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(WIP) Release Process Checklist

Kamil Jozwiak edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 43 revisions

Release Process Checklist

Feel free to copy this into an issue if you want to keep track of items per-milestone. Be super sure that is replaced with the version you wish to use.

Release Commands

First-time Setup

  1. git clone && cd vault-updater
  • git clone
  • npm install
  • install the heroku toolbelt , ask @mrose17 to add you
  • git remote add heroku-staged
  • git remote add heroku
  • *(optional) you can check logs : heroku logs --tail --app brave-laptop-updates-pre

Every time thereafter

  1. cd vault-updater
  • git checkout -b dev-<version>
  • cd ../release-tools
  • node bin/promotePreview.js --location ../vault-updater/data --overwrite --channel=dev --notes='Notes go here'
  • cd ../vault-updater
  • git add -u
  • git commit -m "<version>" -m "Auditors: @aekeus"
  • git push (alternatively: git push --set-upstream origin dev-<version>)
  • git push heroku-staged dev-<version>:master


  1. Log into Fastly and purge the cache

Test Staging

  1. Install a prior version of the app
  2. BRAVE_UPDATE_HOST= open -a ./
  3. Confirm SHA in about:brave matches expectations

Merge Into Master

  1. git checkout master
  2. git merge dev-<version>
  3. git push

Push To Production

  1. git push heroku

Update Notes And Broadcast

  1. Wait for confirmation that Windows live update works
  2. Wait for confirmation that Linux live update works
  3. Wait for confirmation that macOS live update works
  4. Edit the release notes title and uncheck the box to publish :
  5. Update dependency release notes as needed
  6. Notify #browser, #community, #general, #pr, #testers of the latest release with a link to the release notes
  7. Add a screenshot to the #pr channel for social broadcast

Update crash server

  1. Modify BRAVE_VERSIONS env. var. on brave-stats to include brave/electron version (at most three versions) (BRAVE_VERSIONS='1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3') We need to keep to a maximum of three versions currently.
  2. Modify NODE_MODULES_CACHE env. var. to force node_modules reload (NODE_MODULES_CACHE=false)
  3. Commit empty change for Heroku (git commit -am 'install electron symbols for 1.3.3, remove old version' --allow-empty)
  4. git push heroku master

Update Release channel wiki

  1. Update entries here as needed:

Branch Channel Maintenance

  1. Create branch channel if needed