diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8ad393a..7051e88 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
-# :shorts: Zim Styles
+# :shorts: Tomorrow Theme for Zim Desktop Wiki
-My personal style/colorscheme configuration files for Zim Desktop Wiki.
+A `style.conf` based on the [Tomorrow Theme](https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme) colorscheme with some personal tweaks.
-- [`Test_page_for_Zim_styles.txt`](Test_page_for_Zim_styles.txt): Zim page filled with contents to test styles.
-- [`style.conf.tomorrow-light`](style.conf.tomorrow-light): Zim style using the [Tomorrow (light)](https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme?tab=readme-ov-file#tomorrow) colorscheme.
-- [`style.conf.tomorrow-night`](style.conf.tomorrow-night): Zim style using the [Tomorrow Night (dark)](https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme?tab=readme-ov-file#tomorrow-night) colorscheme.
+## Screenshots
-## Tomorrow (light)
-## Tomorrow Night (dark)
diff --git a/Test_page_for_Zim_styles.txt b/Test_page_for_Zim_styles.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f5bf08b..0000000
--- a/Test_page_for_Zim_styles.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Content-Type: text/x-zim-wiki
-Wiki-Format: zim 0.6
-Creation-Date: 2022-04-16T10:56:57+02:00
-====== Heading 1 ======
-Created Saturday 16 April 2022
-===== Heading 2 =====
-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque sit. Nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae. Aliquam vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus at ultrices mi. Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer.
-==== Heading 3 ====
-Hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non. Urna molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed. Quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui. Tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas. Dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit.
-=== Heading 4 ===
-Ultricies integer quis auctor elit. Viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque. Ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel. Bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel turpis. Eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt. Purus viverra accumsan in nisl. Nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat. Vel facilisis volutpat est velit.
-== Heading 5 ==
-Gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Interdum velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies lacus. Condimentum mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor. Eleifend mi in nulla posuere sollicitudin aliquam ultrices. Nisi lacus sed viverra tellus in. Pharetra diam sit amet nisl. Eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit.
-**Heading bold**
-Tincidunt dui ut ornare lectus sit amet est placerat in. Adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique. Tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh. Sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa. Nisl nunc mi ipsum faucibus.
-//Heading italics//
-Tincidunt dui ut ornare lectus sit amet est placerat in. Adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique. Tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh. Sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa. Nisl nunc mi ipsum faucibus.
-===== Task checkboxes =====
-[ ] Open task
-[*] Completed task
-[x] Deleted tasks
-[>] Migrated task
-[<] Trans-migrated task
-===== Text formatting =====
-* Some **bold text**
-* Some //italics text//
-* Some __highlighted text__
-* Some ~~striked text~~
-* Some ''code text''
-* Some @tagged text
-* Some [[Zim Desktop Wiki|linked page]]
-* Some [[https://brunovellutini.com|linked URL]]
-===== Code formatting =====
-How a ''pre'' tag container looks like:
-# Parse arguments
-while getopts "i:o:s:d:f:x:" option; do
- case "${option}" in
- i) INPUT="${OPTARG}" ;;
- o) OUTPUT="${OPTARG}" ;;
- s) START="${OPTARG}" ;;
- d) DURATION="${OPTARG}" ;;
- f) FPS="${OPTARG}" ;;
- x) SCALE="${OPTARG}" ;;
- ?) usage ;;
- esac
-===== Object formatting =====
-==== Table ====
-| Area | Perimeter | Shape |
-| 12.3 | 3.5 | 0.3 |
-| 14.5 | 2.8 | 0.4 |
-| 13.4 | 4.2 | 0.6 |
-==== Code block ====
-{{{code: lang="sh" linenumbers="True"
-while getopts "i:o:s:d:f:x:" option; do
- case "${option}" in
- i) INPUT="${OPTARG}" ;;
- o) OUTPUT="${OPTARG}" ;;
- s) START="${OPTARG}" ;;
- d) DURATION="${OPTARG}" ;;
- f) FPS="${OPTARG}" ;;
- x) SCALE="${OPTARG}" ;;
- ?) usage ;;
- esac
diff --git a/style.conf b/style.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e08f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# General settings
+indent = 30
+tabs =
+font =
+justify =
+linespacing = 3
+wrapped-lines-linespacing = 0
+# Colorscheme
+# Colors in this style sheet are based on the Tomorrow Theme. This palette
+# provides a clean and balanced default for most desktop themes.
