Just demos, code challenges or refactoring proposals. Might be considered as a kind of portfolio 💨
Tags | |
DistanceApi | .net core c# asp.net core web api minimal api external api exe self-hosted xunit |
ClearCode | clear code c# .net |
GoogleOAuth | .net core c# asp.net core web api oauth openid google oauth asp.net mvc blazor wasm authorization authentication api key authorization authorization policy |
SeatsReservation | .net c# ef repository CQRS mediatr fluentvalidation web api external api grpc redis docker |
ProducerConsumer | .net core c# asp.net core web api minimal api background worker rabbitmq producer-consumer batch producing parallel consuming concurrency ef model first |
HyperLinkDisarmer | .net core c# background worker filesystemwatcher concurrency |
RequestsThrottling | .net core c# asp.net core web api minimal api xUnit integration test mvc testing webapplicationfactory testhost middleware limited concurrent queue slim semaphore interlocked |
NetSDRHost | .net core c# tcp udp xUnit Benchmark |