The Saga architecture pattern provides transaction management using a sequence of local transactions.
A local transaction is the unit of work performed by a Saga participant. Every operation that is part of the Saga can be rolled back by a compensating transaction. Further, the Saga pattern guarantees that either all operations complete successfully or the corresponding compensation transactions are run to undo the work previously completed.
In the Saga pattern, a compensating transaction must be idempotent and retryable. These two principles ensure that we can manage transactions without any manual intervention.
For Choreography Saga, all steps are executed asynchronously (not sequentially).
In the event of an error, the compensation function will only be executed for the step in the saga where the error occurred.
All steps in the saga are executed in a specific order, one after the other.
If an error occurs in any step, the compensation function will be executed for all steps that have successfully executed before it.
package main
import (
type FirstStep struct {
Email string
func (f FirstStep) Name() string {
return "FirstStep"
func (f FirstStep) RetryBackoff() retry.Backoff {
return retry.WithMaxRetries(3, retry.NewFibonacci(1*time.Second))
func (f FirstStep) Forward() error {
fmt.Println("call Forward " + f.Email)
return nil
func (f FirstStep) Backward() error {
fmt.Println("call Backward")
return nil
package main
import (
type SecondStep struct {
Id string
func (f SecondStep) Name() string {
return "FirstStep"
func (f SecondStep) RetryBackoff() retry.Backoff {
return retry.WithMaxRetries(3, retry.NewFibonacci(1*time.Second))
func (f SecondStep) Forward() error {
fmt.Println("call Forward " + f.Id)
return nil
func (f SecondStep) Backward() error {
fmt.Println("call Backward")
return nil
package main
type ExampleSaga struct {
Id string
Email string
func (s *ExampleSaga) GetName() string {
return "ExampleSaga"
func (s *ExampleSaga) GetSteps() []ISagaStep {
return []ISagaStep{
&FirstStep{Email: s.Email},
&SecondStep{Id: s.Id},
func (s *ExampleSaga) onRollbackError(err error, keyStep int) {
package main
import (
func main() {
if err := Saga.ExecuteTransactional(&ExampleSaga{
Id: "Some id",
Email: "",
}); err != nil {
// or
if err := Saga.ExecuteChoreography(&ExampleSaga{
Id: "Some id",
Email: "",
}); err != nil {