- Run Linux on UAM workstation
- Use IntelliJ IDEA
- Get familiar with basic concept of spring application context
- Get familiar with complex JMS Java code
- Comprehensive programming and configuration model
- Dependency Injection
- Aspect-Oriented Programming (transaction management...)
- Support for JDBC, JPA, JMS
- Hello world example
ActivaMQ specific:
- ActiveMQConnectionFactory
- ActiveMQQueue
- ActiveMQTopic Spring specific:
- JmsTemplate
- SimpleMessageListenerContainer
- MessageCreator
- As a OfferService I want to publish offer on "offerTopic" topic
- message should contain "buyQueue" for retailers to response (in javax.jms.Message#setJMSReplyTo) and price (Double)
- As a OrderService I want to receive all offers from "offerTopic" topic
- As a OrderService when price in offer is below my max price then I want to send buy message (javax.jms.MapMessage) with quantity and retailerID to queue (from javax.jms.Message#getJMSReplyTo)
- As a BuyService I want to receive all buy messages from "buyQueue"
- Implement pl.edu.amu.dji.jms.lab2.wholesaler.service.OfferService#sendOffer method
- Send map message by using org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate#send(final Destination destination, final MessageCreator messageCreator) with:
- Implement org.springframework.jms.core.MessageCreator#createMessage
- Map message should contain
- Price as a javax.jms.MapMessage#setDouble (use "price" string as a key)
- OrderQueue as a javax.jms.Message#setJMSReplyTo
- Go to /context.xml
- Create pl.edu.amu.dji.jms.lab2.wholesaler.service.OfferService bean (set all properties)
- Implement pl.edu.amu.dji.jms.lab2.retailer.service.BuyService#onMessage method
- Cast message to javax.jms.MapMessage
- Get price from map message (javax.jms.MapMessage#getDouble, use "price" string as a key)
- If price is ok (maxPrice.compareTo(price)==1) send order
- Send order by using org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate#send(final Destination destination, final MessageCreator messageCreator)
- Use javax.jms.Message#getJMSReplyTo as a destination
- Implement org.springframework.jms.core.MessageCreator#createMessage
- Map message should contain
- retailerID string with getClass().getName() as a value
- quantity with some double value
- Go to /context.xml
- Create pl.edu.amu.dji.jms.lab2.retailer.service.BuyService (with buyService as a id)
- Set all properties
- Create org.springframework.jms.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer
- Set messageListener property to buyService
- Set connectionFactory property to connectionFactory
- Set destination to offerTopic
- Create pl.edu.amu.dji.jms.lab2.retailer.service.BuyService (with buyService as a id)
- Implement pl.edu.amu.dji.jms.lab2.wholesaler.service.OrderService#onMessage
- Just print quantity and retailerID
- Go to /context.xml
- Create pl.edu.amu.dji.jms.lab2.wholesaler.service.OrderService bean (with orderService as a id)
- Create org.springframework.jms.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer
- Set messageListener property to buyService
- Set connectionFactory property to connectionFactory
- Set destination to orderQueue