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Buildly Open Source RAD Core Gateway

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A gateway and service discovery system for “micro” services. A light weight Gateway that connects all of your data services, API’s and endpoints to a single easy-to-use URL. Based on the Rapid Application Development tools and processes, the Gateway is build to use our Business Logic Module services, or allow for open source or propreitary gateways to connect and auth through the core and data mesh for faster component based development.

Buildly-Core Project Goals and Vision

Project Vision

Buildly-Core is designed to be a cornerstone component for cloud-native architectures, providing a versatile gateway and service discovery system for microservices. Our vision is to simplify the integration of data services, APIs, and endpoints, offering a lightweight and easy-to-use solution that connects them all through a single, accessible URL.

Key Objectives

  • Simplified Integration: Streamline the integration of diverse data services, APIs, and endpoints into a unified gateway, making it easier for developers to work with microservices.
  • Lightweight and High Performance: Prioritize performance optimization to ensure that Buildy-Core remains lightweight and responsive even in high-traffic environments.
  • Service Discovery: Implement robust service discovery mechanisms to enable dynamic service registration and discovery for microservices within the architecture.
  • Security and Access Control: Implement security measures to protect against unauthorized access and ensure data and services are secure.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Design Buildly-Core to be flexible and scalable, accommodating future growth and evolving architectural needs.
  • Documentation and Ease of Use: Provide comprehensive documentation and resources to make it easy for developers to understand and work with Buildy-Core.
  • Community Support: Foster a supportive community where developers can collaborate, seek help, and share insights and best practices.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Docker version 19+


Build first the image:

docker compose build # --no-cache to force dependencies installation

To run the webserver (go to

docker compose up # -d for detached

User: admin Password: admin.

To run the webserver with pdb support:

docker compose run --rm --service-ports buildly

Running the tests

To run the tests without flake8:

docker compose run --entrypoint '/usr/bin/env' --rm buildly bash scripts/ --keepdb

To run the tests like if it was CI with flake8:

docker compose run --entrypoint '/usr/bin/env' --rm buildly bash scripts/ --ci

See pytest --help for more options.


The instructions in the next three subsections Configure the API authentication, Generating RSA keys, and Configuration will explain how to configure a Buildly Core instance to have it on a live system.

Configure the API authentication

All clients interact with our API using the OAuth2 protocol. In order to configure it, go to admin/oauth2_provider/application/ and add a new application there.

Generating RSA keys

For using JWT as authentication method, we need to configure public and private RSA keys.

The following commands will generate a public and private key. The private key will stay in Buildly and the public one will be supplied to microservices in order to verify the authenticity of the message:

$ openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
$ openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem


Specify each parameter using -e, --env, and --env-file flags to set simple (non-array) environment variables to docker run. For example,

$ docker run -e MYVAR1 --env MYVAR2=foo \
    --env-file ./env.list \

The following tables list the configurable parameters of buildly and their default values.

Security System

Parameter Description Default
ALLOWED_HOSTS A list of strings representing the domain names the app can serve []
CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL If True, CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST is not used and all origins are accepted False
CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST A list of origins that are authorized to make cross-site HTTP requests []
DEFAULT_ORG The first organization created in the database ``
SECRET_KEY Used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value None
SUPER_USER_PASSWORD Used to define the super user password when it's created for the first time admin in Debug mode or None
AUTO_APPROVE_USER If approval process is set to auto-approve users can automatically login without admin apprvoal False

Database Connection

Parameter Description Default
DATABASE_ENGINE The database backend to use. (postgresql, mysql, sqlite3 or oracle) ``
DATABASE_NAME The name of the database to use ``
DATABASE_USER The username to use when connecting to the database ``
DATABASE_PASSWORD The password to use when connecting to the database ``
DATABASE_HOST The host to use when connecting to the database ``
DATABASE_PORT The port to use when connecting to the database ``

Authentication System

Parameter Description Default
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS The number of seconds an access token remains valid 3600
JWT_ISSUER The name of the JWT issuer ``
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID Used in combination with OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET to create OAuth2 password grant None
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET Used in combination with OAUTH_CLIENT_ID to create OAuth2 password grant None
PASSWORD_MINIMUM_LENGTH The minimum length of passwords 6
USE_PASSWORD_MINIMUM_LENGTH_VALIDATOR Checks whether the password meets a minimum length True
USE_PASSWORD_USER_ATTRIBUTE_SIMILARITY_VALIDATOR Checks the similarity between the password and a set of attributes of the user True
USE_PASSWORD_COMMON_VALIDATOR Checks whether the password occurs in a list of common passwords True
USE_PASSWORD_NUMERIC_VALIDATOR Checks whether the password isn’t entirely numeric True
SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_REDIRECT_URL The redirect URL for GitHub Social auth None
SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URL The redirect URL for Google Social auth None
SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL Redirect the user once the auth process ended successfully None
SOCIAL_AUTH_MICROSOFT_GRAPH_REDIRECT_URL The redirect URL for Microsoft graph Social auth None

Email Server

Parameter Description Default
EMAIL_BACKEND If SMTP, enable connection to an SMTP Server ``
EMAIL_HOST The host to use for sending email server ``
EMAIL_HOST_USER The username to use when connecting to the SMTP server ``
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD The password to use when connecting to the SMTP server ``
EMAIL_PORT The port to use when connecting to the SMTP Server 587
EMAIL_USE_TLS Whether to use a TLS connection when talking to the SMTP server True
EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX Subject-line prefix for email messages sent ``
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL The email address to be set in messages' FROM ``
DEFAULT_REPLYTO_EMAIL The email address to be set in messages' REPLY TO ``

Built With

  • GitHub Actions - Recommended CI/CD
  • Travis CI


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Buildly - Initial work

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the GPL v3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.