This service serves as an example for real-time stream processing using Kafka Streams API.
The stream processors are used to transform data. The processors usually use operations such as map, filter, join, aggregate to process a stream. A stream processor receives one event at a time, applies its operation to it, and may produce one or more output events.
Stream processors, store processed data in an in-memory state store.
The data stored in the state store is exposed via JSON API. The admin users have access to all endpoints, and the users who own a JWT token with "analytics-products" scope have access to the products' analytics.
Read more about Kafka Streams:
The best way to run the service is with IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. Alternatively, after you build the service, you can run it with the following command:
~ java -jar services/analytics/target/analytics.jar
Optional profiles:
- elk - to enable ELK logging.
- distributed-tracing - to enable distributed tracing with Sleuth and Zipking.
- docker - used when the service is run with docker.