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Monitor your infrastructure with ease. Follow these steps to create a new monitor in Checkmate.so:
---- URL to Monitor:
Provide the complete URL of the website or service you want to monitor. - Display Name (Optional):
Assign a custom name for easier identification in your dashboard.
Select the type of checks you want to configure:
- Website Monitoring:
Uses HTTP(s) protocols to monitor your website or API endpoint.- Options: HTTPS or HTTP.
- Ping Monitoring:
Confirms the server's availability using ping responses. - Docker Monitoring (Experimental):
Monitors whether a Docker container is running.- Note: Ensure your Docker daemon is exposed.
Stay informed when incidents occur:
- Email Notifications: Receive alerts via email.
- Upcoming Features: SMS and push notifications are on the way.
- Check Frequency:
Set the frequency of checks. The default is 1 minute, but you can adjust this based on your requirements.
After completing all configurations, click the Create Monitor button at the bottom-right to activate your monitor.