When building this library I couldn't find any documentation at all. I had to rely on existing implementations for similar tools, however they managed to get the information.
The HLTV Scorebot can be reach using Socket.IO which is a protocol on top of WebSockets. Simply put, you connect to a server and register callbacks for events on the socket. It's possible to read and write data from the socket and this is what HLTV does. I do not know where HLTV gets this data from but I read a forum post that one time a user posted about the live scoring not working and an HLTV employee responded with information that Valve/ESL denied them the data during the event.
I've found several possible ways where you can connect to the Socket.IO server.
- scorebot-lb.hltv.org:443
- scorebot-secure.hltv.org:443
- cf1-scorebot.hltv.org:443
- cf2-scorebot.hltv.org:443
- cf3-scorebot.hltv.org:443
- scorebot.hltv.org:80
No kind of authentication is needed.
I don't know anything about rate limiting, public access or any other kind of limitations. One user on the HLTV forum told people to be careful so HLTV doesn't ban the source of too many connections to the server(s).
When connecting, the user should emit an readyForMatch
event with JSON data
telling the listId
to watch.
ready_data = {"listId": 2336003}
socketio.emit("readyForMatch", json.dumps(ready_data))
There are multiple events that might be implemented to get realtime updates from a game.
The log event is the event that happens on every game update during the match. The first time after a connection the log will be a list of all events up til this point of the match. After that only one event at a time will be sent.
A player has been killed.
"flasherNick": "klebz",
"flasherSide": "TERRORIST",
"killerName": "FNS-",
"killerNick": "FNS",
"killerSide": "TERRORIST",
"victimNick": "Snakes",
"victimName": "SnakesX",
"victimSide": "CT",
"weapon": "sg556",
"headShot": true,
"eventId": 1250360633
A player has made an assists. Will reference the kill event with killEventId
This means that the assist event will come after the kill event so if you want
to present the death of a player with the kill and assist combined you must
figure out a way to group them.
"assisterName": "1voltage",
"assisterNick": "Voltage",
"assisterSide": "CT",
"victimNick": "crashies",
"victimName": "crashies",
"victimSide": "TERRORIST",
"killEventId": 1250292212
The C4 bomb has been planted.
"playerName": "ptr",
"playerNick": "ptr",
"ctPlayers": 2,
"tPlayers": 5
The C4 bomb has been defused.
"playerName": "grim--",
"playerNick": "Grim"
A new round is started.
A round is ended.
"counterTerroristScore": 0,
"terroristScore": 7,
"winner": "TERRORIST",
"winType": "Target_Bombed"
A player joins the server.
"playerName": "Lekr0",
"playerSide": "UNASSIGNED",
"playerNick": "Lekr0"
A player leaves the server.
"playerName": "Lekr0",
"playerSide": "TERRORIST",
"playerNick": "Lekr0"
The match is started.
"map": "de_dust2"
A player committed suicide.
On most (all?) of the events reporting information about a player the scoreboard will be updated. The scoreboard contains information about the current game and all players in each team, just like you can see the scoreboard in game.
"steamId": "1:1:14578668",
"dbId": 922,
"name": "Snappi",
"score": 21,
"deaths": 11,
"assists": 0,
"alive": true,
"money": 3250,
"damagePrRound": 90.9,
"hp": 100,
"primaryWeapon": "ak47",
"kevlar": true,
"helmet": true,
"nick": "Snappi",
"hasDefusekit": false,
"advancedStats": {
"kast": 14,
"entryKills": 0,
"entryDeaths": 1,
"multiKillRounds": 7,
"oneOnXWins": 0,
"flashAssists": 0
"CT": [
"steamId": "1:0:56007113",
"dbId": 12733,
"name": "xsepower",
"score": 20,
"deaths": 12,
"assists": 0,
"alive": true,
"money": 4150,
"damagePrRound": 88.8,
"hp": 100,
"primaryWeapon": "ssg08",
"kevlar": false,
"helmet": false,
"nick": "xsepower",
"hasDefusekit": true,
"advancedStats": {
"kast": 15,
"entryKills": 4,
"entryDeaths": 2,
"multiKillRounds": 5,
"oneOnXWins": 0,
"flashAssists": 1
"ctMatchHistory": {
"firstHalf": [
"type": "lost",
"roundOrdinal": 1,
"survivingPlayers": 0
"type": "Terrorists_Win",
"roundOrdinal": 15,
"survivingPlayers": 0
"secondHalf": [
"type": "lost",
"roundOrdinal": 16,
"survivingPlayers": 0
"terroristMatchHistory": {
"firstHalf": [
"type": "CTs_Win",
"roundOrdinal": 1,
"survivingPlayers": 3
"type": "lost",
"roundOrdinal": 15,
"survivingPlayers": 0
"secondHalf": [
"type": "Terrorists_Win",
"roundOrdinal": 16,
"survivingPlayers": 5
"bombPlanted": false,
"mapName": "de_mirage",
"terroristTeamName": "Heroic",
"ctTeamName": "forZe",
"currentRound": 20,
"counterTerroristScore": 8,
"terroristScore": 11,
"ctTeamId": 8135,
"tTeamId": 7175,
"frozen": false,
"live": true,
"ctTeamScore": 8,
"tTeamScore": 11,
"startingCt": 7175,
"startingT": 8135