Releases: brocessing/bro-start
Releases · brocessing/bro-start
- Remove useless PHP Middleware
- Change CSS preprocessor from Stylus to SASS
- Add
livereloading ability - Better linting rules:
- use ESLint Standard Plugin to use with IDE ESLint plugins
- use Stylelint to lint CSS
- Add
to have an unified dev setup between team members
Changes in 2.0.0
Goodbye YAML and content folder
- Remove all the yaml/content layers. It was too much and didn't fit good with dynamic content generation.
- Replace all the route hierarchy by a basic pages.js file at the root of the src to handle all your routes
- This is way better if you need to generate pages/files/routes dynamically and often less verbose than the old forced "yaml into content directory" method
- Since this method has a smaller footprint, it's more convenient if you don't need static rendering at all. juste remove the layouts folder and let an empty array in
Features added
- Webpack 2 becomes the new module bundler so you can do fancy things like tree shaking and
syntax without babel. It's cool. - I've added a simple php middleware which run through the php built-in server, so OSX users you have nothing to do. It is really useful as it comes with apache to handle .htaccess files. You can easily disable it from the config/devserver.config.js file.
- postcss configuration was moved on a config file
- Deploy script is now our
Features added in 1.6.0
from a yaml file is now available in the data passed to handlebars in order to add more flexibility inbeforeHandlebarsRender()
- add projectListSync.js in the /scripts/utils to manage project list easily. Useful for building portfolios.
Features added in 1.3.0
- Static rendering from yaml files and handlebars templates
- Easy routing : by default hierarchy of your yaml files are the routes of your sites
- PostCSS + Stylus + Autoprefixer
- ES6 transpilation with babel + ES2015 presets
- Webpack dev server and hot reloading
- BrowserSync and its features (localtunnel,, ...)
- Hash from webpack is available as data in your layouts