A summary of everyday's progress! (Dec 30 - Jan 8)
I knew Bloomi would be my biggest project yet, but it became so much deeper than I ever could've thought! However, reflecting on the abundance of newfound knowledge, I wouldn't have had it any other way.
I'm sharing with you below my entire journey in developing Bloomi, broken down by the day, and a quick summary of what I've learned in my first time in Android dev.
Let's code!
- Object-Oriented Programming:
- The Java programming language and applying the principles of OOP.
- Various code exceptions and errors + how to fix/avoid them.
- Android SDK:
- Navigating and connecting activities, and passing data throughout the app.
- Developing a .xml file and tailoring it to different screen sizes.
- Layout constraints, relative positioning, etc.
- Database:
- MySQL, PHP, and the way data is stored/retrieved.
- Cloud Firestore and implementing Firebase API methods.
- Extracting, sorting and analyzing data.
- Updating and displaying information in realtime.
- Skills:
- Analyzing every detail and edge case.
- UI/UX fundamentals in mobile development.
- Motivation and planning ahead.
- When to sacrifice a smaller feature to implement a larger one.
- Strategic problem resolution, and how to (sneakily) work around "unfixable" bugs.
- Started the Bloomi project with Tabs activity
- Connected the floating action button to the Add a New Plant Activity
- Generally designed the Add a Plant page (activity_add_plant.xml)
- Began to develop the Add a Plant Activity (AddPlant.java)
- Implemented multiple button OnClick features
- Made the "watering notifications" content only visible when the user selects the feature
- Added the first implementations of the Date and Time pickers for the watering notifications (AddPlant.java)
- Re-did the constraints and finished Activity design (activity_add_plant.xml)
- Created README.md
- Added the feature to select a plant image from the user's gallery (AddPlant.java)
- Developed snackbars to indicate any actions the user must take when trying to add a plant, if any
- Added "!" to the required fields that have been left empty, and made them disappear once the user starts typing in the field
- Indicates if no Time/Date has been chosen for the watering notifications, if applicable
- Added the feature to take a photo from the phone's camera to select an image for the plant (AddPlant.java)
- Displays the image chosen as the plant's avatar
- Created and finished the second implementations of the Date and Time pickers
- Fixed bugs for the display of the notification times and dates
- Finished developing the Add a Plant activity (AddPlant.java)
- Began developing the Garden tab (fragment) of the Main Activity (MainActivity.java, Garden.java, fragment_garden.xml)
- Implemented Cardviews for each plant the user adds (Garden.java, RecyclerViewAdapter.java, garden_item.xml, fragment_garden.xml)
- Displays all Cardviews in a Recyclerview in the Garden tab
- Made each Cardview clickable, and brings up the Plant's information in a new Activity (PlantCardView.java)
- UI design for the above (activity_plant_card_view.xml)
- Gave each plant a unique ID
- Implemented the back button in PlantCardView.java
- Made tweaks on UI design
- Created a custom, rounded corner Alert Dialog to enter in a new plant measurement (PlantCardView.java)
- Added "OK" and "Cancel" buttons to the Alert Dialog
- Allows user to choose metric again (will convert into a uniform metric to use for graphs)
- Notifies user if field is left empty
- Created the Bloomi database in MySQL
- added a plant_data table, where all the data about each plant is stored
- added a users table, storing the login information for each user
- Created the log in activity page with an option to #
- email must exist
- password must match password in database
- Developed the # page
- the two passwords must match
- email must not be already used
- Linked the users table in the Bloomi database to LoginActivity.java by developing BackgroundWorker.java
- Edited the UI of activity_login.xml and activity_sign_up.xml
- Added email and password verification with the data in the bloomi database
- let me pat myself on the back for this one... I had a simple error that went completely unnoticed by both the system and myself :') spent 2 hours debugging only to realize I had to move 2 lines of code :')
- Had to re-get the user's input into the username and password EditTexts once the log in button was clicked!! Lesson well learned...
- Switch from MySQL to Firebase!
- Implemented Firebase Authorizations with the # and Login activities
- #:
- email must not be already used
- email must be correctly formatted
- passwords must match
- password must be >6 characters in length
- Login:
- credentials must be correct
- #:
- if # authorizations fail, app alerts user where the error was, and the alert disappears when the field is correctly formatted again
- Once user adds a plant, all its data is entered into the Firebase storage as a new document
- plant image is compressed from a Bitmap to a JPG
- plant image is uploaded to the Firebase Storage
- image path in storage is added with the plant data
- Bug after bug after bug today :'')))
- everything actually works!!!!!