+# - Light theme: Tomorrow
+# - Dark theme: Tomorrow Night
+# Source: https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme
+[Tag strong]
+[Tag emphasis]
+[Tag mark]
+# For highlighted text (light yellow)
+background = #ffd028
+background[darktheme] = #b58c1d
+[Tag strike]
+# For struck-out text (gray)
+foreground = #757575
+foreground[darktheme] = #979797
+strikethrough = true
+[Tag code]
+# For in-line verbatim text (gray background)
+foreground = #4d4d4d
+background = #efefef
+foreground[darktheme] = #c7c7c7
+background[darktheme] = #3c3c3c
+family = monospace
+[Tag pre]
+# For multi-line verbatim blocks (gray background)
+foreground = #4d4d4d
+paragraph-background = #efefef
+foreground[darktheme] = #c7c7c7
+paragraph-background[darktheme] = #3c3c3c
+family = monospace
+wrap-mode = GTK_WRAP_NONE
+indent = 20
+[Tag link]
+# For external links (blue)
+foreground = #4271ae
+foreground[darktheme] = #81a2be
+[Tag page-link]
+# For internal links (blue)
+foreground = #4271ae
+foreground[darktheme] = #81a2be
+[Tag tag]
+# For zim tags (orange)
+foreground = #e5750a
+foreground[darktheme] = #de935f
+# Headings
+# The color of headings is green. Headings' sizes scale relative to font size.
+# Differences from Zim's defaults: slightly larger H1 without underline,
+# removed italics from H3, slightly larger H4, and removed H6.
+[Tag h1]
+foreground = #718c00
+foreground[darktheme] = #b5bd68
+scale = 2.0
+[Tag h2]
+foreground = #718c00
+foreground[darktheme] = #b5bd68
+scale = 1.5
+[Tag h3]
+foreground = #718c00
+foreground[darktheme] = #b5bd68
+scale = 1.3
+[Tag h4]
+foreground = #718c00
+foreground[darktheme] = #b5bd68
+scale = 1.2
+[Tag h5]
+foreground = #718c00
+foreground[darktheme] = #b5bd68
+# Task states
+# For styling the text next to the task checkboxes.
+[Tag checked-checkbox]
+# For completed tasks (green)
+foreground = #718c00
+foreground[darktheme] = #b5bd68
+strikethrough = true
+[Tag xchecked-checkbox]
+# For cancelled tasks (red)
+foreground = #c82829
+foreground[darktheme] = #cc6666
+strikethrough = true
+[Tag migrated-checkbox]
+# For migrated tasks (orange)
+foreground = #e5750a
+foreground[darktheme] = #f5871f
+[Tag transmigrated-checkbox]
+# For trans-migrated tasks (purple)
+foreground = #8959a8
+foreground[darktheme] = #b294bb
+# Task priority
+# For color-coding task priority in the tasklist. Only background and
+# foreground colors are supported (no other styling tags).
+[TaskList Prio High]
+# For high priority tasks (light red)
+background = #e84749
+background[darktheme] = #a94242
+[TaskList Prio Medium]
+# For medium priority tasks (light orange)
+background = #ff9d3e
+background[darktheme] = #b06530
+[TaskList Prio Alert]
+# For low priority tasks (light yellow)
+background = #ffd028
+background[darktheme] = #b58c1d
+[TaskList Inactive]
+# For inactive tasks (gray)
+foreground = #757575
+foreground[darktheme] = #969896
+# vim: syntax=desktop
diff --git a/style.conf.tomorrow-light b/style.conf.tomorrow-light
deleted file mode 100644
index 194ffa1..0000000
--- a/style.conf.tomorrow-light
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Colorscheme Tomorrow (light)
-# Zim style by Bruno Vellutini | brunovellutini.com
-[Tag strong]
-[Tag emphasis]
-[Tag mark]
-[Tag strike]
-[Tag code]
-[Tag pre]
-[Tag link]
-[Tag page-link]
-[Tag tag]
-[Tag h1]
-[Tag h2]
-[Tag h3]
-[Tag h4]
-[Tag h5]
-[Tag checked-checkbox]
-[Tag xchecked-checkbox]
-[Tag migrated-checkbox]
-[Tag transmigrated-checkbox]
diff --git a/style.conf.tomorrow-night b/style.conf.tomorrow-night
deleted file mode 100644
index e4cb17b..0000000
--- a/style.conf.tomorrow-night
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Colorscheme Tomorrow Night (dark)
-# Zim style by Bruno Vellutini | brunovellutini.com
-[Tag strong]
-[Tag emphasis]
-[Tag mark]
-[Tag strike]
-[Tag code]
-[Tag pre]
-[Tag link]
-[Tag page-link]
-[Tag tag]
-[Tag h1]
-[Tag h2]
-[Tag h3]
-[Tag h4]
-[Tag h5]
-[Tag checked-checkbox]
-[Tag xchecked-checkbox]
-[Tag migrated-checkbox]
-[Tag transmigrated-checkbox]
diff --git a/tomorrow-light-1.png b/tomorrow-light-1.png
deleted file mode 100644
index fe97bf6..0000000
Binary files a/tomorrow-light-1.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tomorrow-light-2.png b/tomorrow-light-2.png
deleted file mode 100644
index fa1e156..0000000
Binary files a/tomorrow-light-2.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tomorrow-night-1.png b/tomorrow-night-1.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e0b99f..0000000
Binary files a/tomorrow-night-1.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tomorrow-night-2.png b/tomorrow-night-2.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c95ce26..0000000
Binary files a/tomorrow-night-2.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/zim-tomorrow-theme.png b/zim-tomorrow-theme.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b763d15
Binary files /dev/null and b/zim-tomorrow-theme.png differ