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Arduino IDE Setup

Timothy Woo edited this page Dec 15, 2018 · 25 revisions

Install Arduino IDE

If you haven't already, download and install the latest version of the Arduino IDE here.

ESP8266 Arduino Setup

If you're going to use an ESP8266 copy and paste the following URL into File -> Preferences -> Additional Board Manager URLs:

Then you can go into Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager and search for "esp8266 by ESP8266 Community" and install the package.

ESP32 Arduino Setup

If you plan on using an ESP32 with the Arduino IDE, please see this Github page which has instructions on how to install the ESP32 Arduino package on Windows or Mac.

Installing Libraries

Cellular Library

To download the Arduino library go to the main page of this Github repo and on the right hand side click "Clone or download" and "Download ZIP"

First extract the ZIP file to a convenient location (like your Desktop) then click the folder and you should see a folder called "Code"

Rename this "Code" folder to something like "Adafruit_FONA_Library" (since this is an updated version of the Adafruit FONA library) or "SIMCom_Cellular_Library" or something descriptive (Note: don't use spaces! Also, this won't be the name of the library itself. The library will be called "Adafruit FONA Library" inside the Arduino IDE because that's what it's based on).

Copy and paste this entire folder into your Arduino IDE library location, which by default is C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\Arduino\libraries. If you had previously installed the Adafruit FONA library or variants of it, please save a copy of it elsewhere and delete it first so that they don't conflict.

Temperature Sensor Library

If you want to use the temperature sensor you will also have to download the Adafruit MCP9808 Library by also clicking "Download ZIP" but this time you can extract the file directly to the Arduino libraries folder.

Adafruit MQTT Library

For the "IoT_Example" sketch you might also need the Adafruit MQTT library for MQTT with Adafruit IO

Library Functions

It's recommended that you first go through the rest of the pages in this wiki to get a good hands-on understanding of how everything works, but once you become familiar with it feel free to check out all the available library functions provided by this Arduino library.