Badgr has been developed under the auspices of the Brigade project and as such follows all of the practices and policies laid out in the main Brigade Contributor Guide. Anyone interested in contributing to Badgr should familiarize themselves with that guide first.
The remainder of this document only supplements the above with things specific to this project.
As with the main Brigade repository, running make hack-kind-up
in this
repository will utilize ctlptl and
KinD to launch a local, development-grade
Kubernetes cluster that is also connected to a local Docker registry.
⚠️ Despite Badgr existing on the fringes of the Brigade ecosystem, Badgr has no dependency on Brigade. Runningmake-hack-up
will not launch Brigade in the new cluster.
As with the main Brigade repository, running tilt up
will build and deploy
project code (Badgr, in this case) from source.