY" where XX is the number of the section and YY is the number of the user story within that section
- Each User Story are consistent level 2 titles (e.g. ## US-01-01) as this will allow us to refer to them using an anchor link (automatically added by Github)
Follow the steps above when creating a group of user stories for a new feature context:
- copy the
template file in this directory - give it a unique two-digits id and short title describing a clear context (e.g.
) - indicate the status of the document for the group of US :
: unfinished group of US redaction (US doc "in progress")Proposed
: finished group of US redactionAccepted
: group of US doc reviewed and validated with @blindnet-io/engineering (therefore To Be Developed)In Development
: @blindnet-io/engineering started working on group of USReleased
: group of US released in production environment
- indicate the status of specific US :
In Development
: @blindnet-io/engineering started working on the USIntegrated
: US development merged and released in staging environmentTested
: US validated in staging environmentReleased
: US released in production environment
- (optional) add links to the draft PRs integrating this US in the codebase
- write new user stories following the good practices