OpInt Framework.
Fork the repo into your personal project and clone the project.
cd ~/projects/opint-framework/
git clone https://github.com/operationalintelligence/opint-framework
Create a new python3 virtual environment and activate it:
virtualenv -p python3 ~/environments/opint-framework
source ~/environments/opint-framework/bin/activate
Install Python dependencies:
cd ~/projects/opint-framework/opint-framework
pip install -r requirements.txt
Export settings module:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='opint_framework.conf.settings'
The following environmental variables can be set:
API_KEY: The key for Monit Grafana's API
DB_PASS: The pass for the produciton database.
For Development you can enable sqlite populating the MODE env variable:
export MODE=dev
Create DB:
python manage.py makemigrations core data_management workload_jobsbuster users api
python manage.py migrate
Populate DB with initial data: (Currently deprecated. Data should be ported to the new models.)
python manage.py loaddata initial
Navigate to the project's directory:
cd ~/projects/opint-framework
Run the django server:
python manage.py runserver
In order to fetch issues from HDFS:
python manage.py hdfs_loader_cron
For a specific date:
python manage.py hdfs_loader_cron --date=12/1/2019
In order to fetch issues from Monit-Grafana ES API:
python manage.py rucio_loader_cron