MakerDao has published instructions in GitHub for deploying your own DAI test token to a testnet. However, there were some details missing. Below are the same information with some of the missing details provided.
Please refer to
export ETH_KEYSTORE=~/keys
: Define where your keys are storedethsign import
: Enter the private key of your test account, in order to generate this account in the keystore
git clone dss
git checkout 1.0.1
(to insure you're on the version deployed on mainnet)dapp update
dapp --use solc:0.5.12 build
(to insure you're using the needed version of the compiler)export SETH_CHAIN=rinkeby
export ETH_KEYSTORE=~/keys
: Define where your keys are storeexport ETH_FROM=<address>
: Set your test accountexport ETH_RPC_URL=<RPC URL>
: Set the URL for a testnet RPC node (Infura or other)export chainid=$(seth --to-uint256 4)
: Deploying the contract requires passing the chain id, for use with the permit function. For Rinkeby, the id is 4.export ETH_GAS=2500000
to increase the gasLimit enough to deploy this contractdapp create Dai $chainid
: To deploy the contract. If successful, this will return the address of your new contract.
If you want to verify your contract on Etherscan, use the output of
hevm flatten --source-file src/dai.sol --json-file out/dapp.sol.json
and specify the content of $chainid
as the ABI formatted constructor (without the '0x')
Once deployed, you may test your contract
export DAIK=<deployed contract address>
seth call $DAIK 'wards(address)' $ETH_FROM:
Should return 1 because the adress that deployed the contract is part of wards by default.seth send $DAIK 'mint(address,uint256)' $ETH_FROM $(seth --to-uint256 $(seth --to-wei 100000000 eth))
: Will mint yourself 100,000,000 test-DAIseth --from-wei $(seth --to-dec $(seth call $DAIK 'balanceOf(address)' $ETH_FROM))
: To see your test-Dai balance