- On successful Add Plant, snackbar is displayed for 1.5s before going back to Garden
- User is now kept logged in once they log in once
- Added a Splash Screen for the app
- Activated on launch
- Determines if the user needs to log in or if the user is already signed in
- Moves user to appropriate page
- Created settings menu
- user will be able to change email, password, and log out
- user will be able to toggle notifications
- user will be able to send feedback / bug reports
- user will be able to learn more about the app
- Inflated the menu option to be ON THE SAME actionbar as the app title!!
- In the settings menu:
- Displays current user's email under Change Email.
- Updates when user changes email!
- developed the change email dialog
- displays appropriate error messages to the user
- Implemented change password feature
- tests for correct old password
- new passwords must not be weak and must match
- log out
- brings user back to login
- Displays current user's email under Change Email.
- redesigned the displaying of error messages to user in
- login activity
- # activity
- removed app action bars in login and #
- user can now effectively log in, change email, change password, and log out.
- added cancel button in #
- changed database structure
- users -> [actual user] -> [all of the user's plants so it's kept in one collection] -> [plant document for each plant]
- [actual user] document created on user #
- plants subcollection created on user #, initialized with an initial plant document (empty)
- added forgot password button in login
- sends reset password email
- displays error if email cannot be sent
- displays verification if email has been sent
- when changing password, new pass cannot be old pass.
- Garden:
- for every plant in user's collection in db, add plant document as Map<String, Object> into an ArrayList
- Inflated every cardview in Garden with an item from above ArrayList
- I was so scared this wasn't ever going to work lol!
- after adding a new plant, list of plants refresh
- loads plant image onto the small cardview from database
- When any plant is clicked in garden, all of the plant's data from database is passed into the PlantCardView Activity
- image, nickname, type, other notes
- Measurements:
- when new plant is added with measurements, the plant document creates a new map: <[DATE ADDED], [MEASUREMENT] to make generating the graph more accurate
- When a new measurement is added in AddMeasurementDialog:
- PlantCardView's "last measurement" text is updated
- New measurement is added to database
- changed the app's core colors
- Implemented LinkedMap from Apache's Common Collections to store all plant measurements in order.
- Scraped LinkedMap logic since Firebase does not support
- Used Database References to sort all measurements by date!!
- Most recent comes last
- "Latest measurement" on Plant Card View corresponds to this recent measurement
- Began to populate graph with growth data. Buggy
- No longer buggy!
- Graph:
- X-Axis is date measurement was added
- Y-Axis is height in metric the user chooses
- Graph updates when activity refreshes
- newest measurement is the rightmost data
- X-Axis is sorted from oldest->most recent
- Redesigned Add Plant activity to look like Plant Card View
- Each plant has one type of metric to keep graph more accurate
- Plant specific metric is displayed in Add Measurement dialog
- Java
- Classes
- Constructors, getters, setters, contexts
- Methods
- Public, private, static, return types
- Overriding
- Exceptions
- try catch, debugging strategies
- Converting from one type to another
- Parsing
- Printing to and reading log
- Interfaces
- Implementations
- Abstract methods
- Applying API's / libraries
- Imports
- Converting from bitmap to files
- Input and Output streams
- Intents
- ArrayLists, Maps
- Classes
- Android
- Manifest file, XML code
- Gradle builds
- Libraries, third-party API's
- Third party API's and libraries
- Constraint, relative, linear layouts
- Margin, padding, visibility, style, id
- CalendarViews
- CardViews
- RecyclerViews
- TextViews, EditTexts
- Buttons
- Spinners
- ImageViews, ImageButtons
- ScrollViews
- Fragments, TabViews
- Date and time formatting
- Toasts, Snackbars
- Notification builders, channels
- Date and Time picker activities
- Dialogs
- custom dialogs
- exchanging data between activity and dialog
- App themes and styles
- Starting activities through intents
- Menu (settings)
- Splashscreens, launcher activities
- Database
- Uploading and retrieving files to storage
- User authentication
- #
- log in
- password reset
- email change
- user id
- Creating, updating, reading documents
- Getting data by key
- Refreshing data