My personal configuration files that I use on Linux and Max OS X. If you want to use the vim configuration with powerline/tmux, you'll need to install the powerline fonts.
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ ./
Or directly with:
If parameter yes is supplied the script will delete existing files and directorys in your home directory that are also present in the dotfile configuration. They are declared in the MANAGED_FILES array. So if you don't want to delete them specify no parameter to the script.
$ wget -qO - | bash -s no
Add .bash_aliases
for linux in general:
echo "source ~/.bash_aliases" >> .bashrc
Or for Mac OS X
echo "source ~/.bash_aliases" >> .profile
echo "source ~/.bash_aliases" >> .bash_profile
To bootstrap a new Mac OS X box just run the deploy osx:
bash ~/dotfiles/deploy/osx
And for linux also:
bash ~/dotfiles/deploy/linux